I mean no translate Spanish
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I mean, there's too much stuff here they don't have there, like... the Statue of Liberty.
Quiero decir, hay demasiadas cosas aquí que no tienen allí, como... la Estatua de la Libertad.
- I didn't mean...
- No quise...
I didn't mean what I said about seeing other people.
No quise decir eso acerca de salir con otros.
Does that mean I haven't been doing it assertively enough?
¿ Sugieres que no he sido lo bastante enérgica?
I didn't mean to come between you and Lara.
No quise entrometerme entre ustedes.
No. I mean, yeah, but...
No, un poco, pero...
I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
Con seguridad no sé a qué se refiere.
I mean, clearly the man has no notion of the value of consistency and harmony.
Me refiero a que el hombre no tiene la más mínima idea del valor de la consistencia y la armonía.
I mean, no matter how bad the living might be, dead are worse, so us against them.
Es decir, no importa lo malos que puedan ser los vivos, los muertos son peores, así que nosotros contra ellos.
I mean, we either stole it or we didn't.
Digo, o la robamos o no.
When I said for you to own it, I didn't mean this.
Cuando te dije que lo hicieras, no me refería a esto.
I mean, don't you want that?
O sea, ¿ no es lo que quieres?
I mean, I can't write multiple letters of recommendation to some grammar school.
No puedo hacer varias cartas de recomendación a una misma escuela primaria.
Uh... oh. Well, I didn't mean...
Un momento, no quise...
I mean, not because he thought there was any age difference between us,'cause there practically isn't one.
No porque creyó que hay una diferencia de edad porque prácticamente no hay.
I mean, I'm sure that I played with Catherine when she was a child... but for the life of me, I can't remember one second.
Sé que jugué con Catherine de niña pero no recuerdo ni un segundo. ¡ Y ahí está Catherine!
I mean, obviously, we can't do that.
Obviamente, no puede ser.
I mean, truth is I don't even get'em anymore.
Ya no los recibo.
What does that mean? No butt-fucking Ned Beatty till the after party, I guess.
¿ Significa no sodomizar a Ned Beatty hasta después?
I mean, you've got nothing here.
No tienes nada aquí.
- I thought about teaching high school, but, I mean, girls these days just can't keep a secret.
Quise dar clases en un liceo. Pero las chicas de ahora no pueden guardar un secreto.
Being in love doesn't mean no-one gets hurt..... as you and I both know.
Estar enamorado no significa que nadie sale herido... como tú y yo sabemos.
And I don't mean calling my friend Dmitri, who has his own dumpster.
Y no me refiero a llamar a mi amigo Dmitri, que tiene su propio antro.
Yeah, I mean, we haven't done it in front of The Today Show window in weeks.
Sí, quiero decir, no lo hemos hecho en frente de la ventana de The Today Show desde hace semanas.
I mean, you haven't really dated anyone since Randy, and I still don't have a key to our apartment.
O sea, no has salido con nadie desde Randy y todavía no tengo una llave de nuestro apartamento.
I mean, it's not like it's bowling.
Es decir, no es como si fueran los bolos.
I mean, we're not going, right?
No vamos a ir, ¿ verdad?
- I mean, girls usually don't go on play dates with their rapist.
- O sea, las chicas normalmente no salen con su violador.
I mean, I don't miss her if I do, which is just extra weird.
Digo, no la extraño si es que la tengo, lo que es megaextraño.
I mean, unless you guys want to go first.
A no ser que vosotros queráis ser los primeros, chicos.
I mean, don't you get it?
A ver, ¿ no lo entienden?
Never. I mean, she doesn't work here anymore.
Nunca, quiero decir, es que la operadora 47 ya no trabaja aquí.
I mean, you can't think of everything.
No se puede pensar en todo.
I don't mean to overstep, sir... but the people out there... I don't care what they're saying.
No quiero extralimitarme, señor, pero esa gente no me importa lo que dice.
Listen, Tom, just because we've decided Francis and I need to stay here, doesn't mean you have to. So if you have things you need to do, you should go ahead and do them.
Tom, que Francis y yo hayamos decidido quedarnos aquí no significa que tú debas quedarte.
I mean, I wish him dead, but I would not harm him.
Digo, lo quiero muerto, pero no lo lastimaría.
I mean, she's not a burden.
Digo, no es una carga.
I mean, not since college, but...
Bueno, no desde que salí de la Universidad, pero...
I mean, if it brings her comfort, are you sure it's not something you can live with?
Es decir, si le da algo de consuelo, ¿ estás seguro de que no lo puedes superar?
But with all due respect, dr Waters, I did not have a loving father, but that doesn't mean that I have a problem with those who do.
Con todo respeto, Dra. Waters, no tuve un padre cariñoso, pero eso no significa que yo tenga problema con los que sí tienen.
I mean... good for you, I guess, but... we can't publish something like this.
Pues... supongo que me alegro por ti, pero... no podemos publicar algo así.
I mean, if I wanted to be combined with someone, I wouldn't have given up a liver to be separated from my twin.
Quiero decir, si quisiera que me combinaran con alguien, no habría dado un hígado para que me separaran de mi hermana gemela.
I'm Max. Uh, what does it mean when you don't have pupils?
Soy Max. ¿ Qué significa cuando no tienes pupilas?
I mean, you don't think it means something that we tested well.
Es decir, no crees que signifique algo que se nos diera bien.
But, I mean, if it comes up, don't mention anything.
Pero, si surge, no menciones nada.
I don't know what you mean.
No sé a qué te refieres.
I mean, you can't be a day over 135?
Para estar a punto de cumplir los 135 años, ¿ no?
Just because the widow and I want the same thing, doesn't mean I trust her one bit.
Solo porque la Viuda y yo queramos lo mismo, no significa que confíe en ella lo más mínimo.
I don't know what you mean, mother.
No sé a qué te refieres, madre.
Now, does that mean I don't understand why some people might be resisting it?
Ahora, ¿ significa que no entiendo por qué algunas personas podrían resistirse?
I didn't mean for all this to happen.
No quise que todo esto pasara.
i mean no disrespect 26
i mean no harm 17
i mean now 23
i mean 97485
i mean it 1883
i meant every word 19
i mean everything 35
i meant no harm 22
i meant it 146
i meant 546
i mean no harm 17
i mean now 23
i mean 97485
i mean it 1883
i meant every word 19
i mean everything 35
i meant no harm 22
i meant it 146
i meant 546
i mean you no harm 50
i meant to say 40
i meant what i said 95
i meant for you 16
i meant no disrespect 29
i mean yes 37
i meant to tell you 58
i meant to call 19
i meant to call you 19
i meant to ask you 25
i meant to say 40
i meant what i said 95
i meant for you 16
i meant no disrespect 29
i mean yes 37
i meant to tell you 58
i meant to call 19
i meant to call you 19
i meant to ask you 25
i meant to ask 21
i meant you 39
i mean really 45
i meant me 26
i mean me 34
i mean to say 41
i mean like 23
i mean here 25
i mean us 22
i meant that 30
i meant you 39
i mean really 45
i meant me 26
i mean me 34
i mean to say 41
i mean like 23
i mean here 25
i mean us 22
i meant that 30