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He was my brother translate Spanish

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How did you know he was my brother?
¿ Cómo supo que era mi hermano?
- How did you know he was my brother?
- ¿ Cómo supo que era mi hermano?
He was my brother.
Era mi hermano.
Why not talk to him? He was my brother-in-law.
Era cuñado mío.
He was my brother, too.
También fue mi hermano.
I know he was bad, sir, but he was ill, really... and he was my brother.
Sé que era malo, señor, pero estaba enfermo, de verdad y era mi hermano.
Yes, sir. He was my brother. You knew him?
Si Sr. era mi hermano Usted lo conoció.?
My brother? What was he doing there?
- Su hermano - ¿ Mi hermano?
Imagine, that since the publication of the imperial proclamation, I was only living to think that one day I could meet him and then I'd see myself faced with an obligation to arrest him... I love him as if he were my brother "
Figuraos, que desde la publicación de la proclama imperial, no vivía más que pensando que un día podría reencontrármelo y que entonces me vería en la terrible obligación de apresarlo... yo que lo quiero como a un hermano "
Sometimes, I got to feelin like he was my own brother.
A veces sentía que era mi propio hermano. Y luego que lo maten así.
My brother would rip me apart if he knew I was alone with a fella in his room.
Mi hermano me molería a palos si se entera de que he estado aquí a solas con un tío.
But there was a guy on the next plantation, even though he wasn't my brother. and that story about the boat's all true, see?
Pero hay un tipo en la plantación vecina aunque no sea mi hermano y la historia del barco es verdad.
you see my brother's name was John Ball... wife's name was, Marie.
Sabes que no he olvidado que eras el mejor amigo de mi padre. Verás, mi hermano se llamaba John ball... y su esposa, Marie.
- Dijo que mi hermano era maquinista... en el ferrocarril.
You know, Hélène, he is Jean Herbillon's brother, Jean who was with me for my last combat.
Sabes, Elena, es el hermano de Juan Herbillon que estuvo conmigo en mi último combate.
He was my only brother.
Era mi único hermano.
I shouldn't say it, as he was your father's brother, but I had many troubles with my husband.
No debería decirlo, ya que era el padre de tu hermano, pero tuve muchos problemas con él.
My brother. Who did you think he was?
- Mi hermano. ¿ Quién creía que era?
My brother was the foremost chemical engineer... in the country, and all he ever succeeded in finding was madness!
Mi hermano fue el químico más destacado del país... y lo único que logró descubrir fue la demencia.
Despite the Honolulu police and everyone else, I was convinced... that my brother had not committed suicide, but that he was murdered.
A pesar de la policía, yo estaba convencido... de que mi hermano no se suicidó, sino que lo asesinaron.
He was the son of my brother anthony.
- ¿ Lo conoció? - Era el hijo de mi hermano Anthony.
I wish my brother was here. He's missing all the fun!
Mi hermano se habría divertido.
I'll shoe him like he was my own brother.
Lo herraré como si fuera mi hermano.
That guy has been a genius at figuring out what problems would be on the exams since he was in middle school. That's what my brother told me.
Ha sido un genio al averiguar qué problemas estarían en los exámenes, ya que estuvo en secundaria.
He brought to mind that you was married to my brother.
Te recuerdo que eras la mujer de mi hermano.
My brother was supposed to too, but he didn't register.
Mi hermano se supone que también, pero no se registró.
I saw my own brother killed under a horse and he was the best jockey of them all.
Vi morir a mi propio hermano bajo un caballo y era el mejor jinete.
He was hounding her to collect a debt of my brother's.
Quería cobrar una deuda de mi hermano.
Oh, that was my brother. He assists me here.
Es mi hermano, me ayuda en el hotel.
I ran to my brother. I was just scared, that's all.
He dejado a mi hermano porque tenía miedo.
So did my brother when he was overwhelmed.
Lo mismo hizo mi hermano cuando le asaltasteis.
He was father, mother, school master to us my brother and I.
Fue a la vez padre, madre y maestro para nosotros, mi hermano y yo.
He was my half brother, really.
En realidad éramos hermanastros.
As he does every morning, his torso stretching a ridiculous sport shirt, My dear brother-in-law was doing his exercises, while my very dear sister put his breakfast on the table.
Como cada mañana, el torso ceñido en una camiseta ridícula, mi querido cuñado hacía su gimnasia mientras que mi querida hermana le servía su desayuno.
I have a statement here signed by a fisherman by the name of Jefreemy Bates, a statement that says my brother was in this house on the day he died.
Tengo la declaración de un pescador... llamado Jefreemy Bates, una declaración que afirma que mi hermano estaba aquí el día que murió.
He was like my younger brother.
Era como mi hermano menor.
- What was he saying about my brother?
- ¿ Qué decían de mi hermano?
Listen, I have to tell you. If I acted this way, it was not only to avenge my brother.
Quiero decirte que si he actuado así no ha sido sólo para vengar a mi hermano...
She was in my brother's apartment when he was shot.
Ella estaba en su apartamento cuando le dispararon.
They said my brother owed them money when he was alive.
Ellos dijeron que mi hermano les debía dinero cuando estaba vivo.
You told my brother he was expected?
¿ Dijiste a mi hermano que le esperamos?
My brother, he was killed.
Mi hermano fue asesinado.
First thing I thought of was my little brother's shoebox in which he used to keep all his possessions.
Inmediatamente pensé en la caja en la que mi hermano lo guardaba todo.
Now I have killed this fish who was my brother.
He matado a este pez que era mi hermano.
I thought my brother was exaggerating, you know how he is, but you're beautiful.
Creía que mi hermano exageraba... Ya sabes cómo es. Pero eres preciosa.
Was he close to my brother?
¿ Era íntimo de mi hermano?
¤ To sing the Rosary, my brother, who died,... ¤ he was saintly, not a rogue like me,... ¤ to sing the rosary.
# Para rezar el Rosario, mi hermano, el que se murió, # ese sí era santulario, no pícaro como yo, # para rezar el rosario.
I've listened to that Peach Boy story a hundred times before and never knew what the treasure really was. Because, my brother, you've always had it.
He escuchado esa historia del chico Durazno cientos de veces y nunca supe cual era el tesoro, porque, hermano, tu siempre lo tuviste.
Yes, my brother, when he was still boxing.
Sí, mi hermano, cuando era boxeador.
My little brother said he was coming here to free the two girls.
Mi hermano escribió que venía a liberar a las chicas.
The army thinks he was killed in action by the Germans... but I think they did it - Tex, Gideon, Scobie and your husband - because my brother wouldn't go along with their scheme to steal the gold.
- Sí, el ejército cree que lo mataron los alemanes, pero yo creo que lo hicieron Tex, Gideon, Scobie y tu marido. Me consta que mi hermano no quería tomar parte en su plan.

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