Get married translate Spanish
15,802 parallel translation
I came to England because Bilal was to get married.
Vine a Inglaterra porque Bilal estaba por casarse.
Everyone has to get married and settle down eventually.
Todos tienen que casarse y establecerse
I do not want to get married.
No quiero casarme.
We need to get married.
Tenemos que casarnos.
I mean, we get married, you guys could come with me...
Bueno, si nos casamos, vosotras podríais venir conmigo...
Get a place in the mountains and get married and you get a technology job...
Encontrar un sitio en las montañas y casarnos tú consigues un trabajo tecnológico...
Gays can get married.
Los gais se pueden casar.
Can't get married without a bouquet.
No puede casarse sin un ramo.
- What about when we get married?
- ¿ Y cuando nos casemos?
- Gary wants to get married.
Gary quiere casarse. ¿ Qué?
I thought you never wanted to get married.
Creí que no querías casarte jamás.
I'm not gonna see her get married.
Jamás la veré casarse.
And we'll dance, and we'll drink punch, and we'll fall in love, and we'll get married.
Bailaremos, beberemos ponche, nos enamoraremos, y nos casaremos.
Noorie should get married.
Noorie debe casarse
Get married today, divorced tomorrow!
Se casan hoy Y mañana se divorcian
Get married if we don't even
Cásate si no lo hacemos, incluso
I was supposed to get married.
Me iba a casar.
You need to find a young man and get married, have babies.
Tienes que encontrar un hombre joven y casarte, tener hijos.
You do want to get married?
¿ Tú quieres casarte?
Maybe we do get married.
Tal vez nos casemos.
We should get married, Sarah.
Deberíamos casarnos, Sarah.
We should get married.
Deberíamos casarnos.
We become friends, and eventually we get married.
Nos haremos amigos, y finalmente nos casaremos.
Brandy, in another life we get married, we fall in love.
Brandy, en otra vida nos casamos, estábamos enamorados.
Wait, you thought we were, like, gonna get married and then live here together with our wives and kids?
Espera, ¿ pensabas que íbamos a casarnos y que íbamos a vivir todos juntos con nuestras mujeres e hijos?
After hiding all those years, I want to get married in front of everyone, including you.
Después de esconderme todos esos años, quiero casarme en frente de todos, incluyéndote a ti.
I don't ever want to get married.
No quiero casarme nunca.
Date, get engaged, get married, have a baby.
Cita, comprometerme, casarme, tener un bebe.
Get married, then have a baby.
Casarse, luego tener un bebé.
I didn't get married, but I'm guessing you knew that?
No me casé, pero creo que eso ya lo sabías.
They were gonna get married?
Iban a casarse?
Never get married, Allen.
Nunca te cases, Allen.
He's about to get married.
Está a punto de casarse.
We don't get married.
Nosotros no casamos.
And one day, Joseph and I are gonna get married, and stu is gonna be his best man.
Y un día, Joseph y yo vamos a casarnos, y Stu va a ser su padrino.
Maybe... maybe being with Melanie is what keeps Andy safe and the universe is just making super sure this time by having them get married.
Tal vez... Tal vez estar con Melanie es lo que mantiene a salvo a Andy y el universo solo está asegurándose esta vez haciendo que se casen.
All I know is that when I do get married, you're gonna need to butt out.
Whoa, espera, espera. ¿ En realidad te une a él por ser despedido? ¿ Qué es lo que te pasa?
or that you're my moon and my sun and " if you want to get married right now,
o que Tú eres mi luna y mi sol y " si quieres casarte en este momento,
We'll just get married again.
Nos volvemos a casar y listo.
Wait, you guys, you have a week to get married.
Esperad, chicos, tenéis una semana para casaros.
We'll just get married again.
Nos volveremos a casar.
But if you do stay, you have an hour to get married, so no presh...
Pero si te quedas, tienen una hora para casarse, así que sin presiones...
Then let's get married. Whoa! Whoa!
Entonces vamos a casarnos.
Prudence, I'm here, let's get married.
Prudence, estoy aquí, hay que casarnos.
She went away to get married, but to a seven-year-old mind, having been with someone intimately, it was tantamount to desertion.
Se fue para casarse, pero a la mente de un niño de siete años, habiendo estado con alguien íntimamente, fue el equivalente al abandono.
You gonna get married, Ms. Abbott?
¿ Vas a casarte, Sra Abbott?
I mean, you'd get to see your mom again, your dad, have a great career, even get married.
Quiero decir, usted llega a ver tu mamá otra vez, tu padre, tener una gran carrera, incluso casarse.
She wants you to make her feel like she's the only one in the room worth looking at, and she wants you to recognize her for who she is,'cause let me tell you, as a married woman, I can get one of these anytime I want.
Ella te quiere que la hagas sentir como si fuera la única en la habitación que vale la pena mirar, y quiere que la reconozcas por lo que ella es, porque déjame decirte, como mujer casada, puedo conseguir uno de estos en cualquier momento que quiera.
And why don't you get in touch once the two of you have actually gotten married?
¿ Y por qué no nos ponemos en contacto cuando ustedes ya estén casados?
You get it - - the things that married couples do.
Erica, realmente tienes un toque de estilo. Su trabajo de pañuelo es impecable.
It feels like you want to move in, it feels like you want to get fucking married right off the bat.
Se siente como que desea mover en, se siente como si quieres casarte puta la derecha del palo.
married 735
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get me a beer 26
get me 126
get me some water 28
get me the hell out of here 20
get me a drink 41
get me outta here 52
get moving 231
get me out of here 531
get me down 54
get me a beer 26
get me 126
get me some water 28
get me the hell out of here 20
get me a drink 41
get me outta here 52
get moving 231
get me out of this 35
get me a 20
get me out 157
get mr 33
get me closer 16
get me the police 17
get mad 28
get my bag 18
get me a 20
get me out 157
get mr 33
get me closer 16
get me the police 17
get mad 28
get my bag 18