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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / He's not interested

He's not interested translate Spanish

400 parallel translation
So their mindset says "He's not interested in me."
Entonces en su mente dice "Él no está interesado en mí".
He's not interested in money.
- Lo dudo. No le interesa el dinero.
As long as he's connected with this, I'm not interested.
Mientras él esté involucrado en esto, no estoy interesado.
He's not interested in the survey, and I promised him he wouldn't be bothered.
No le interesa y le he prometido que no le molestarían.
He's an army officer... and he's not interested in fishing. Other than conversationally.
Era militar y no le gusta pescar.
He's not even interested in women.
Ni siquiera le interesan las mujeres.
Since it's singing he's interested in, why not let him sing?
Ya que tanto quiere cantar, que nos cante algo.
He doesn't want to work, he's not interested.
- ¿ Le diste la oportunidad?
I know you're not interested in my work, but I just saved a woman's life.
Ya sé que no te interesa mi trabajo,... Pero he podido salvar una vida.
He's just not interested in nice girls.
No le interesan las chicas formales.
Maybe he's not interested in this because he's worried about his wife
Pero disculpa, estamos hablando, pero tal vez a él no le interese... - Está preocupado por la mujer.
So he's not interested in this property?
¿ Así que no está interesado en esta propiedad?
No. He's not interested.
No tiene hambre.
He'II not be so interested in what he's trying to do or where he's going to. Because he'II just be fishing.
No estará tan interesado en lo que tiene que hacer... ni pensando siempre en el porvenir, porque siempre será un pescador.
- He's not interested.
- No le interesan.
- He's not interested in you.
- No está interesado en ti.
He says he's not interested by the dower, but already thinks of escaping the fines.
Dice que no le interesa la dote, pero ya está pensando en que le quite las multas.
Now, of course, he's not interested in marrying a fallen woman with no home, no family, and no fortune.
Y ahora claro... A él ya no le interesaba casarse con una muchacha seducida sin hogar, sin familia, sin fortuna...
It's very easy for Mr. Burns to say he's not interested in our problems.
Es muy fácil para el Sr. Burns decir que no le interesan nuestros problemas.
He's not interested.
No está interesado.
I'm not interested in what he's done.
- No me importa qué ha hecho.
He's not interested in the money.
Sr. Frielobe, no le interesa el dinero.
It's too bad he's not interested in you.
Es una lástima que no esté interesado por ti.
No, because he's not interested in community bathing.
No, porque no le interesa bañarse con otras.
I mean, so indifferent. He's tired all the time, not interested in me at all.
Siempre está cansado, no tiene ningún interés por mí.
He's not interested.
No le interesa.
Anyway he's not interested.
No le intereso.
Go back, tell them I was not interested, I wouldn ´ t even listen. What ´ s the point?
Dígales que eso no me interesa, que no he querido saber nada.
Go back, tell them I was not interested, I wouldn't even listen. What's the point?
Dígales que eso no me interesa, que no he querido saber nada.
"We're not interested in any offer." That was what you said to this man, and now he's lying there, dead!
"No estamos interesados en ninguna oferta". Eso es lo que le dijo a este hombre, - y ahora yace ahí, muerto.
- No, he's not interested in that.
No le interesa.
Yes, that's true, I told you I'm not interested in your past, but it was because I thought you were pure like a lily!
Sí, es verdad, te he dicho que no me interesa tu pasado, pero porque te creía pura como un lirio.
He's just fine, and I'm not interested in your opinion.
A mí me parece muy bien. Y además no me interesa su opinión.
He's an old bookworm, and not interested in young women
Es un ratón de biblioteca que no se interesa por las mujeres.
And he's not interested in that.
Y no le interesa eso.
But the... the referee's not interested he's waving him on and Bomber's angry now.
Pero el árbitro no está interesado, y "bombardero" se enfurece!
Listen, I have a friend who's not only a doctor, but he's interested in outer space.
Escucha, tengo un amigo que no sólo es médico, además le interesa el espacio exterior.
- And I put LeJeune's name on it. - Theo, even if we do pick up LeJeune at the airport, he's obviously not interested in playing target anymore.
Theo, aunque pillemos a Le Jon en el aeropuerto, es evidente que ya no le interesa hacer de blanco.
Yes, you chose, but if he's not interested?
Sí, lo elegiste. ¿ Pero y si él no quiere?
I am not interested whether he's a professional or not.
Me trae sin cuidado que sea un profesional o no.
Well, not loves, maybe, but he's genuinely interested in my work.
Bueno, no le encantan, pero está verdaderamente interesado en mi trabajo.
He's not very interested.
- No está muy interesado.
Then, as now of course, diamonds were a girl's best insurance, not that our boring friend, Henri Moissan, is interested in girls, though like them, he is interested in the sparklers.
Entonces, igual que ahora, claro, los diamantes eran el mejor seguro de una muchacha, no es que nuestro aburrido amigo, Henri Moissan, estuviera interesado en las muchachas, en lugar de ello, estaba interesado en los brillantes.
He's not interested in women.
Sabes que no le gustan las mujeres.
He's not interested...
- Sí. - Pero esto no le interesará. - Sí.
Well, I asked, but he's not interested.
Pues ya se lo pedí pero no me lo quiere dar.
When I say that I'm not interested in content, it would be the same as a painter worrying about whether the apples that he's painting, whether they're sweet or sour.
Cuando digo que el contenido no me interesa, sería lo mismo que el pintor que se preocupa si las manzanas que pinta, son dulces o amargas.
He's not interested in you.
No está interesado en ti.
- He's not interested.
- No está interesado.
Yeah, well, at least you know how he feels now- - he's not interested.
Sí, bueno, por lo menos sabes cómo se siente ahora- - que no está interesado.
- Maybe he's not interested.
- A Io mejor no le gustas.

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