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If not me translate Spanish

18,458 parallel translation
Although I won't go, not if Sir Winston needs me.
Aunque no voy a ir, si no Sir Winston me necesita.
If I stay on for the time being, bearing the burden at my age it is not because of love of power or office.
Si me quedo por el momento, llevar la carga a mi edad No es debido a amor del poder o de la oficina.
Why did not you ever ask me if your husband was okay?
¿ Por qué nunca me preguntaste si tu esposo estaba bien?
I... I only care if she passes or not. - So...
Solo me importa si aprueba o no.
But if not, man, you've got to help me out with the rest of it.
Si no, tienes que ayudarme con el resto.
I'm just saying, if you need me in there, I can... get her going about 60 miles an hour and I'm not a nerd, I'm not afraid of orgies.
Solo digo, si me necesitas allí, puedo moverla a 100 km por hora, y no soy un nerd, no les temo a las orgías.
If you owe me money, pay me now or you're not getting served...
Si deben dinero, páguenme ya, o no se les servirá.
If you're not going to be enjoying it, an you're going to be thinking about me the whole time, why are you getting all fancied up like you're going to the fucking bars?
Si no lo disfrutarás y pensarás en mí todo el tiempo, ¿ por qué te arreglas como si fueras a los bares? Mi aspecto no tiene nada que ver con eso.
On the other hand, if you want me to write a note... so you can slip it under his door with his breakfast tray... on the off-chance he notices it before his morning rubdown... I'm afraid that's not gonna cut it.
La opción de dejarle una nota que usted deslizará bajo su puerta y que tal vez lea antes de su masaje matinal me temo que no es viable.
I can't focus if you're not there.
No me concentro si no estás.
What if people are disappointed in me - and realize I'm not the guy they advertised?
Qué pasa si la gente se desilusiona de mí. ¿ Y se da cuenta de que no soy al que apostaron?
If you fuck me by writing this story, there's not an AUSA in the world who'll take your call.
Si me jodes escribiendo esta historia, no habrá ni un fiscal en el mundo que atienda tu llamada.
You can play cool if you want, but this façade's not fooling me.
Se puede jugar bien si lo desea, pero esta fachada no me engaña.
If it's not safe for me, then it's not safe for any of my people.
Si no es seguro para mí, no lo es para mi gente.
Trust me, my friend, if you do not sign this, your future ends tonight!
Créeme, mi amigo, si no firmas, ¡ tu futuro termina esta noche!
Oh, I'm not really in Ohio that much, but I'd love to if I ever am.
No voy mucho a Ohio, pero me encantaría si llego a ir.
Boy. Well, if you're not actually gonna ask me out on a date, I really do hope you're at least thinking about it.
Bueno, si no vas a pedirme que salga contigo, espero que al menos estés pensando en ello.
You know, if you had listened to me in the first place and hadn't blown up the deal with Axelrod, we would not be in this spot, would we?
Sabes, si me hubieras escuchado en primer lugar y no hubieras arruinado el trato con Axelrod, no estaríamos en este lugar, ¿ no?
You know, if you had listened to me in the first place and hadn't blown up the deal with Axelrod, we would not be in this spot, would we?
Usted sabe, si tiene que Escuchado a mí en primer lugar Y no había volado el acuerdo con Axelrod,
If, for whatever reason, you're not happy with me, you're on your own.
Si no estás contenta conmigo, estás por tu cuenta.
I don't mean to offend anyone who may be a Muslim here, and I do not want to slight the prophet of Islam, but if you were to ask me a question concerning the Quran, the sacred text of Islam,
No pretendo ofender a nadie aquí que sea musulmán y no quiero despreciar al profeta del Islam.
No. If it were up to me, she would not have been allowed.
No, si fuera por mí, no se lo habría permitido.
And of course, I'm not allowed to talk about it, but I mean, the one thing that it's convinced me of is that if we stand by and do nothing, pressure that we're feeling today is gonna mean persecution tomorrow.
No se me permite hablar al respecto pero me convencí de algo. Si sólo nos quedamos ahí sin hacer nada, la presión que sentimos hoy será persecución mañana.
So... if they go off-piste it's not unknown, let me put it that way.
Si se salen del camino no es un misterio, déjeme decirlo así.
