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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / Have dinner with me

Have dinner with me translate Spanish

920 parallel translation
Will you have dinner with me, Mrs. Carlyle?
¿ Quiere cenar conmigo, Sra. Carlyle?
I wish you'd have dinner with me some night before I go.
Quisiera cenar con Ud. antes de irme.
How'd you like to come out and have dinner with me tonight?
¿ Quieres cenar conmigo esta noche?
Will you have dinner with me?
¿ Cenará conmigo?
- Come on, have dinner with me.
- Venga, cena conmigo.
- Have dinner with me tomorrow.
- Cena conmigo mañana. - Encantada.
Can't you come and have dinner with me tonight?
¿ Por qué no vienes a cenar conmigo esta noche?
Would you and your charming wife have dinner with me tonight?
¿ aceptarías cenar conmigo tú y tu encantadora esposa?
Unfortunately, his uncle has just arrived from Buenos Aires l'd love to ask you to have dinner with me.
Ha tenido la desgracia de recibir la visita de un tío de Buenos Aires. A mí me complacería poder invitarla a cenar a Ud. conmigo.
- Look, why don't you have dinner with me? - Well, do you mean it?
- Escuche, ¿ por qué no cena conmigo?
I rather cherished the hope that it was because you, uh, wanted to have dinner with me.
Abrigaba la esperanza de que se debiera a que, uh, quisiera ir a cenar conmigo.
If you're gonna have dinner with me we're gonna go Dutch or you'll go hungry.
Si vas a cenar conmigo, pagaremos a escote o pasarás hambre.
I hope you'll stay and have dinner with me.
Espero que me lo pueda quedar.
Unless you want to have dinner with me in jail.
A menos que quieras cenar conmigo en la cárcel.
- Will you have dinner with me tonight?
- ¿ Cenarás conmigo esta noche?
- Will you have dinner with me?
- ¿ Cenarás conmigo? - Seguro.
Why don't you have dinner with me?
¿ Por qué no cenas conmigo?
I was certain you wouldn't have dinner with me but maybe...
Qué bien que finalmente cumpliste tu promesa.
Why don't you have dinner with me tonight, and, uh, we'll discuss approaches.
¿ Por qué no cenamos esta noche para hablar de propuestas?
- Why don't you have dinner with me? - Mm-hmm.
¿ Por qué no cenamos juntos?
Well, you... you drive a hard bargain, señorita, but if you will have dinner with me...
Negocia usted bien, señorita, pero, si acepta cenar conmigo...
Maybe you'd like to have dinner with me.
¿ Le gustaría cenar conmigo?
Would you have dinner with me tomorrow night?
¿ Quieres ir a cenar conmigo mañana?
Why don't you have dinner with me tonight, and we can have these for desert?
¿ Porqué no cenamos juntos y los ponemos de postre?
Why don't you have dinner with me tonight and get to know me better?
¿ Por qué no cenamos juntos esta noche y me conoces mejor?
Craig, have dinner with me somewhere tonight.
Craig, cena conmigo esta noche.
- Have dinner with me.
- Cena conmigo.
Would you have dinner with me?
¿ Cenarás conmigo esta noche?
But we can cure that too. You'll have dinner with me.
Pero podemos curar eso también.
Will you have dinner with me?
Esta noche. ¿ Cenaría conmigo?
Have dinner with me tonight, and if after that you still feel the same way you do now... I-I promise never to see you again.
Cene conmigo esta noche, y si después de eso... aún siente lo mismo que siente ahora, le prometo que nunca la volveré a ver.
Will you have dinner with me tonight?
¿ Cenaría conmigo esta noche?
Then have dinner with me tonight-just once.
Entonces cene conmigo esta noche. Sólo una vez.
Will you have dinner with me? Alright, then.
- De acuerdo.
Why don't you have dinner with me and we'll talk about it.
Venga a cenar conmigo y lo hablaremos.
Will you have dinner with me tonight?
¿ Cenarás conmigo esta noche?
Oh, Fanny, wouldn't you and Georgie like to have dinner with me in my room tonight?
Fanny, ¿ quieres cenar en mi cuarto, con Georgie?
I'd have dinner with me.
Vendría a cenar conmigo.
Have dinner with me tonight.
Cene conmigo esta noche.
Will you have dinner with me tonight?
¿ Quiere cenar conmigo esta noche?
Mr. Kent, I was wondering if you'll have dinner with me tonight?
Sr. Kent, ¿ querría cenar conmigo esta noche?
So, tomorrow you'II go see the Jerónimos and to Torre de BeIém, and then you'II visit the zoo. And after that you'II have dinner with me at MarceIIe's house.
Entonces, mañana irá a Ios Jerónimos y a Ia Torre de BeIém, después, visitará el Parque zoológico, y al día siguiente irá a cenar conmigo a casa de MarceIIe.
Why don't you all stay and have dinner with me?
¿ Por qué no os quedáis todos a cenar conmigo?
Will you have dinner with me?
Te invito a cenar conmigo.
I'd like to have dinner with you, Professor - can you spare some bread?
- Me gustaría cenar en su casa, profesor. ¿ Podría ofrecerme un poco de pan?
Well, just to prove that I still think so, would you like to take a little drive with me and have dinner somewhere?
Para probar que aún Io creo, ¿ te gustaría salir a pasear y a cenar?
Captain Murray would have liked dinner with me tonight he does nothing more that food.
El capitán Murray hubiera preferido cenar conmigo. No le gusta nada la comida de a bordo.
You looks like the gentleman who asked me to have dinner with him... at Lyons Corner House last bank holiday. Here. I?
Oiga, se parece al caballero que me invitó a cenar en el Lyons Corner House el último festivo.
I get up, exercise, bathe, eat breakfast, study, play, have lunch, take a nap, go for a walk, practice walking with you, then have a bath, eat dinner, and, and then
Me levanto. Ejercicio. Baño.
Siletsky wants me to have dinner with him... if we don't get another idea... maybe I'll have to kill him, because only I can get to him.
Siletsky quiere cenar conmigo... si no tenemos una mejor idea... quizás deba matarlo, porque sólo yo puedo llegar a él.
So the major wants me to have dinner with him.
El mayor desea que cene con él.

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