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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / He's an adult

He's an adult translate Spanish

202 parallel translation
He's sort of an adult delinquent.
Era una especie de delincuente adulto.
Say he is the victim of an adult's aggression.
Digamos que fuera víctima del abuso de un adulto.
An adult who claims that he's Buffalo Bill is mentally sick.
Un adulto que dice ser Buffalo Bill es un enfermo mental.
He's an adult and we're kids.
Es un adulto y nosotros somos niños.
He's a boy in a man's body, trying to be an adult, with the adolescent in him getting in the way.
Es un chico en cuerpo de hombre, trata de ser adulto pero el adolescente se interpone.
He's neither a child nor is he an adult.
Él ni es un niño, ni es un adulto.
Anyway he's an adult.
De todos modos, es un adulto.
He's got an adult face.
Tiene cara de adulto.
Because here's a dignified, intelligent man - a man of my own age... and when I call him Jimmy, then he becomes a child, and I'm an adult... because I can buy my way into the building.
Porque allí hay un hombre inteligente y digno... pero cuando le llamo Jimmy... se convierte en niño. Y yo soy adulto. Compro la entrada en mi edificio.
Doesn't it bother you that in Susan's mind everything I've done as an adult, including marrying you... Is a waste?
¿ No te preocupa pensar que en la mente de Susan todo lo que he hecho como un adulto, incluso casarme contigo... esta mal?
- Then the oldest son votes, if he's an adult.
- ¿ Y si está enfermo? - Entonces vota el hijo mayor, si es mayor de edad.
He's an adult.
Es un adulto.
" He's an adult black man now.
" Ahora es un adulto negro.
He's the guy you're gonna go down for, because with your rap sheet, I got a shot at tryin'you as an adult.
Es el tipo por el cuál vas a ir preso, porque con tus antecedentes, voy a conseguir tratarte como un adulto.
He's not an adult
No es un adulto.
At the same time, as an adult, he's irredeemable.
Al mismo tiempo, como adulto, es irredimible.
The problem is he wants to be in the middle of whatever we're doing. It's easy to forget, you know, that he's an adult.
Willie, mi hermano, mi mejor amigo.
It's easy to forget, you know, that he's an adult, And he wants to be treated like one.
Es fácil olvidar que es un adulto, y quiere ser tratado como uno.
He's just arrived with an adult Bajoran who says he's his father.
Acaba de llegar con un adulto bajorano que dice ser su padre.
He's an adult I can look up to.
Es un adulto al que puedo respetar.
He's an adult.
Es adulto.
He's... an adult child.
Es... un niño adulto.
If you heard a guy telling a girl about becoming an adult, you'd think he's an asshole!
Si oyes a un chico diciendo a una chica cómo ser un adulto, ¡ piensas que él es un gilipollas!
He's an adult ; does that make him evil?
El es un adulto. ¿ Eso lo hace malvado?
I'm sorry, but he's an adult and I'm not at your command.
Perdona, pero ya es un adulto y yo no estoy a tus órdenes.
He's aso someone who wears an adult diaper to a football game.
El viste pañal en los partidos de football
He's an adult video expert whose career spans over twenty years.
Es un experto con una trayectoria profesional de más de veinte años.
- He's having an hallucination from the fever. Like when you were three, and you ate those adult brownies I was saving for the Doobie Brothers concert.
Tiene alucinaciones por la fiebre que yo guardaba para un concierto.
Maybe, but he's the only person trying to become an adult.
Quizá, pero él es la única persona que está tratando convertirse en adulto.
Now he's an adult, free to move around.
Ahora es una un adulto, con la libertad de moverse.
He " s an adult.
Es un adulto.
He's an adult under the law, and in point of fact, you don't have that right.
Para la ley, él es un adulto y, por cierto, usted no tiene ese derecho.
Es ilegal para un adulto tener sexo con un menor.
Unfortunately, he's an adult which means you can't have him committed unless he does something dangerous.
Qué pena que sea un adulto y no puedan internarlo a menos que haga algo peligroso.
He doesn't realize he's an adult, a man.
No entiende que es un adulto, un hombre.
He's an adult now. If he even picks up someone from the street...
Si elige a cualquiera que ve por la calle no podemos hacer nada al respecto.
It's about a boy raised in Shanghai, his parents vanished, and he comes back there as an adult.
Es sobre un niño en Shangai, sus padres desaparecieron, y vuelve allí de adulto.
Plus, he's an adult now.
Además, ya es un adulto.
He's 14. Eligible to be tried as an adult.
Cumple los requisitos para ser juzgado como adulto.
So we gotta profile this kid like he's an adult.
O sea, que hay que tratar al niño como a un adulto.
- He's an adult.
- Es un adulto.
He's an adult.
Él es un adulto.
He's the perfect candidate to be taken by an adult aggressor.
Candidato a que un adulto lo secuestre.
I hate how I just took him for granted my whole life and now he's gone and it's too late for me to ever really know him, you know, like as an adult.
No le valoré en mi vida. Se ha ido y es demasiado tarde para conocerle, ahora que soy mayor.
Father Walker, in my experience, when an adult male goes missing... he's usually done something to cause it.
Padre, en mi experiencia, cuando un hombre desaparece, es por algo que lo ha motivado.
You need to remember that he's already an adult.
Y bueno hay que tener en cuenta que el perro ya es algo grandecito, ¿ no?
Look, he's an adult, all right?
Él es un adulto, ¿ verdad?
I know, but he's an adult, Clark... and people have to make their own mistakes sometimes... before they realize they've gone down the wrong path.
Lo sé, pero es un adulto, Clark y a veces la gente debe cometer sus propios errores antes de comprender que van por mal camino.
He's too afraid to call his mom, so unless an adult goes there to claim him...
Tiene mucho miedo de llamar a la mamá, si un adulto no va a buscarlo...
He's practically an adult.
Es casi un adulto.
He's an adult.
Ya es adulto.

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