Is there anyone who can tell me if she was here or not? Uh... Mr Bryden, I suppose.
¿ Hay alguien que me pueda decir si estuvo aquí o no? El Sr. Bryden, supongo.
If I was gonna kill someone, do you not think I'd do a better job than store his head in my freezer?
Si fuese a matar a alguien, ¿ crees que se me ocurriría guardarme su cabeza en el congelador?
It would have stayed buried if you'd not made me crosscheck the station records.
Y nadie se habría enterado si no me hubiera hecho cruzarlo con los registros de comisaría.
It stands for "Menia Ispravit Rasstrel" if I'm not mistaken.
"Menia Ispravit Rasstrel" si no me equivoco.
My son will drain the fluid from your eye and then carve it out if you do not tell me right now where your brother is.
Mi hijo te drenará el fluido de tus ojos y luego lo sacará si no me dices ahora mismo dónde está tu hermano.
I don't care if you're not 8R.
No me importa si no eres 8R.
It was quite apparent and if I'm not mistaken,
Era bastante evidente y si no me equivoco,
Not if I'm left standing with the bad guys.
No, si me quedo con los chicos malos.
And I don't care if you were a willing participant or not.
Y no me importa si estás dispuesta a participar o no.
If not, you just tell me to shut up.
Si no, dígame que me calle.
I would not ask if I did not believe he truly needs me.
No se lo pediría si no creyera que me necesita de verdad.
If you're not gonna join me for the meal, I suppose I could just skip forward to the after-dinner smoke.
Si no vas a acompañarme durante la comida, supongo que podría avanzar hasta el cigarrillo de después de comer.
If I ask you a question are you gonna promise not to lie to me?
Si te hago una pregunta vas a prometer no mentir a mí?
If you thought I was writing about Aria and me, I'm not.
Si creías que estaba escribiendo sobre Aria y sobre mí, no es así.
You would be dead 10 times over if not for me.
Estarías muerta 10 veces si no fuera por mí.
No, honey, no, not if he's hiding something from me.
No, cariño, no, no si me está escondiendo algo.
Because Samantha said that the only way that I could see him is if I promised to not tell him or anyone else that I'm his father.
Porque Samantha me dijo que solo podría verlo si prometía no contarle ni a él ni a nadie que soy su padre.
He threatened Laurel, and the truth is I'm glad Darhk came after me and not her because if he'd done it, I'd- - you were protecting her just like you were protecting me.
Amenazó a Laurel, y lo cierto es que me alegro de que Darhk fuera a por mí y no tras ella, porque si lo hubiera hecho, yo... Estabas protegiéndola igual que me protegías a mí.
You're the- - and wait--you're- - wait, wait, wait- - you're--you're- - just so you guys know, if--if I pass out it's because I'm sick, not because, you know.
Eres el- - y esperar - you're- - espera, espera, eres wait- - - you're- - sólo para que ustedes saben, si - si me desmayo es porque estoy enfermo, No porque, ya sabes.
I wish it was that simple, but now that we've played that card, they've undoubtedly adapted to it, but we just beat a group of robot bees using a superhero doohickey, and if that's not high-five-worthy,
Me gustaría que fuera así de simple, pero ahora que hemos jugado esa carta, que han, sin duda, adaptado a ella, pero nosotros sólo ganamos a un grupo de abejas robot utilizando un artilugio de superhéroes, y si eso no es alta y cinco digna,
If I'm the man that you think I am, then you know torture is not gonna get me to say anything.
Si soy el hombre que piensas entonces sabes que la tortura no va a hacer que diga algo.
[Grunting] Well, if you're not gonna tell me, I'm just gonna have to see for myself.
Bueno, si no me lo van a decir, tendré que averiguarlo yo mismo.
If I'm being honest, everything you've said about kids up until now would not lead me to believe that you would be...
Bueno, mira. Para ser honesto tu historial con los niños no me lleva a pensar...
I'll come out if you promise not to talk about it.
Saldré si me prometes no hablar del tema.
If not, kill me then.
Si no, mátame entonces.
It matters very little if you trust me or not.
Importa muy poco si confía en mí o no.
I love that if the kids you care about come from means, you're not supposed to care about them.
Me encanta que si los crios por los que te preocupas tienen medios, se supone que no tienes que preocuparte por ellos.

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