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Haven translate Spanish

142,851 parallel translation
- I haven't seen Bash for three days.
- Hace 3 días no veo a Bash.
Well, technically, you can't really be canceled if you haven't aired.
Bueno, no las pueden cancelar si nunca salieron al aire.
I haven't counted the change yet.
Aún no conté el cambio.
No, you haven't.
No, no la viste.
I haven't made it.
Aún no la hice.
If you want the truth, Your Majesty, I haven't been happy for a very long time.
Si queréis la verdad, su Majestad, no he sido feliz en mucho tiempo.
You haven't started yet.
Aún no han empezado.
We haven't told her yet.
No le hemos dicho aún.
- But those papers haven't even been considered yet.
- Pero esos papeles no han sido siquiera considerados aún.
I haven't seen him since...
No he vuelto a verle desde...
If I were sitting here right now telling you how my husband died 20 years ago and I haven't touched a thing, and not only, but I keep this fantasy alive that he isn't dead.
Si yo estuviera sentada aquí diciéndote que mi marido murió hace 20 años y no he tocado nada, y no solo eso, sino que he mantenido la fantasía de que no está muerto.
A simple "I haven't seen her" was all I...
Un simple "no la he visto" era todo lo que...
Oliver, you haven't aged an hour.
Oliver, no has envejecido ni una hora.
I haven't seen him around for a while.
Hace bastante que no lo veo.
I'm pregnant... and I haven't been feeling right... not like... when I had Holly.
Estoy embarazada... y no me encuentro bien... no como... cuando tuve a Holly.
You haven't asked for your phone call.
No pediste hacer tu llamada.
Seeing as how I actually haven't been booked or charged, I wouldn't know who to call.
Como hasta ahora no me procesaron ni me imputaron cargos no sabría a quién llamar.
I haven't been to church in a long... long time.
Hace mucho, mucho tiempo que no voy a la iglesia.
I haven't seen this photograph in years.
Hacía años que no veía esta fotografía.
We haven't eaten anything since those peppermints at the Anxious Clown.
No hemos comido nada desde las mentas en el Payaso Ansioso.
I... I haven't seen you in my chair.
No has estado en mi consulta.
Haven't you learned anything this year?
¿ Es que no has aprendido nada este año?
This mill may be miserable, but since we got here, we haven't seen Count Olaf once.
Puede que este aserradero sea lúgubre, pero hasta ahora no vimos ni una sola vez al Conde Olaf.
Most haven't opened yet.
La mayoría aún no ha abierto.
You've been chasing it, haven't you?
Has estado persiguiéndolo, ¿ no es así?
One we haven't looked in in months?
¿ Uno que no hemos visto en meses?
You haven't told Katarina, have you?
No le ha dicho a Katarina, ¿ o sí?
We haven't announced it yet.
Todavía no la anunciamos.
I haven't got time to walk you through it.
No tengo tiempo para explicarte.
You haven't told your daughter.
No se lo ha dicho a su hija.
They haven't jumped since we lost them in London.
* * * No tengo desde su última vez en Londres.
What, are you telling me you haven't done things?
¿ Qué, me estás no lo ha hecho cosas diciendo?
I haven't done those things.
No he hecho esas cosas.
I haven't given orders through time.
No he dado órdenes a través del tiempo.
I haven't been fair to you.
No he sido justo contigo.
Oh, I haven't given up.
No me he rendido.
All right, well, if you haven't forgotten it, then what is it?
Está bien, bueno, si lo has olvidado, entonces ¿ qué pasa?
I haven't slept that deep in a long time.
No había dormido tan bien en mucho tiempo.
I haven't had breakfast.
No he desayunado.
To me, it means don't go back, so I haven't.
Para mí, significa no volver, así que no lo he hecho.
- Haven't seen her in a couple years.
- No la he visto en un par de años.
- I told you before, we haven't seen Sandy in a long time.
- Te lo dije antes, no hemos visto a Sandy desde hace mucho tiempo.
I know we haven't made it easy on you since you got back.
Sé que no ha sido fácil desde que regresaste.
Do you think that I haven't looked?
¿ Crees que no he buscado?
Major and I haven't eaten since janko, so...
Major y yo no hemos comido desde Janko, así que...
We haven't been formally introduced.
No hemos sido presentados oficialmente.
You haven't eaten all day.
No has comido en todo el día.
Haven't seen them for months.
- No los he visto en meses.
I haven't seen either of them since I was in france.
No he visto a ninguno de ellos desde que estuve en Francia.
You haven't changed.
No has cambiado.
I'm done with franz and just because I haven't told.
He terminado con Franz.

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