He's an translate Spanish
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He was what's known as an angel investor, providing seed money to tech and Internet start-ups.
Era lo que se conoce como un inversionista ángel, proporcionando semilla de dinero para tecnología e Internet de nueva creación.
He's got an axe to grind with her, but you don't.
Tiene asuntos pendientes con ella, pero usted no.
He's an expert in living undercover.
Es alguien que domina las técnicas de la clandestinidad.
He's an intelligence officer, skilled in the art of manipulation.
Es un oficial de inteligencia, adiestrado en manipulación.
And he's got a key, but also an alibi, as did the guy who was running away.
Y tiene llave, también tiene coartada, como el que huyó.
He's an agent, actually, for... animal actors?
Es un agente de... ¿ Animales actores?
It's very much like when on Columbus'ship, the fellow up on top who first spotted land, he noticed it was and he basically made an entry saying "we spotted land".
Es similar a cuando, en el barco de Colón... el sujeto en la cima que vio tierra por primera vez... notó lo que era y básicamente realizó una entrada que decía :
Nagano agrees he's not given them an easy time.
Nagano confirma que no es tarea fácil.
He's An Influential, Innovative Dancer. - Interviewer :
Es un bailarín influyente e innovador.
He's Coming Out As An Autonomous Figure, Separate From His Father, Separate From His Brothers, And Really Establishing Himself As A Solo Act.
Emergió como figura autónoma, aparte de su padre y de sus hermanos, y se estableció como artista en solitario.
And I Had An Opportunity To Listen To The Stems, Where He's Trying Different Takes.
Pude escuchar los ensayos, cuando probaba enfoques.
Hundred Thousand People In An Olympic Stadium Feel That He's Right There For Them.
100.000 personas en un estadio sintieron que estaba allí por ellos.
- He was obligated to deliver an album that was "substantially similar in quality and genre to artist's initial album."
- Es verdad. - Él fue obligado a entregar un álbum que era "sustancialmente similar en la calidad y el género con el álbum inicial de artista".
He's an informant for'em.
Es su informante.
He's an ambitious little fuck.
Es un pequeño cabrón ambicioso.
He's demanding an apology and retraction or else he'll see us in a New Zealand court.
Demanda que nos disculpemos y nos retractemos o si no, nos veremos en una corte neozelandesa.
He's getting an MRI now to determine how much.
Ahora le están haciendo una resonancia magnética para determinar el alcance.
And the sad truth is that Ryan Larson was an unhappy man whose wife was having an affair, and he took his own life It's a tragedy.
Y la triste verdad es que Ryan Larson era un hombre infeliz que su esposa tenía una aventura y él acabó con su vida, es una tragedia.
He's an associate of ours, actually.
En verdad, es un asociado nuestro.
Good morning, I have an appointment with your colleague from the office for foreigners, but he's not there.
Buenos días. Tenía una cita con su colega de la oficina para extranjeros. Pero, no hay nadie.
That's Bernie, he's an oak.
Es Bernie, es un roble.
He's an asshole.
Es un idiota.
It's an ideal match and he has a genuine affection for you.
Es un partido ideal y siente un afecto genuino por ti.
I-I get that you're protective of your grandson, but he's an adult now. Maybe I understand what he needs better than you do.
Tal vez yo entiendo lo que él necesita mejor que tú.
I've requested an in-person meeting with Detective Dunning, the department's undercover operative.
He solicitado una reunión en persona con el detective Dunning, operativo encubierto del departamento.
He's got an old family contact.
Tiene un viejo contacto de familia.
If you wreck an enemy's weapons, how will he fight?
Si destruyes las armas de un enemigo, ¿ cómo va a luchar él?
He's an only child.
Era hijo único.
Chatter said... he was planning an attack on U.S. soil.
Chatter dijo... que estaba planeando un ataque en suelo estadounidense.
Look like he's heading in an alley.
Parecerse a que se dirige en un callejón.
He's attending classes. He's an A student.
Él está asistiendo a clases.
Doug, he's- - he's an odd duck, but he's- - he's been a friend.
- Sí. Doug, es... es un bicho raro, pero él es... ha sido un amigo.
Uh, you know, I'm not real good with sobriety, but Doug, he's- - he's an old-timer.
Ya sabes, no soy muy buena con la sobriedad, pero Doug, es... es un veterano.
what time to show up, since he's an hour late?
Fantástico. ¿ Cuando lo preparaste, le dijiste a qué hora presentarse, ya que lleva una hora de retraso?
He's an odd one.
Es bastante raro.
I've been meaning to talk with you guys about this for a while, but, uh, frankly, it's not an easy conversation to have.
He querido hablarles sobre esto hace tiempo, pero sinceramente, no es fácil para mí.
He's kind of an asshole.
Es un poco capullo.
He and I have gone years without talking in the past ; it's an arrangement that works.
Él y yo hemos ido años sin hablar en el pasado ; es un arreglo que funciona.
He's an ex-con.
Él es un ex convicto.
I just know that he's developed an awareness of what's real and what's not.
Sólo sé que ha desarrollado una conciencia... de lo que es real y de lo que no lo es.
He's reacting emotionally, which is what you want when you're trying to hook an audience.
Él está reaccionando emocionalmente, Que es lo que quiere cuando usted es Tratando de enganchar a la audiencia.
If it is, then he's an el salvador native Who's lived in the states for the past few years - - Yeah, I'm sorry.
De ser así, es de El Salvador y hace unos años que vive aquí...
Yeah, he's an enforcer from up in the corona neighborhood. Organized crime has a file on this guy.
Es un ejecutor del barrio de Corona con antecedentes por crimen organizado.
He's wearing an ear piece.
Lleva un auricular.
And this man's a goldsmith he's not an architect.
Este hombre es orfebre, no arquitecto.
He's giving Albizzi's seat to an idiot.
Le da el puesto de Albizzi a un necio.
He's added an event for us.
Él nos fija una cita.
Davis is an expensive liability and he's getting old.
Davis es un lastre caro y se está haciendo viejo.
- He's an assistant in Accounting.
- Asistente en el Depto. de Contabilidad.
- He's half an hour late. - What if this isn't the place?
Debería haber estado aquí hace media hora.
He looks like an old Swede, but he's fucking dangerous.
Parece un anciano sueco pero es jodidamente peligroso.
he's an idiot 170
he's an architect 23
he's an animal 43
he's an engineer 17
he's an asshole 70
he's an actor 55
he's an angel 27
he's an alien 17
he's an ass 27
he's an old man 43
he's an architect 23
he's an animal 43
he's an engineer 17
he's an asshole 70
he's an actor 55
he's an angel 27
he's an alien 17
he's an ass 27
he's an old man 43