I went to translate Spanish
36,983 parallel translation
- I love it--although Henri went to an elite international school, so he does not speak with an accent.
Me encanta... aunque Henri fue a un colegio de élite internacional, así que no habla con acento.
I went to apologize.
Fui a disculparme.
So I went to his house to say I was sorry.
Así que, fui a su casa a decirle que lo sentía.
I went to a 24-hour vet and got surgical supplies.
Fui a una veterinaria de 24 horas y traje suplementos cirúrgicos.
As Hammond cheered himself up with some doughnuts and then another set of tyres I went to join James.
Como Hammond Se animó a sí mismo Con algunos donuts y luego otro juego de neumáticos fui a unirse a James.
So, at the end of the summer, he went to county and I went to college.
Así que, al final del verano, él fue a la cárcel y yo a la universidad.
I went to William's apartment to get his old Thanksgiving tapes.
Fui al apartamento de William para recoger sus viejas cintas de Acción de Gracias.
One day, I went to a forward operating base with a combat team.
Un día, fui a una base de operaciones con un equipo de combate.
I went to see him in jail, but they told me you took me off the visitor list.
Quiero verlo en prisión pero me contaron que me quitaste de la lista de visitas.
I mean, I went to an expensive private school, and now, I'm running errands for a living.
Digo, fuí a una cara escuela privada, y ahora, hago encargos para vivir.
You're like, "I can wear fishnet stockings, I went to Stanford."
Dicen : "Puedo usar medias de red, fui a Stanford".
I was worried about her, so I went to see her lab.
Estaba preocupado por ella, así que fui a ver su laboratorio.
I went to court to fight a traffic ticket so I could save $ 360 so we could buy an organic crib mattress.
He ido al juzgado para reclamar una multa de tráfico y poder ahorrarme 360 $ para que pudiésemos comprar un colchón orgánico para la cuna.
I went to a lot of trouble for this to see what happens when you poison your love.
Pasé por muchos problemas por esto... para ver lo que ocurre cuando envenenas tu amor.
I went to the hallway and I saw this embarrassing mural hung there.
Llego el vestíbulo Y veo colgado este mural vergonzoso
Last night, before I went to sleep in male berthing.
Anoche, antes de irme a dormir en los camarotes para hombres.
I knew that if I went to the institution, I felt, I was going to be restricted.
sabía que si yo iba a la institución, sentía que iba a ser restringido.
Emma... and what was wrong wasn't that I went to the pictures.
Emma... Y lo que estuvo mal, no fue que me fuera al cine.
I went in to get his dinner tray, and I found him like this.
Fui a recoger la bandeja de su cena y le encontré así.
I went out to tell the inconsiderate prick to shut the fuck up.
Salí a decirle al desconsiderado capullo que cerrara la puta boca.
I mean, he went to a cartel prison on a mission to do good.
Fue a una cárcel de un cártel en una misión para hacer un bien.
I hid under a ledge until the bats went back to roosting.
! Me escondí debajo de una cornisa hasta Los murciélagos volvieron a descansar.
I can't imagine why anyone he went to school with would want to kill him.
No me puedo imaginar por qué alguien que fue al instituto con él quisiera matarle.
Now, we think this is a real shame, so Jeremy and I went off to Italy to do our own modern take on the Grand Tour.
Ahora, pensamos que esto es una verdadera vergüenza, Así que Jeremy y yo fuimos a Italia Para hacer nuestra propia toma moderna en el Gran Tour.
... James and I went off to buy a goodbye present for him.
... James y yo nos fuimos Para comprar un adiós presente para él.
And then I went off to get changed.
Y fui a cambiarme.
Seriously, I went on Wikipedia last night to look for famous Finns who aren't racing drivers.
En serio, entré en Wikipedia anoche para buscar famosos finlandeses que no sean pilotos de carreras.
I went backstage the next night to confront him.
Fui detrás del escenario la siguiente noche para enfrentarme a él.
I went all over campus, but nobody wants to admit to buying drugs.
Fuí por todo el campus pero nadie quiere admitir que compra drogas.
What's the shame in the fact that he and I went out, we had the same amount of vodka, he got too drunk to get it up, so he passed out, then I used his credit card to buy $ 100 worth of Chinese and stole his golf clubs?
¿ Qué avergüenza en el hecho de que él y yo salimos, bebimos la misma cantidad, no se le paró, así que se desmayó, usé su tarjeta para comprar comida y robé sus palos de golf?
