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I should've known translate Spanish

1,017 parallel translation
- I should've known.
- Debí saberlo.
I'm not the type, and I should've known it.
No soy de ese tipo, tenía que habérmelo imaginado.
I should've known.
- ¿ Por qué?
Of course we've never met. I should've known.
Claro que no nos conocemos.
I should've known.
Rosa... Eh... Lo habría jurado.
I should've known better than to ask. A cup of coffee, he says?
No sé para qué pregunto. ¿ Un café dice?
I should've known by now that there's one thing you can't beat in politics, and that's a completely honest man.
No saber que lo único que no puedes derrotar en la política... es a un hombre totalmente honrado.
I should've known.
No me lo hubiera podido imaginar.
I should've known you'd be here with Simmy.
Debería haber imaginado que estarías con Simmie.
I should've known it'd be like this. You're about as dependable as a four-year-old child.
¡ Eres tan fiable como un niño de cuatro años!
I should've known it.
Debí haberlo sabido.
- I should've known it.
Debía haberme dado cuenta.
- I should've known!
- ¡ Ah, creía!
I should've known he wasn't on his way home.
Debí darme cuenta de que no volvía conmigo a casa.
I should think as the calmest you've ever known.
Diría que es el más tranquilo que haya conocido.
I should've known you were a jockey.
Debí saber que eras jockey.
I should've known better.
Me he equivocado.
- Him? I should've known with that face!
- Debí imaginármelo.
I should've known you killed him because he was gonna tell me you were insane.
Debería haber sabido que le mataste porque iba a contarme que estabas loca.
I should've known Ben was the only man to trust.
Tendría que haber sabido que Ben era el único hombre en quien confiar.
Lo supe en el momento que lo ví.
I should've known.
Yo ya lo noté.
I should've known better.
Debí haberlo previsto.
I should've known better.
Debí saberlo.
I should've known you wouldn't tell me.
Debí imaginar que no me lo dirías.
How should i've known it's yours?
¿ Cómo sabemos que es suyo?
I should've known.
- Debi imaginármeIo,
Oh, dear, I should've known.
La orquídea, debí figurármelo.
I should've known I couldn't count on you to help.
Tendría que haber sabido que no podía contar con tu ayuda.
Of course. I should've known.
Claro, es músico.
I should've known better.
Debía haberlo sabido.
I should've known that this was going to happen. Now, I should've known it.
¡ Debí suponer que pasaría esto!
I should've known!
- ¡ Debí saberlo!
- It's Leo's fault. I should've known.
- Es culpa de Leo.
I should've known.
Maldito el momento en que te hice caso.
Well, maybe I should've known because it was outside her cabin, but...
Debí suponerlo al verlo fuera de su cabaña.
I should've known you'd be with him.
Debí imaginar que estarías con él.
I should've known.
Debí suponerlo.
I should've known how it would be.
Debería haber sabido cómo sería.
I should've known better, a man ought to have sense enough to know when he's no good no more.
Debería haberlo sabido. Un hombre debe tener sentido suficiente para saber cuándo deja de valer.
I should've known. Where is she?
Debería haberlo imaginado. ¿ Dónde está?
I should've known.
Debería haberlo sabido.
I thought you might have given way to sentiment, but I should've known better.
Pensé que cedería usted por sentimentalismo pero debería haberlo conocido mejor.
I should've known. He doesn't smoke, but I do and I'm out of cigarettes.
Él no fuma, pero yo sí y no tengo cigarrillos.
I should've known. It was going too easy.
Debí haberlo adivinado Era demasiado fácil. todo
I should've known.
Debí saberlo.
I should've known better than ask.
- No deberia haber preguntado.
I should've known he was as good as dead when they wheeled him in.
Habría debido saber que estaba muerto virtualmente cuando lo trajeron.
- I should've known your kind... - Who took it?
¡ Debí haberlo sabido qué tipo de persona es!
I should've known you wouldn't lie to me.
Debí saber que tú no me mentirías.
I should've known you can't take a beautiful witch in the prime of life and expect her to hang up her twitch.
Es demasiado pedir que una bruja en la flor de la vida lo deje todo.

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