I knew he would translate Spanish
1,017 parallel translation
I knew he would like it.
Sabía que le gustaría.
See, Ma, I knew he would.
Lo ves, Ma, lo sabía.
I knew he would.
Sé que lo hizo.
Yes, he says you're his son. I knew he would.
- Sí, dice que eres su hijo.
I knew he would, miss, And I was Waiting for him.
Sabía que lo haría Srta, y estaba esperando por él.
I knew he would drive like a madman.
Sabía que iba a conducir como un loco.
- I knew he would be, I told him so.
Sabía que iba a pasar. Se lo dije.
I knew he would come help, Father.
Sabía que nos ayudaría, padre.
I knew he would
Ya sabía yo que iría al final.
I knew he would come.
Sabía que vendría.
I knew he would do anything for me.
Sé que haría cualquier cosa por mí.
A director I knew said he would give us a chance.
Un director conocido mío nos daría una oportunidad.
Oh, he told me you'd had your little run-ins, but I knew you would when I sent you down here.
Me dijo que hubo roces, pero eso lo supe al enviarte aquí.
I have not accepted one thing, monsieur, because I knew the Lady would not like it.
No he aceptado nada, monsieur porque sabía que a la señora no le gustaría.
I knew nobody would challenge the doctor's authority when he would say : "He has been shot through the head."
Sabía que nadie desconfiaría de la autoridad del doctor cuando dijera : "Le dispararon en la cabeza."
If you knew how I've already wronged you, you would turn from me in horror.
Si supieras cuánto daño te he hecho ya, te alejarías de mí aterrorizada.
When I heard he was dead, well... Well, I knew how bad would look, that's the truth.
Luego supe de su muerte e imaginé lo que parecería.
I have had no life for two months, since i knew you would be cured.
No he vivido estos dos meses, desde que supe de tu curación.
I knew she would. That little man knew what he was talking about.
¡ Aquel hombrecillo sabía de qué hablaba!
I would if I knew where he was.
- Lo haría si supiera dónde está.
One look at him, and I knew that he would take the pennies off a dead man's eyes.
Bastaba con verle para saber que robaría a un muerto.
What would Frank think if he knew I couldn't read?
¿ Qué pensaría Frank si supiera que no sé leer?
I wonder what he would say if he knew you were meeting me here?
¿ Qué diría si supiese que estuviste aquí?
I have never been there. If I knew, señor, believe me, I would -
Nunca he estado ahí.
He never knew how I felt and how many times I wished something like this would happen to him.
Nunca supo cómo me sentía... ni cuántas veces deseé que le ocurriera algo así.
I mean... with the benefit of hindsight, it would seem he knew he had stomach cancer, and that's why...
Quiero decir... con el beneficio de la retrospectiva, parecía que sabía que tenía cáncer de estómago, y es por ello que –
And I aim to get slapped again. If I can... I knew you would.
He venido a que me abofetees otra vez, si tengo suerte.
I knew he would.
Sabía que diría que si.
I knew the day when he would come home.
Yo sabía el día que él volvería.
If you knew how I thought this would end.
Si supieras cómo he pensado que esto iba a terminar...
I knew Peter Pan would save us, and he did.
Sabía que Peter Pan nos salvaría, y él nos salvó.
I knew how lonely he would be.
Sabía que se sentiría muy solo.
He wanted me free because he knew that if I got the ring my pledge to go to my father would take precedence over the pledge I gave you here.
Me quería libre, pues sabía que cuando yo viera el anillo... mi promesa de ayudar a mi padre iría por encima del juramento que le hice.
If he knew I were here, he would kill me as he killed the Egyptian.
Si supiera que estoy aquí, me mataría.
I had to have 20 quid by this morning or the bookie said he was coming round here to get it, and I knew what that would mean if the boss found out, so I got Martin to let me stay on the lift last night.
Necesitaba 20 libras para hoy. EI corredor vendría por ellas. Sabría qué pasaría si el jefe se enteraba.
I knew he was jealous, but I never thought it would come to this.
Sabía que él era celoso, pero yo nunca pensé que llegaría a esto.
"Would you rewrite that?" Because he knew what the scene was going to be like, I knew what the scene was going to be like and the actual conversations and dialogue, he accepted completely.
"¿ Puedes reescribir eso?", porque sabía cómo iba a ser la escena, yo sabía cómo iba a ser la escena y él aceptaba completamente las conversaciones y el diálogo.
Jimmy said the same thing to me the other day, and i... pretended not to be listening, because i thought it would hurt him, i suppose... but i knew just what he meant.
Jimmy me dijo lo mismo el otro día y pretendí no escuchar porque pensé que se sentiría mal. Pero sé de qué hablaba.
I'm saying that in his condition it wouldn't have made a difference whether he knew right from wrong. He would still have shot Quill.
Digo que en su estado mental, poco importa... que distinguiera entre el bien y el mal.
I thought I knew the driving passion of his ambitions, but never did I think he would betray his own people.
Pensaba que sabía de su ambición, pero jamás imaginé que traicionaría a su propio pueblo.
Next he'll be bringing all of his friends from Paris. I knew that would happen.
La proxima traerá a sus amigos de París Sabía que esto podía pasar.
I knew right away he would die a violent death.
O'Brien siempre me lo decía. "Este Miles tendrá una muerte violenta."
I wonder what Spartacus would say... if he knew that the woman, Varinia, and her child... are slaves in my household?
Me pregunto qué diría Espartaco... si supiera que Varinia y su hijo... son esclavos en mi casa.
La he seguido vigilando porque sabía que un día las piezas... empezarían a encajar, que usted empezaría a recordar cosas.
I can go on without a grandfather, but my mother... my mother would cry so much if she knew that I've come to see you and if you're still angry with me.
Yo puedo pasarme sin abuelo, pero mi madre... mi madre lloraría mucho si supiera que he venido a verle y usted sigue enojado conmigo.
He would have you killed, if he knew I loved you. Subtitle created by, Dandysubs and cryinoutloud.
Él lo mataría, si supiese que te amo.
I knew what he'd do. He'd settle on the grass, puff his pipe and that would be it.
El se sentaría en el pasto y se pondría a fumar de su pipa.
Ah, I knew the white hope of cavendish cars... Would blab when I saw him joyriding with you in the park.
Ya sabía que la esperanza blanca de Automóviles Cavendish cantaría... cuando les he visto dando un paseo.
But I knew he loved Miho, and I knew Miho would have no objections to the match.
Sin embargo, él amaba a Miho y Miho ciertamente no ponía objeciones.
Although all my life, since I had anything, I've thrown money over the bar to buy drinks for everyone in the house or loaned money to sponges that I knew would never pay back. But of course that was in bar-rooms when I was full of whiskey.
A pesar de todo, desde que tuve algo, siempre he tirado el dinero invitando a tragos a todo el mundo en los bares o prestando dinero a esponjas que sabía que no me lo devolverían pero claro eso pasaba en las barras de los bares cuando yo estaba lleno de whisky
At that point, I knew my primary concern was not with the welfare of my patient but with the question of whether he was making any sense and how many people there were in this world to whom he would make sense.
En ese momento supe que no debía ver por el bienestar de mi paciente sino por preguntarme si tenía sentido lo que decía y por preguntarme para cuántos en este mundo tendría sentido.
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28