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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I never asked you

I never asked you translate Spanish

992 parallel translation
I never asked you to behave like that.
Nunca os he pedido que os portarais así.
I never asked you to sacrifice yourself.
Nunca te he pedido que te sacrifiques.
You know, i never asked you... if you'd let me give you a ring for that finger.
¡ Gustav, pare la música! ¡ oigan todos!
I never asked you no questions, Johnnie, And you don't have to tell me nothing.
Nunca te he hecho preguntas, y no tienes por qué decirme nada.
I never asked you, but have you no relations at all that you could call your own?
Yank, nunca te Io he preguntado. ¿ Tienes algún tipo de relación a quien puedas considerar... como alguien de tu familia?
I never asked you if you wished to be mine...
No te pregunté si querías ser mía.
- I never asked you to.
- Nunca te pedí que lo hicieras.
I never asked you anything.
Pero yo no te pedí nada.
I never asked you for any money
¡ No es verdad! Yo nunca te he pedido nada para esto.
I never asked you how you got your kicks before you met me.
Nunca te pregunté como pateabas la calle antes de que me conozcas.
I never asked you to forgive me.
Nunca te pedí perdón.
Ah, by the way, Professor, I never asked you, are you married?
¿ Usted quiere? Durante un tiempo sí. Después enseñaré a alguno de los vuestros.
Jake. I never asked you anything about your past life because I didn't care about anything that happened before we met each other.
Jake, nunca te he preguntado nada sobre tu vida pasada porque no me importa lo que pasara antes de conocernos.
But never tell him that I asked you to.
Pero nunca le digas que te lo he pedido.
Never mind. You asked me before if I was hungry.
Me preguntaste que si tenía hambre.
─ You've never asked me. Well I do ask you.
- No me Io has pedido.
Now that you've asked for help, I'll never leave you alone.
Ahora que me has pedido ayuda, no volveré a dejarte sola jamás.
You have never asked me why I came here.
Nunca me ha preguntado por qué he venido.
I've never asked anything from you.
Pero bueno, hoy...
You've never asked, I suppose, whether I could do without you.
Nunca me has preguntado... si yo puedo prescindir de tí..
I've never asked you before.
Hace tiempo que no te lo pido.
I'll never forget you asked me, Kid.
Nunca Io olvidaré, Kid.
Do you know why I never asked for your information? No, I don't.
¿ Sabe por qué no he pedido referencias suyas?
I've never asked you to come look at the kitchen range and the scullery sink.
Nunca te pedí que fueses a ver la cocina o el cuarto de planchar.
Ni una vez me preguntaste qué estaba haciendo.
I asked you if, when I came back, you'd... Never mind.
- Te pregunté si, cuando volviera, tú...
I've never asked you for anything before, but now I need your help.
Nunca te he pedido nada, pero ahora, necesito tu ayuda.
I ought never to have asked for you to come to Blairs Town.
Nunca debí haberte pedido que vinieras a Blairstown.
Friedrich, I asked you never to come here again.
Friedrich, te pedí que no volvieras aquí.
Do you know I've never asked anybody to marry me?
¿ Sabes que nunca he pedido el matrimonio a nadie?
I never asked you for anything.
No sé por qué le pedí nada.
I thought I asked you never to mention Jesse's name again.
Te pedí que nunca mencionaras el nombre de Jesse.
I've never asked you this before.
Jamás te había pedido esto.
I never asked you to.
No te pedí hacerlo.
Anyway, I never asked if you were hungry. What would you like?
No te he preguntado si tienes hambre, ¿ qué te apetece?
I never asked anything of other saints, but you...
Nunca pedía nada a otros santos, pero tú...
I've never asked you before, but I've got to, so here goes, when does...
Nunca te lo he preguntado, pero debo hacerlo así que allá va. ¿ Cuándo te...?
I've never asked you this.
Nunca te he preguntado esto.
You asked me why I never married.
Me preguntaste por qué no me casé.
I never asked you for this trash!
Nunca te he pedido esta basura.
I want to ask you something that I never asked anyone.
Quiero pedirle una cosa que no le he pedido a nadie.
Listen... I have never asked you for anything but this time, you have to do something to free Roberto.
Escucha... nunca te he pedido nada... pero esta vez tienes que hacer algo... para liberar a Roberto.
I would have never asked you anything.
Nunca te habría preguntado nada.
Why haven't I seen Mclver's contract? You never asked me.
¿ Por qué no me enseñaste el contrato de Mclver?
You've never asked me once, not once, what I wanted to do.
Nunca me has preguntado, ni una sola vez, qué quería hacer yo.
I've never asked you this, Joe -
Nunca te lo he preguntado.
They never asked me if you were there the night of the murder... so I didn't think it was wrong not to tell them anything.
No me preguntaron si Ud. estaba la noche del asesinato... entonces pensé que sería correcto no decirles nada.
For 15 years, I kept the union off your back, and you never asked me how.
Durante 15 años mantuve alejado al sindicato de tu empresa y nunca me preguntaste qué medios usaba.
Because you never asked if I had money.
No, porque tú no has querido hablarme.
But I like the odds or I never would have asked you to put up the money.
Me gustan los riesgos. ¿ Por qué creen que les pedí el dinero?
Well, I've asked you a dozen times, and you've never wanted to.
Te lo pedí una docena de veces y nunca quisiste.

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