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Go to it translate Spanish

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I know, I know, I know it's hard not to go with your friends.
Sé que es duro no ir con tus amigas.
And this despite the fact that the meteor rain, scale, It does not go to any comparison with today.
Y pese a ello, esa lluvia de meteoritos, a escala no se compara con la de hoy.
And the soup is cooked, it is necessary to go back.
Cocino la sopa, y debo volver.
It's always seemed funny to me how a man can go from looking at a map of, I don't know, say Helmand province, to finding himself in Europe trying to persuade our friends and allies that his crazy dream is their crazy dream too.
Siempre me pareció raro cómo un hombre puede pasar de mirar un mapa de, no sé, digamos la provincia de Helmand, a encontrarse en Europa intentando persuadir a amigos y aliados de que su sueño loco es también el sueño loco de ellos.
If it's less than that, we should be fine to go via the hotel.
Si es menos, podemos ir al hotel.
All that "it takes a village" crap is only good to a certain extent, because even the best-laid plans of your life go poof in your face.
Toda esa mierda de que "la educación es cosa de todos" es bueno hasta cierto punto, porque incluso los planes mejor trazados de tu vida pueden desaparecer en tus narices.
We have... to go... pick it up.
¡ Tenemos que ir a buscarlo!
Now, will you please get it off my face so I can go back to sleep?
Ahora, ¿ podrías quitármelo de la cara, para que me pueda volver a dormir?
Thanks. Alright. It is time to go.
"Ya me voy". ¿ Me salió el acento?
It's time to go.
- "Ya me voy".
Now's the go, when it's time to go.
"¡ Me voy, compadre!" ¿ Qué tal sonó?
They meant it to go off in the coffin during the funeral.
Querían que explotara en el ataúd durante el funeral.
We just finished. No, I was gonna wrap that up and take it to go.
Iba a envolver eso y llevármelo.
If you're gonna do another one, do it now,'cause I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Si vas a hacer otro, hazlo, porque voy al baño.
I think I would prefer it if you let Chloe go to the birthday party.
Creo que preferiría que dejaras que Chloe fuera al cumpleaños.
'To ensure prosperity it is customary for the daughter-in-law...''... of the royal family to go barefoot...''... to Lord Shiva's temple is situated in a jungle...''... 30 miles from the royal fort...'
"Para asegurar la prosperidad es costumbre para la nuera..." "... de la familia real ir descalza... " "... al templo del Señor Shiva situado en una jungla... "
He said to go through with the plan as long as it doesn't destroy his house.
Dijo que siguiéramos adelante con el plan siempre y cuando no destrocemos su casa.
Go easy, and keep it very much to yourself.
Será fácil y mantenlo mucho en ti.
- I'm certain it took me to where I needed to go.
Estoy segura que me llevó a donde yo tenía que ir.
I could leave your screams to the forest and the things that go bump in it.
Podría dejarte gritando en el bosque y las cosas que hay en él.
You thought it was inappropriate to go on a motorcycle ride together and now, I'm supposed to come over to your bedroom, help you from your bed into your bathtub so you can pop some pills and loosen up?
¿ Creíste que era inapropiado dar un paseo en moto juntos? Y ahora debo ir a tu cuarto... ayudarte a pasar de la cama a la bañera... para poder tomar unas pastillas y relajarte?
It was Winston's idea, when he himself refused to go on one of the flying boats that left for Iceland at the very end.
Fue idea de Winston, cuando él mismo se negó a subir a uno de esos hidroaviones que dejó por Islandia al final.
Was it them who told you to go along to the antiques shop that day?
¿ Fueron ellos los que te dijeron que fueras a la tienda de antigüedades aquel día?
Good God, the German Army are really going to go through with it?
Dios mío, ¿ el ejército alemán realmente va a por él?
Look, if I think that a child is being physically or emotionally abused, it is my duty to go forward with that, first and foremost, to the parents.
Mira, si creo que un niño está siendo física o emocionalmente acosado, es mi deber informar, primero y sobre todo, a los padres.
- It's not gonna go to court.
- No vamos a ir a juicio.
Oh, well, we'd probably go to court, but it would just be a one-off.
Bueno, probablemente vayamos a juicio, pero sería algo excepcional.
I just didn't have the patience to go through it all last night, so...
