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He was afraid translate Spanish

1,871 parallel translation
He was afraid of him.
Le tenía miedo.
So you think Wallace killed her because... he was afraid she'd eventually lead me to the body.
Y piensas que Wallace la mató porque... Temía que me guiara hasta al cuerpo.
I guess he was afraid you'd find out the truth.
Supongo que tenía miedo de que descubriera la verdad.
Maybe because he was afraid it was you coming around the corner of that house.
Quizá porque tiene miedo que seas tú quien esté a la vuelta de su casa.
He was afraid of something or someone near the end. - Do you know anything?
En la última etapa de su vida, Cascio temía a algo o a alguien,... ¿ usted sabe algo?
He was afraid someone heard the shot.
Estaba asustado quizás alguien sintió el disparo.
You say he was afraid of needles.
Usted dice que él tenía miedo a las agujas.
At some point, he remembered that Stork was off drugs and that he was afraid of needles!
En Algún Punto, él se acordó que Stork estaba fuera de las drogas. Y que le tenía miedo a las agujas
His whole life changed because he changed from focusing on what he did not want, what he was afraid of, what he wanted to avoid, to focusing on what he did want.
Su vida entera cambió porque cambió poner su atención en lo que no quería en lo que tenía miedo, en lo que quería evitar para poner su atención en lo que SI quería
He wants you to know that he was afraid.
Quiere que sepas que tenía miedo.
Even though he had a gun. He always like he was afraid to talk.
Aunque sostenía un arma hablaba como si tuviera miedo de hacerlo.
But I've worked with a lot of amputees, and I got to say, I don't think Tony knew he was afraid.
Pero trabajé con muchos amputados, y debo decir... No creo que Tony haya sabido que sentía miedo.
He loved her so much, he was afraid that you would compare his love.
Él la amaba mucho, y temía que tú compararas ese amor.
She was afraid he might deliver it without her and she'd miss out on her good feeling.
Tenía miedo de que él pudiera entregarla sin ella y se perdería sus buenos sentimientos.
He was afraid of me.
Tenía miedo de mí.
Jason, I think I know what he was afraid we'd find
Jason, pienso que sé qué es lo que temía que descubriéramos.
because he was afraid to hear that death ringtone?
¿ Porque tenía miedo de oír el ringtone de la muerte?
But he was afraid not to.
Pero temía no hacerlo.
He was afraid he was going to get fired, so he doctored the computer records to make it look like Picard still had it.
Temía que lo echaran, arregló los registros de la computadora para que pareciera que Picard lo tenía.
He was afraid they would take him away.
Él temía que se lo llevaran.
Because he was afraid of the rebels, who come down at night from the hills.
Porque tenía miedo de los rebeldes que vinieron por la noche desde las colinas
He didn " t seem afraid when the gun was pointed at him.
No se asustó en ningún momento cuando le apuntó con el arma.
Oh, I'm afraid that this last hurricane was too much for him, and he moved up to orlando.
Me temo que el último huracán fue demasiado para él y se mudo a Orlando.
... Because they were afraid the police would prove what they most fear, that Fredro Braddock was murdered because he was a witness, and the city failed to protect him.
... porque temen que la policía pruebe lo que ellos más temen, que Fredro Braddock fue asesinado porque era testigo, y la ciudad no lo protegió.
He was going to his family celebration and i was afraid for him,
Iba a ir a una fiesta de su familia,
I was afraid ofthe trouble he might cause with his uncle.
Y me daba miedo lo que pudiera hacerle su tío.
He was always too afraid to use the drill so he just painted the hole on there.
Si... siempre tuvo miedo de usar el taladro así que pintó el agujero de la entrada. Si... siempre tuvo miedo de usar el taladro así que pintó el agujero de la entrada. Si... siempre tuvo miedo de usar el taladro así que pintó el agujero de la entrada.
- I was always afraid of death.
- Siempre le he tenido miedo a la muerte.
That's one word for it. Why was he so afraid of you?
Es una forma de decirlo, pero, ¿ por qué le tenía tanto miedo a usted?
I was afraid, sir.
Como siempre lo he hecho y siempre lo haré.
I was so afraid he was coming back.
Estaba tan asustada el iba a volver.
I was afraid he was gonna pick something gay.
Tenía miedo de que fuera a escoger algo gay.
Somebody your father pointed out to Russ when he was seven. Somebody he's still afraid of.
Cuando Russ tenía siete años, tu papá le dijo que debía tenerle miedo a este tipo.
He was too afraid to come inside.
Estaba muy asustado como para entrar.
He was only afraid that if he did go to hell, that dog would be there waiting for him.
Sólo tenía miedo de que si iba al infierno el perro estuviera esperándolo.
He was too afraid.
Tenía mucho miedo.
He didn't seem afraid when the gun was pointed at him.
No se asustó en ningún momento cuando le apuntó con el arma.
And I was afraid that he wouldn't. So I didn't say anything.
Y tenía miedo de que él no lo quisiera, así que no dije nada.
No, I was afraid. He's my brother.
No, estaba asustada.
- He was probably afraid of getting caught.
Probablemente con miedo de ser atrapado.
That sweet, hard working man- - I was afraid that he would stop taking his pills and then he would come back here with a heart attack or a stroke...
esforzado obrero... temía que podría dejar de tomar sus pastillas y que luego podría volver aquí con un infarto o una apoplejía...
Though he admittedly is afraid of horses, and the cows, and many other forms of wildlife, and of course he was born in Kennybunkport ( Maine ), he spent most of his life there his life there, he likes to put on a cowboy hat and a big belt buckle and strut around.
Aunque haya declarado tenerle miedo a los caballos, las vacas y muchas otras formas de fauna silvestre y, desde luego, ha nacido en Kennybunkport ( Maine ), ha pasado la mayoría de su tiempo allí, le gusta ponerse un sombrero de cowboy y una gran hebilla y pavonearse.
See, I've been going easy on you, holding back,'cause I was afraid you'd break a hip or something.
Mira, he estado siendo suave contigo conteniéndome, porque tenía miedo de romperte una cadera o algo así.
I was afraid he'd grow up to be you.
- Temía que creciera y fuera como tú.
But maybe Shoemaker was afraid he'd lose his painting another way.
Pero tal vez Shoemaker tenía miedo de perder la pintura de otra manera.
We were afraid the tellers would notice if he was winning all the time.
Temíamos que los cajeros se dieran cuenta si siempre ganaba.
He was just afraid of you.
Sólo te tenía miedo.
He could say the things that I was afraid to say.
Puede decir las cosas que yo tengo miedo de decir.
I was always afraid that he was gonna double-cross me.
Siempre tuve miedo de que él me fuese a traicionar.
Man, he was really afraid of you.
Cielos, vaya que te tiene miedo.
And I was afraid he might commit you-know-what-icide.
Y temia de que cometiera... Tu sabes que-icide.

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