I mean everything translate Spanish
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When I ask a client to tell me everything about themselves, I mean everything.
Cuando le digo a un cliente que me diga todo sobre él, me refiero a todo.
I mean, just cut back on everything else.
Quiero decir, corta con todo lo demás.
Y-yeah. I mean, I guess so, though I'm pretty sure I told you everything I know.
Creo que sí, aunque estoy segura de que dije todo lo que sabía.
I mean, uh, e-everything's okay, right?
Quiero decir, todo va bien, ¿ verdad?
I mean, everything.
Quiero decir, todo.
I mean, everything was just starting to get normal.
Quiero decir, todo parecía estar normal.
I mean, he promised me everything.
Él me lo prometió todo.
- I mean, we always share everything.
Quiero decir, siempre compartimos todo.
I mean, if everything works out, I'll be touring with sleigh bells or wavves or new sleigh bells.
Digo, si todo sale bien, estaré de gira... con Sleigh Bells o Wavves o Newsleigh bells.
I mean, like, you can go on from here to be everything that you were ever meant to be.
Lo que quiero decir es que puedes seguir de aquí para ser lo que ibas a ser.
I mean, God, they're destroying everything.
Quiero decir, Dios, van a destrozarlo todo.
I mean, everything that happened with us at the ranch.
Quiero decir, todo lo que pasó entre nosotros en el rancho.
I mean, I got everything I need.
Tengo todo lo que necesito.
I mean, everything is perfect.
Quiero decir, todo fue perfecto.
- Eh. - Seriously, I mean, with everything you had to do to make this work, I don't know how you did it.
En serio, a ver, con todo lo que has sacrificado para conseguir esto, no sé cómo has podido hacerlo.
I mean, she said thank you and everything, but I don't know, she seemed kind of funny about it.
Es decir, dijo que gracias y todo eso, pero no sé, parecía un poco gracioso al respecto.
I mean, I'm gonna lose everything.
Quiero decir, estoy a perderlo todo.
I mean, I'm gonna lose everything.
Quiero decir, Voy a perder todo.
I mean, everything else feels real to me right here and there.
Me refiero a que... todo parece real para mí tanto aquí como allí.
I mean, everything surrounding his accident, and then he has this whole other bunch of files about some... Detective ed Hawkins from the Western division.
Todo lo referente a su accidente, y entonces tiene otro montón de expedientes de un... detective Ed Hawkins de la división oeste.
I mean, just everything about it sucks.
Quiero decir, todo apesta.
I mean, with the audience reaction and everything else, it's just, for our studio, it's gonna be the time that we're looking for.
Quiero decir, por la reacción del público y todo esto, es... es nuestro plató, - es la duración que buscamos. - Es genial.
I mean, you went to ranger school and you got your ranger patch and everything.
Quiero decir, fuiste a la escuela ranger y tienes el parche y todo.
I mean... I'm watching you become everything you said you never wanted to be.
Quiero decir... te estoy viendo convertirte en todo lo que dijiste que nunca querías ser.
Um, I'm going to try everything I can do to stay here... I mean not here.
Haré lo posible... para quedarme aquí... es decir no aquí.
Yeah, I mean Xander told me everything.
Sí, me refiero a que Xander me lo ha contado todo.
But you know, I mean, everything's gotta be in play.
Pero ya sabes. Quiero decir, todo tiene que decidirse.
Look, I'm your father's personal assistant, but that doesn't mean he tells me everything.
Mira, soy la asistente personal de tu padre pero eso no significa que me lo cuenta todo.
I mean, look, if we can't sacrifice everything just to make a difference, then who can?
Quiero decir, mira, si no podemos sacrificar todo solo para marcar la diferencia, entonces ¿ quién puede?
I mean... look, I'm... I'm trying to explain to you that it was really messed up, but I just don't think that everything should be blown up out of proportion over something that happened once that meant nothing.
Quiero decir... mira, estoy intentando explicarte... aquello estuvo muy mal realmente, pero no creo... que todo debiera explotar de forma desproporcionada... sobre algo que pasó una vez y que no significó nada.
It's like, I know what "mean" means, I know "mean" is, like, the average of everything, but it's like it still sounds like they're saying, like, it's Greenwich "mean" time.
Es como, sé lo que "malo" significa, sé que "malo" es, como, lo medio de todo, pero es como si todavia sonora a que dicen como, que es tiempo del meridiano de Greenwich de "maldad".
