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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / Hear anything

Hear anything translate Spanish

5,213 parallel translation
Call me if you hear anything.
Llámame si oyes algo.
We've been hiding in here for ages waiting for someone to find us, and these doors are so thick, we didn't hear anything, did we?
Hemos estado aquñi escondidos siglos esperando que alguien nos encuentre, y estas puertas son tan gruesas, no oíamos nada, ¿ verdad?
No, he can't hear anything, he's... deaf.
No, él no puede oír nada, él es... sordo.
You hear anything out of him?
Se oye nada fuera de él?
I didn't hear anything.
Yo no escuché nada.
I didn't hear anything, but then again, I wouldn't.
No oí nada, sin embargo, no lo haría.
I mean, I'm looking around here, and I don't see or hear anything that doesn't make this all conjectural.
Es decir, miro todo esto y no veo ni escucho nada que no parezcan meras conjeturas.
Did you hear anything unusual in the woods last night?
¿ Has oído algo inusual en el bosque la noche anterior?
If you hear anything just let me know.
Si escuchas algo, avísame.
Can you hear anything?
Puedes oir algo?
I don't hear anything, Hay.
I don y apos ; t escuchar nada, Hay.
So Daniel didn't hear anything?
¿ Así que Daniel no escuchó nada?
I still don't hear anything.
No escucho nada.
- Let me know if you hear anything.
- Avísame si oyes algo.
Did you hear anything?
¿ Oyó usted algo?
I don't hear anything. Neither do you, right?
Y vosotros tampoco, ¿ verdad?
Did you hear anything?
¿ Has oído algo?
But I do not want to hear anything further about this young man being harassed.
Pero no quiero volver a escuchar que están acosando a este joven.
Did you hear anything in the yard last night?
¿ Tú escuchaste algo en el patio anoche?
- If you do hear anything on - Aldridge...
- Si oyes algo sobre Aldridge...
And then you get back to me as soon as you hear anything, OK?
Y me llamas tan pronto como sepas algo, ¿ entendido?
Now, if you see anything strange or hear anything strange, you call me.
Ahora, si ves o escuchas algo extraño, me llamas.
And did you yourself see or hear anything?
Si eso fue un león, estuvimos muy cerca.
Do you hear anything?
¿ Oyes algo?
- Hear anything?
- ¿ Escuchas algo?
And among all the rumors... unwillingly, of course, did you ever hear anything about my brother Elisha Amsalem or his home?
Y entre todos los rumores... Sin querer, por supuesto ¿ alguna vez ha escuchado algo sobre mi hermano Elisha Amsalem o su hogar?
I do not hear anything.
No oigo nada.
If we hear anything, we'll let you know.
Si oímos algo, te lo haremos saber.
Call us as soon as you hear anything. I will.
Llámamos tan pronto como sepas algo.
Did you hear anything else?
¿ Escuchó algo más?
I can not hear anything.
No oigo nada.
I don't wanna hear anything!
¡ No quiero oír una palabra!
I didn't hear anything.
Yo no oí nada.
And if we hear anything more about the situation, you'll be the first to know.
Y si sabemos algo más sobre la esa situación, usted será el primero en saber.
You hear anything about that?
¿ Oíste algo sobre eso?
So, you don't hear anything?
¿ No escuchas nada?
Let us know if you hear anything.
Si saben de algo, llámennos.
Hear anything?
¿ Escuchas algo?
Do you hear that voice? I don't hear anything, Alex.
What's going on? I don't hear anything.
¿ Qué está pasando?
I don't hear anything.
No oigo nada.
You didn't hear anything!
- ¡ No! No has oído nada.
Mr. Powell, I didn't hear anything.
Señor Powell, yo no he oído nada.
We don't want anything else out of this cranky-ass old man, not one cent, not one concession, you hear me?
No queremos nada más de ese viejo maldito, ni un centavo, ni una concesión. ¿ Me oíste?
I didn't see or hear him do anything.
No vi ni escuché que hiciera nada.
You hear anything from Jack or my daughter?
Se oye nada de Jack o de mi hija? No, señor.
Now, did you see anything or hear anybody?
¿ Ha visto algo o ha oído a alguien?
I did not see or hear anything!
No sé nada.
Don't say anything you don't want my Listener to hear later.
No digas nada no quieres mi oyente para escuchar más tarde.
I think the way this works is you'll only hear from me if there's anything untoward.
Creo que solo sabrán de mí si hay algo inadecuado.
He can still hear you, if you have anything you'd like to say to him.
Todavía puede oírte, si hay algo que te gustaría decirle.

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