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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ E ] / Explain that to me

Explain that to me translate Spanish

956 parallel translation
Explain that to me!
I'd like you to explain that to me.
Me gustaría que me lo explicase.
You're going to have to explain that to me.
Va a tener que explicármelo.
circumstances that I cannot explain have compelled me to take this decision.
Circunstancias que no puedo explicar - me han obligado a tomar esta decisión.
Would you like to explain to me now... why you asked for the bill in the middle of the song that night?
¿ Le gustaría explicarme ahora por qué pidió entonces la cuenta a gritos en mitad de la canción?
Them will you explain to me or this jury if you can... under your solemn oath which you respect so much... how it is that these circulars are marked...
Puedes explicarme y a este jurado si puedes... bajo tu solemne juramento que respetas tanto... cómo es que estas circulares están marcados...
He tried to explain to me the quarrel between England and America and said that it might have been avoided had England been more understanding.
Él trató de explicarme el desacuerdo entre Inglaterra y Estados Unidos y dijo que habría podido evitarse si Inglaterra hubiera sido más comprensiva.
It's very important that I meet this man to explain to him what happened... although if I saw him, I wouldn't know what to say.
Es muy importante que yo vea a ese caballero para explicarle lo que me pasó... pero aunque lo viera no sabría qué decirle.
Explain that the sheriff You have to give me up...
Expliquen al sherif que tiene que darme hasta...
But how can I explain to the reporters the fact that I passed out in her bed?
¿ Pero cómo explicar a los periodistas que me quedé dormido en su cama?
You can only imagine how welcome you are when I explain to you that I sent for you because my eyes will no longer permit me to use the microscope.
Sólo se puede imaginar cómo se le dan la bienvenida cuando me explican que a usted le he enviado porque mis ojos ya no permitir a utilizar el microscopio.
Will you forgive me, my friends, if, as a penance, I explain to you what it is that I have been trying to achieve?
Me vas a perdonar, mis amigos, si, como penitencia, Explico a usted qué es lo que He estado tratando de lograr?
I'd like to hear her explain what Steve was doing that night he was out with Mrs. Grayson.
Me gustaría oírle explicar lo que hacía Steve aquella noche que salió con la Sra. Grayson.
That's just it, allow me to not explain.
Precisamente, permita que no me explique.
I'd like to have your suggestion... as to how I can explain why that money... that those ladies need to finance their ball tomorrow night... must be given to you today.
Me gustaría saber qué me sugiere para explicar por qué el dinero que esas señoras necesitan para financiar su baile de mañana hay que dárselo hoy a usted.
Oh, that reminds me. Send this check to that woman at the cottage, Mrs. Minnett. And explain why we didn't come.
Por cierto, envía este cheque a aquella mujer de la casita, y explícale por qué no podemos ir.
Now, don't ask me to explain what that means.
Y no me pidas que te lo explique.
It's very simple, darling. He wants to explain to me that he's allergic to grocers'daughters who go on the stage.
Me quiere explicar que es alérgico a las actrices hijas de tenderos.
Now, there are one or two things that I would like to explain, so will you all listen attentively?
Hay un par de cosas que me gustaría explicar. ¿ Quieren escuchar con atención?
It was only after a talk with Ruth that the idea came to me. Then it was too late to explain. So I just had to take a chance.
Fue después de echar un sermón a Ruth cuando se me ocurrió y ya era tarde para explicar nada.
Well, that's hard to explain... but if you come with me, I think I might be able to clarify it for you.
Bueno, eso es difícil de explicar... pero, si me acompaña, creo que podré aclarárselo.
I'd like to explain about that.
Me gustaría explicártelo.
Well, I'm glad of that. - But why didn't she explain? - She didn't want to hurt you.
¿ por qué no me vino ella a explicármelo?
Would Your Honour kindly explain to the jury that since the district attorney has placed me in the position of a witness I am permitted, as the defence attorney, to cross-examine myself?
¿ Sería tan amable, Señoría, de explicar al jurado que... ya que el fiscal me ha convocado como testigo... tengo derecho, como abogado defensor, a interrogarme a mí mismo?