No tuve la paciencia para hacerlo anoche, así que...
We're thinking it's time for you to go.
Creemos que es hora que se vayan.
It's not that I don't want to go outside.
No es que no quiera salir.
Come on, Rosa, it's time for us to go home.
Vamos, Rosa, es hora de irnos a casa.
It's that if I don't go, I won't really know what it's like to be alive.
Pero si no voy... no sabré realmente lo que es estar viva.
Look, it's not too late to let go of the condition.
Escucha, aún no es tarde para curarte ese trastorno.
I would tell you to go drop dead, but I'm afraid you'd take me up on it.
No te digo que ojalá te caigas muerto porque podrías aplastarme al caer.
Take the chain out of there, wind it, go over there to that sign and rip off the.
Agarra la cadena, pásala por detrás del letrero y arranca la "L".
It's the ability to have a go when the time is right.
" La habilidad de intentar en el momento adecuado.
Bruce McLaren was the first New Zealander to really get into Formula 1 and establish the fact that a Kiwi could go and do it, and actually make that breakthrough on the world stage.
Bruce McLaren fue el primer neozelandés en entrar a la Fórmula 1 y dejar claro que un kiwi podía lograrlo y ser exitoso en el escenario internacional.
Jack said, "It's difficult, but if you want to do it, go for it."
Jack dijo : "Es difícil, pero si quieres hacerlo, adelante".
The circus would go to America, or the circus would go to Mexico, or South Africa, and you would turn up at the racetrack, it'd be the same tire people, and the same fuel people, and all the other same team members, and you hadn't seen each other for three weeks.
El circo iba a Estados Unidos o a México, o a Sudáfrica, y cuando llegabas a la pista, veías a la misma gente, y a los mismos miembros de las otras escuderías a quienes no habías visto en tres semanas.
Each year it gets a little harder to keep everything as neatly and as nicely controlled as we did, you know, in previous years, because there is just that much more administration, there is that much more to go wrong.
Cada año se hacía más difícil mantener todo tan perfecto y fríamente controlado como lo hacíamos en años anteriores, porque hay mucha más administración y cosas que podían salir mal.
Although I find it difficult to go into detail as I haven't had much of a desire to leave the house in a while.
Aunque es difícil entrar en detalles... porque no he tenido mucho deseo... de salir de la casa por un tiempo.
The semi-permanent one, that's the one that keeps expanding every time we turn it on we get to go out there, and that's what lets us interact with these things, okay.
La semipermanente, que sigue expandiéndose cada vez que la encendemos, tenemos que ir ahí, y eso es lo que nos permite interactuar con estas cosas, bien.
She got a flat tire in Sherwood Forest, and she wants me to go fix it.
- Ella consiguió un neumático plano en el bosque de Sherwood, - Y ella quiere que vaya a arreglarlo.
Um, it was a wake, and I took a bottle to go.
Era un velatorio y cogí una botella al ir.
We've got to let it go for a while.
Tenemos que dejarlo por un tiempo.
You know, I got to go, uh... soak it in water and stretch it out, let it dry and all that.
Bueno, tengo que ir... a remojarla para que se estire, dejarla secar y todo eso.
And I feel like my brain was starting to go to mush because it was so easy to be the most successful porn star in the business because all I had to do was follow some really basic instructions.
Y siento como si mi cerebro, comenzará a funcionar. Porque fue muy fácil, ser la estrella porno mas éxitosa del mercado. Porque lo único que hacia era seguir reglas básicas.
I think to go so hardcore against the industry, to show that they had some things that were wrong and then address it...
Creo que ir demasiado duro contra la industría, para demostrar lo que estaba mal, y luego guiarla.
Meanwhile, they got seven cops in the audience. And when I pull out my dick and go to do it, they all, cops just came in and busted me. Took me to jail.
De pronto, entraron siete policías a la sala, justo cuando saco mi pene para tener sexo, los policias que habian entrado, me detuvieron y me llevaron a la cárcel.
It made it legal for human beings to go to a store and rent an X-rated movie legally.
Se hizo Ley, que toda persona vaya a un cine, y pueda ver una pelicula XXX en forma legal.
It's so much easier to go by a script, and you're going to work to pretend to do something, to be something, to do.
Se hace más fácil con un guión. Cuando trabajas, finges placer. Tratar, hacer.

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