Explain that translate Spanish
8,510 parallel translation
Uh, hold up, can you just explain that last part again?
Uh, espera, ¿ puedes simplemente explicar que la última parte de nuevo?
Explain that.
Explícame eso.
I was trying to explain that opinions differ on how to clean...
Trato de explicarte que hay varias visiones sobre limpieza de la cadena...
How are you going to explain that?
¿ Cómo explicas eso?
Explain that thought process to me.
Explícame ese proceso mental.
Explain that I don't have a job anymore, and- -
Explicarle que ya no tengo trabajo y...
I guess you can explain that to me once I land.
Supongo que podrás explicármelo cuando aterrice.
I'm not authorized to explain that to you.
No estoy autorizada a explicárselo.
You know, you never did explain that whole...
Sabes, nunca lo hiciste explicar que toda...
How do you explain that?
¿ Cómo se explica eso?
Why? Would you explain that to us?
¿ Puede explicárnoslo?
- I can explain that.
- Yo puedo explicar eso.
How would you explain that?
Cómo lo explicaría?
Well, did you explain that we're not so much worried about the dead walking away as the undead walking back in?
Bueno, ¿ no les explicaste que no estamos preocupados por los muertos que se vayan sino por los no muertos que entren?
And I can't explain that.
Y no puedo explicar eso.
Today, I'll explain that a light particle has zero mass.
Ahora veremos que la masa de esa partícula es igual a cero.
I need to explain to my husband why I've invited that landed lunatic to our soiree.
Necesito explicarle a mi marido por qué invité a ese hacendado lunático a nuestra velada.
We can't explain all that to you right now, all right?
Ahora no podemos explicarles todo, ¿ está bien?
That could easily explain the confusion.
Lo que podría explicar la confusión.
Well, that would explain a thing or two. Its enormously comfortable.
Ella le encantaría.
I mean, if he had an iron suit or a magic hammer, maybe that would explain why you keep getting your asses handed to you...
Si tuviera un traje de hierro o un martillo mágico, tal vez eso explicaría por qué sigue aporreándolos- -
That would explain all the attention outside.
Eso explicaría la atención que atrajo afuera.
Explain this to me, though - - how is it that at my wedding,
Aunque explícame esto...
Could you explain to Ms. Hanlon that the majority of cases, no matter how severe, never get to trial?
¿ Puede explicarle a la Sra. Hanlon que la mayoría de los casos, sin importar lo grave que sean, nunca llegan a juicio?
That doesn't explain how you finally did it.
Eso no explica que al fin lo haya logrado.
Even if it's true, that doesn't explain why
Incluso si es verdad, eso no explica por qué
I'm seeing things that I can't explain.
Veo cosas para las que no tengo explicación.
Well, that would explain the loss of vision
Bueno, eso explicaría la pérdida de la visión
I don't want you to think that I've asked you here to... explain what I did, or that somehow I'm not responsible for my actions.
No quiero que creas que te pedí que vinieras para... explicar lo que hice o que de alguna forma no soy responsable de mis actos.
Now how to explain to them that if you love someone, just show it.
Cómo explicarles a ellos Que si amas a alguien Simplemente demuestralo
Well, that would explain why I have three eyes and lobster hands.
Bueno, eso explicaría ¿ por qué tengo tres ojos y las manos de langosta.
That he hasn't made one slip that he's had to explain away?
¿ Que no ha tenido un pequeño desliz que explicar?
That would explain his strength.
Eso explicaría su fuerza.
That would take more time than we have to explain.
Explicarlo llevaría más tiempo del que disponemos.
That would explain the empty spots on the X-ray.
Eso explica los lugares vacíos en las radiografías.
And I thought that this might help explain how...
Y pensé que con esto comprenderían mejor...
Well, that would explain the manicure, the facial, ordering the movie, even room service, but what about housekeeping?
Bueno, eso explicaría la manicura, el tratamiento facial, el alquiler de la película, incluso el servicio de habitaciones, ¿ pero qué hay del servicio de limpieza?
I have evidence in a secure digital file that will explain everything.
Tengo pruebas en un archivo digital seguro que explicará todo.
Though that doesn't explain why he'd kill her.
Aunque eso no explica por qué la mataría.
Yes, and he can explain all of this if he was aware that we are investigating him for murder, not assault.
Sí, y él puede explicarnos esto si sabe que lo investigamos... por homicidio y no por agresión.
When he wakes up, apologize. Say that it was a big misunderstanding, explain to him how sorry you are, and escort him to his car.
Cuando se despierte, te disculpas... le dices que fue un gran malentendido... le explicas cuánto lo lamentas y le acompañas a su coche.
Piper Shaw confessed to her crimes in classic villain fashion, but she didn't explain who attacked her and Will Belmont in that abandoned building.
Piper Shaw confesó sus crímenes al clásico estilo villano, pero no explicó quién los atacó a ella y a Will Belmont en aquel edificio abandonado.
Well, if she is mind-controlled, that would explain some of her jewelry.
Bueno, si le controlan la mente, eso explicaría algunas de sus joyas.
And I am gonna track that wannabe gumshoe down and make her explain herself to me.
Y voy a encontrar a esa aspirante a detective y obligarla a dar una explicación.
I have tried to explain at great length that Millek has no desire to attack Eichmann and every desire to see him stand trial for his crimes.
Debo tratar de explicar que Millek no tiene ningún deseo de atacar a Eichmann y lo que desea es verlo en un juicio por sus crímenes.
That would explain her clumsiness and her falling.
Eso explicaría sus despistes y que se cayera a menudo.
That would explain a lot.
Eso explica mucho.
Well, that might explain why Bob and Carol thought I was so valuable to whoever's behind it all, right?
Bueno, eso podría explicar por qué Bob y Carol pensaban que era tan valioso a quien está detrás de todo esto, ¿ no?
That doesn't explain it.
Eso no lo explica todo.
Can you go explain to him that you are the addict and I am the black one?
¿ Puedes ir a explicarle que tú eres el drogadicto y yo soy el negro?
Did she talk about the new life path she'd found and that she couldn't really explain it to you because you weren't worthy?
¿ Habló sobre el nuevo camino en la vida que encontró y que realmente no podía explicártelo porque tú no eras digna?
explain that to me 36
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25