I watched you key in your code, and I looked at your phone when you went to the restroom.
Te vi introducir tu clave y miré tu teléfono cuando fuiste al baño.
One afternoon, I was in the O.R., and we lost a patient on the table, and I went along to inform the family, you know, tell them the horrible news,
Una tarde, estaba en el quirófano y perdimos un paciente en la mesa, y fui a informar a la familia, darles las malas noticias
And I told her I was moving to New York, and then she went crazy.
Y le dije que me mudaría a Nueva York, y se volvió loca.
I've confused you while you went to get water.
He sido yo que te he despistado mientras ibas a coger el agua
If I did that, if I went to live there, my father would be angry.
A mi padre se le pondría fatal
I remember when you went to the market, you always wanted to choose the reddest strawberries.
Me acuerdo que cuando ibas al mercado, Siempre querías elegir las fresas más rojas
I talked to her before we went to the house.
Hablé con ella antes de ir a la casa.
And they went against the king to get back the temple, even though the Greek soldiers came in on giant elephants, and I would have been like,
Y lucharon contra el rey para recuperar el templo, aunque los soldados griegos entraron con grandes elefantes, y yo diría :
So I worked and she... she took care of me... and our family, our lives, and, uh... at some point, she just went from, uh, uh, a wife to a teammate.
Yo trabajaba y ella... me cuidaba... y nuestra familia, nuestras vidas... en algún momento ella pasó de ser una esposa a un compañero de equipo.
You know, I think my cousin went to Dollywood once.
¿ Sabes? creo que mi prima fue a Dollywood una vez.
I never went to the infirmary.
Nunca fui a la enfermería.
When your Mathilda went down on that boat, but I say it again, tend to your wife.
Cuando tu Mathilda cayó de ese barco, pero lo digo otra vez, cuida de tu esposa.
I remained for a minute in the room just to warm my hands because it was cold and went out again.
Permanecí durante un minuto en la habitación para calentarme las manos porque hacía frío e iba a salir de nuevo.
Okay, well, since Andi went back to work, I've been really busy with kid stuff and you have really picked up the slack around here.
De acuerdo, bueno, desde que Andi volvió al trabajo, he estado de verdad ocupado con cosas de los chicos y tú has asumido gran parte del trabajo por acá.
I just feel like ever since I went back to work, I'm going out one door, you're coming in the other.
Siento que desde que regresé a trabajar, vamos por rumbos distintos.
He's all bent out of shape because of all the extra stuff he's been doing for me since you went back to work, and I think... I think if I take him to the game, he might forgive me.
Él está realmente agotado por todas las cosas extras que ha tenido que hacer por mí desde que volviste a trabajar y creo... creo que si lo llevo a él al juego, podría perdonarme.
I mean, the kids need new clothes, and... since I went back to work, I kind of miss buying tiny shoes.
Digo, los chicos necesitan ropa nueva, y... desde que regresé a trabajar, como que extraño comprar zapatos pequeñitos.
Look, you told me when you went back to work I'd get more time with the kids, and that would be a fun thing.
Mira, tú me dijiste cuando volviste a trabajar que yo pasaría más tiempo con los niños y que eso sería algo divertido.
I'll tell her you went to get some loose tea.
Le diré que fuiste a comprar un poco de té suelto.
Adam thinks he donated your wedding dress while he was cleaning out the garage, so he went to the thrift store to buy your dress back, but I guess it's not your dress since your actual dress is upstairs.
Adam cree que donó tu vestido de novia mientras él limpiaba el garaje, así que fue a la tienda de caridad para comprar tu vestido de vuelta, pero supongo que no será tu vestido ya que tu vestido de verdad está arriba.
So, you went behind my back and you did something you knew I didn't want you to do.
Entonces, tú fuiste a mis espaldas e hiciste algo que sabías que no quería que hicieras.
i went to the bathroom 21
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went too far 34
i went to see him 27
i went to bed 25
i went to sleep 16
i went to see her 17
i went to him 16
i went for a walk 44
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went too far 34
i went to see him 27
i went to bed 25
i went to sleep 16
i went to see her 17
i went to him 16
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went over there 16
i went home 97
i went inside 19
i went there 77
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went back 43
i went 167
i went over there 16
i went home 97
i went inside 19
i went there 77
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went back 43