So you refuse to explain to me by which miracle a young writer belonging to the opposition accepts, just like that, to serve the régime?
Así que rehusa explicarme que prodigio hace que un... joven escritor perteneciente a la oposición acepte, como si tal cosa, servir al régimen.
There is nothing to explain- - except that I am falling asleep.
No hay nada que explicar. Salvo que me estoy durmiendo.
That I wanted someone to explain life to me
Eso era lo que quería, que alguien me explicara de la vida.
Can you explain to me why that man was in your cabin kissing you?
¿ Puede explicarme qué hacía ese hombre besándola en su camarote?
Pistol... allow me to explain something that may be a guide to you in the future.
Pistol... Permíteme explicarte algo que puede servirte de guía en el futuro.
I'm sorry sir, but the countess has asked me to explain to you that there are strange echoes in this castle and by the time the echoes have carried you to the second floor your voice, which by itself may not be offensive...
Lo siento, señor, pero la condesa me ha pedido que le explique que en este castillo hay ecos extraños, y como los ecos han llevado al segundo piso su voz, que de por sí no puede ser ofensiva...
I'd be delighted to explain that I think you're repulsive.
Me encantaría explicarles que te encuentro repugnante.
It is necessary that you explain it to me.
Necesito que me explique esto.
Can you explain to me why Stefano couldn't marry that girl?
¿ Me sabrías explicar por qué Stefano no podría haberse casado con esa chica?
By some premonition I can't explain, I understood that God didn't want me to die without knowing something of this risk. Just enough for my sacrifice to be complete when it's time came.
Por un presentimiento inexplicable, comprendí también que Dios no quería que muriese sin conocer ese riesgo, para que mi sacrificio fuera total.
Allow me to explain. Things could be facilitated by the fact that I have a certain experience regarding these things.
Si me permite, mi experiencia en este campo podría serle útil.
It would be hard to explain that I'd given it away.
Me resultaría difícil explicar que la he regalado.
I found that... sometimes the things you believe in become more real to you... than all the things you can explain away or understand.
Me he dado cuenta... que a veces las cosas en las que uno cree se hacen más reales... que todas aquellas que pueden explicarse o comprenderse.
Perhaps that color would suits you better. You will just come along with me. I should be most happy to explain it to you.
Tal vez el color le guste, venga conmigo., Con mucho gusto se lo mostraré.
But first I should like to explain to you that... what experiences I have had in my life before... have left me... suspicious.
- Pero primero me gustaría explicarte que las experiencias que he tenido me hacen ser desconfiado.
Bob, Id like to explain about that.
Bob, me gustaría explicarte eso.
I'll explain to her that you're no slave to me... ... but my future Princess of Troy.
Le explicaré que para mí no eres una esclava sino mi futura princesa de Troya.
Remind me not to explain that to you later.
Recuérdame que no te lo cuente luego.
That's why I'd like to clear up a misunderstanding, and... explain myself candidly freely.
Por eso me gustaría disipar el malentendido, y... explicarme francamente libremente.
No, I'll never understand that, so don't try to explain it to me.
No, nunca lo entenderé, así que no trates de explicármelo.
They tried to explain to me but I'm hopeless at that sort of thing.
Ellos trataron de explicarme a mí, pero estoy desesperado.
Would you like me to call him and explain to him that you're here?
¿ Quiere que lo llame y le diga que está aquí?
You know, Lory, when I try to explain things to you and make them clear that helps me to make them clear for myself.
Mira, Lory, explicarte las cosas para dejártelas claras hace que me queden claras a mí también.
I can't explain it to you. But everybody has... something that's very important to them. With me... it's my guitar.
Cada uno tiene algo... que vale mucho para él en mi caso es mi guitarra.
If you don ´ t explain to me why, I ´ ll believe that it ´ s an excuse.
Si no me explicas por qué, creeré que es una excusa.
Would you please explain to him that I loved his dance.
Por favor, explíquele que me encantó su baile.
Now, uh, before you, uh, faint dead away i ought to explain that the name isn't really ross... and, uh, i wasn't really going to boston.
Antes de que se desmaye, puedo decirle que mi nombre no es exactamente Ross. Ni tampoco me dirigía realmente a Boston.

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