I mean, clearly they both are giving this everything they got, which makes it awesome.
Es notable que dieron lo mejor, lo que lo hace impresionante.
I mean, speed isn't everything.
Digo, la velocidad no lo es todo.
I mean, shaves his balls and everything.
Quiero decir, se afeita sus bolas y todo.
I mean, everything is riding on this.
Todo depende de esto.
Yeah, I mean, I think everything is okay.
Sí, quiero decir, creo que todo está bien.
I mean, everything here is about this one kind of boat.
A lo que me refiero es, que todo aquí es sobre este tipo de barco.
Neither do I. I mean, when I saw you with Karissa today, it took everything in my tiny body not to slap the crunchy curl out of her hair and send her back to whatever monster truck backseat she was born in.
Yo tampoco. Es decir, cuándo te vi hoy con Karissa, cogí todas las fuerzas que tengo en este pequeño cuerpo que tengo para no arrancarle esos rizos y mandarla al asiento de atrás de cualquier todoterreno en el que nació.
But with everything that we've been through, the two of us this has to be your decision. I mean, you've earned that.
Pero con todo lo que hemos pasado los dos tiene que ser tu decisión.
I mean, I survived Mona with straight a's, and now I'm like failing everything, even physics.
Sobreviví a Mona con todo sobresalientes, y ahora lo estoy suspendiendo todo, incluso educación física.
I mean, that man has put everything into his daughter's education, and you're trying to take that away.
Quiero decir, ese hombre ha puesto todo en la educación de su hija, y tú estás intentando quitarle eso.
I mean, he's so busy respecting me, you know, that he looks right past me and everything that I need from him.
Quiero decir, está tan ocupado respetándome, ya sabes, que no me ve a mí ni lo que necesito de él.
I mean, the minute I go to a doctor... everything that I have done to myself and this baby...
En cuanto vaya a un médico... todo lo que me he hecho a mí misma y a este bebé...
I mean, someone's been watching everything I do.
Me refiero a que alguien ha estado mirando todo lo que hago.
I mean, you give me everything.
Me has dado todo.
I mean, growing up, everything is a competition!
¡ Al crecer, todo es una competencia!
I mean, you're cute and everything.
O sea, tú eres muy mono y todo eso.
When I talk about the pressure I was putting it under, it was like : lack of sleep, poor diet, too much alcohol, smoking, no exercise. I mean, you know... throw everything in, I had it all.
Y yo presionaba mi cuerpo, con unas pocas horas de sueño, la mala alimentación, exceso de alcohol, cigarrillos y ninguna actividad física.
I mean you need a lot of good vegetables because they're full of the full range of vital nutrients and Antioxidants and everything that you need to stay healthy.
Tú necesitas comer muchos vegetales porque están hechos de nutrientes esenciales antioxidantes y todo lo que se necesita para estar saludable.
I mean, everything that he had told us, everything that had happened to us previously and had happened to us that night..
Todo lo que él había dicho.
I mean, a coat upon a coat upon a coat... and like this, and everything... and we had to lie out in a boat... and we didn't get ashore either... you know, when there was a break.
Un anorak sobre otro y otro... Nos tuvimos que quedar en el barco y no íbamos a hacer intervalos.
i mean 97485
i mean it 1883
i meant every word 19
i meant no harm 22
i meant it 146
i meant 546
i mean you no harm 50
i meant to say 40
i mean no disrespect 26
i meant for you 16
i mean it 1883
i meant every word 19
i meant no harm 22
i meant it 146
i meant 546
i mean you no harm 50
i meant to say 40
i mean no disrespect 26
i meant for you 16
i meant what i said 95
i meant no disrespect 29
i mean yes 37
i mean no harm 17
i meant to tell you 58
i meant to call 19
i meant you 39
i mean really 45
i meant to call you 19
i meant to ask 21
i meant no disrespect 29
i mean yes 37
i mean no harm 17
i meant to tell you 58
i meant to call 19
i meant you 39
i mean really 45
i meant to call you 19
i meant to ask 21
i meant to ask you 25
i meant me 26
i mean me 34
i mean like 23
i mean to say 41
i mean here 25
i mean now 23
i mean us 22
i mean no 65
i meant that 30
i meant me 26
i mean me 34
i mean like 23
i mean to say 41
i mean here 25
i mean now 23
i mean us 22
i mean no 65
i meant that 30