I tell him translate Spanish
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Someone who's unaware how much he means to me. Because I tell him all to rarely.
Alguien que no sabe lo mucho que significa para mí, porque rara vez lo digo.
May I tell him that he need not hope in vain?
¿ Podría decirle que no espera en vano?
I couldn't tell him about it.
Yo no podía contárselo.
I'm gonna say to him, "Little boy, you better tell me what's in this damn s..."
Yo voy a decir a él, "Niño pequeño, será mejor que me digas lo que hay en este maldito s..."
Of course! Of course I'll tell him how worried you were.
Por supuesto, le diré lo preocupado que estabas.
Why don't I let him tell you himself?
¿ Por qué no dejar que te lo diga por sí mismo?
- Tell Orus... - I love him.
Dile a Orus que lo amo.
When it is... I'll be able to tell you where to get him.
Cuando lo haga... te podré decir dónde está.
Yeah, I'll tell him.
Sí, se lo diré.
Mr Shepherd up and tell him I think he might want to look at this bloke because he might - - just might - be the twisted little bastard that's been killing prostitutes.
Sr. Pastor y le digo que creo puede ser que desee mirar a este tío porque él might - sólo podría - - Ser el pequeño bastardo retorcido que es estado matando prostitutas. - ¿ De Verdad?
Perhaps I should go and tell him, then.
Entonces tal vez debería ir a decírselo.
Tell him I brought this.
Dile que traje esto.
Like, who am I to tell him that his wife can't keep a secret?
Como, ¿ quién soy yo para decirle que su mujer no puede mantener un secreto?
I think he is trying to tell her how she makes him feel.
Creo que intenta decirle a ella cómo le hace sentir.
Kill him. And I'll tell you.
Mátalo, y te lo diré.
Tell him or I will.
Zurdo, contale vos o le cuento yo.
I wouldn't... wouldn't wanna tell you what happened to the last guy that challenged him.
Puedes hablar con Raphael si quieres, pero... No quiero decirte lo que pasó con el último que lo desafió.
I'll tell him myself.
Se lo diré yo misma.
So, I'd like to tell him now that I'm proud to have him back here at Satis House.
Así que me gustaría decirle ahora que me enorgullece tenerle de vuelta en Statis House.
If that inspector comes sniffin'around again, tell him I ain't here.
Si ese inspector viene a husmear otra vez, dígale que no estoy aquí.
Tell him I'd be happy to receive him at his convenience.
Dile que estaría encantada de recibirlo cuando le sea conveniente.
If I'm gonna find this guy, it's because you tell me everything you know about him.
Si voy a encontrar a este sujeto, será porque me dirás todo lo que sabes sobre él.
I'm not gonna tell him that.
No voy a decirle eso.
When I got the bioprinted prototype right, I was gonna swap'em out and tell him it was just an upgraded version.
Cuando lograra un prototipo bioimpreso viable, iba a cambiárselo diciéndole que era una versión mejorada.
I'm gonna go to the chief of police and tell him everything that happened.
Voy a ir con el Jefe de Policía y contarle todo lo que pasó.
I don't know what to tell him.
No sé qué decirle.
I wanted to tell you... but Bryan said he would kill me if I ever left him.
Quería decirte pero Bryan dijo que me mataría si alguna vez lo dejaba.
I've spent years waiting for an explanation from you people, years praying for someone to tell me what the hell is wrong with him.
He pasado años esperando explicaciones a ustedes, Años rezando para que alguien me diga ¿ Qué diablos está mal con él.
Zac didn't speak to him much but I could tell he was a gobshite.
Zac. No le hablé mucho, pero me di cuenta de que era un hablador.
So I tell him to fuck off, and he turns to me, and he says...
Así que le digo que se vaya,
I better call Roger, tell him it's all over.
Será mejor que llame a Roger, Dile que todo ha terminado.
Did you tell him I'm a virgin!
¡ Le dijiste que soy virgen!
I won't tell him, but you can't keep it from him if it... if it happens again.
No se lo diré, pero no se lo puedes ocultar... si vuelve a suceder.
Tell him to let her go, and I promise you I will kill you.
Dile que la suelten, y te prometo que te asesinaré.
I told her to tell him.
Le dije que le dijera.
I just wish I could tell him I was sorry.
Solo desearía poder haberle dicho que lo siento.
You'll tell him that I did the right thing?
¿ Le dirás que hice lo correcto... que tuvo razón en confiar en mí?
Uh, tell him I'll call him as soon as I can and...
Uh, decirle lo que llamaré tan pronto como pueda y...
I will tell him.
Se lo diré.
Because, he said he was gonna tell you about the video I showed him of me and my ex.
Porque dijo que iba a contarte del video que le mostré que hice con mi ex.
Yeah, I didn't tell you to punch him.
No te dije que lo golpearas.
I think I'm gonna tell him about the first time I ran away from home.
Creo que le voy a hablar... sobre la primera vez que huí de mi casa.
All right, well, will you please tell him that I'll be back tomorrow?
Bueno, pues, ¿ podría por favor decirle que volveré mañana?
Nah, it matters, and the first thing tomorrow, I'm going to the C.O. and tell him how I screwed up.
Sí que importa y lo primero que voy a hacer mañana es ir a donde el comandante para contarle cuánto la he cagado.
I came here to tell you to look in the mirror and get rid of him.
Vine a decirte que te veas al espejo y aléjate de él.
Well, I can tell you right now, he can't do anything for two weeks, but after that, there's nothing we can do to stop him.
Te puedo decir ahora que no puede hacer nada por dos semanas, pero después no hay nada que podamos hacer para detenerlo.
Oh... which is why the real reason you're here is not to ask me if I handed him in, but to tell me to keep quiet.
Y la verdadera razón por la que estás aquí no es para preguntarme si yo lo delaté, sino para pedirme que me quede callada.
I did tell him that.
Se lo dije.
I thought it would help him tell time, and now I've awoken a monster.
Pensé que le ayudaría a aprender las horas, y ahora he despertado un monstruo.
Scottie, I didn't tell him to do that.
Scottie, no le dije que lo hiciera.
I had my meeting with him today, and I thought he was going to tell me how well I've been doing, and instead... he threatened to expel me.
Hoy tuve mi cita con él y pensé que me iba a decir lo bien que voy, pero en lugar de eso... me amenazó con expulsarme.
i tell you something 30
i tell you everything 18
i tell you what 741
i tell you now 16
i tell you 1650
i tell you that 25
i tell you this 29
i tell myself 23
i tell ya 118
i tell them 18
i tell you everything 18
i tell you what 741
i tell you now 16
i tell you 1650
i tell you that 25
i tell you this 29
i tell myself 23
i tell ya 118
i tell them 18