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Ignore him translate Spanish

1,180 parallel translation
When Tuff's being mean and hateful like that... your best bet's just to ignore him.
Cuando Tuff se pone así de odioso... conviene ignorarlo.
- Just ignore him.
- Solo ignoralo.
- Just ignore him. - No!
Ignore him!
¡ No le hagan caso!
- Just ignore him.
- Ignóralo.
Just ignore him.
No le hagas caso.
Ignore him.
No le hagas caso.
You know, the trick to raising a 12-year-old is ignore him.
Sabes, el truco de criar a un niño de 12 años de edad, es ignorarlo.
The best thing to do is to ignore him when he's like that.
Lo mejor que puedes hacer es ignorarlo cuando se pone así.
Just ignore him.
Ignore him.
Rémi, no le haga caso.
- Ignore him.
- le haga caso.
Hagamos un esfuerzo para ignorarlo, Walter.
Ignore him, he's new to the game.
Ignóralo, es nuevo en el juego.
- Ignore him.
- Ignôrenlo.
Ignore him.
No Ie hagas caso.
Ito, ignore him.
Ito, ignórale.
Mr. Mack gets harsher and harsher every day but I ignore him.
El Sr. Mack está insoportable. He decidido ignorarle.
- Ignore him.
- Ignórelo.
So ignore him.
Pues ignóralo.
The boy cries out at the top of his lungs but the villagers ignore him and the boy and his flock are gobbled up.
El chico grita, pero los aldeanos no le hacen caso. Y el lobo se come al rebaño y al niño.
They ignore him, they insult him.
Lo ignoran, lo insultan.
Ignore him.
- Ignore him.
- Ignoralo
It's OK. ignore him.
Está bien. Pasa de él.
Well, don't let him. Ignore him.
- Pues no le dejes.
Oh, ignore him. You know, human nature never ceases to amaze me.
Sabes, la naturaleza humana nunca deja de sorprenderme,
Ignore him.
Captain, I know it's none of my business, but Pshenichny feels that you ignore him.
Capitán, sé que es ninguno de mi negocio, 109 00 : 12 : 12.871 - - 00 : 12 : 15.834 pero Pshenichny considera que usted lo ignora.
Against my principles, I'll give you an advice : ignore him.
Dante - En contra de mis principios voy a darte un consejo. Una orden, no un consejo.
Ignore him, let's find Naima and leave.
Olvídate de él. Busquemos a Naima y larguémonos de aquí.
Ignore him.
Ni le respondas a ese hijo de puta.
Ignore him, he's making fun of us.
No hagas caso. Se burla de nosotros.
Normally I'd ignore him, but it's the first original idea he's had in five seasons, so I'm trying it on for size.
Normalmente lo ignoraria, pero es la primera idea original que ha tenido en las cinco temporadas... Asi que lo estoy intentando
Hey, ignore him and take me somewhere for a drink.
Oye, ignórale y llévame a beber a algún sitio.
Feel free to ignore him.
Puedes ignorarlo.
They walk around the station like they own the place. And whenever a station security officer tries to talk to them say, to ask them to keep the noise level down on the Promenade, they ignore him.
Aunque un oficial de seguridad les pida que no formen tanto escándalo, no le hacen caso.
Harlan, ignore him.
Harlan, no le hagas caso.
Sweetheart, you have to just ignore him!
Cariño, solo tienes que ignorarlo!
So I just ignore him.
Así que solo tengo que ignorarlo.
Well.. he's been a real jerk lately, and my mom told me to ignore him
Últimamente está muy imbécil, y mamá me dijo que lo ignorara
Ignore him.
No hagan caso.
Ignore him.
- Ignóralo.
No... Ignore him he doesn't appreciate your talents.
Abandonalé, él no aprecia tu talento.
Ignore him.
- Ignórale.
Sylvia, with whom he'd had only a few trysts, whom the rules of adultery forced him to ignore the few times he saw her with Nathan,
Sylvia, con quien sólo había tenido unas pocas citas, que le forzó a ignorar las reglas del adulterio las pocas veces que la vio con Nathan,
Ignore him, Stanley.
- No le hagas caso, Stanley.
Just ignore him.
They say to ignore it, or give him an ultimatum.
Dicen que lo ignoremos, o le demos un ultimátum.
And he was pretty nice to anyone who'd sleep with him and not make fun of it. - Go! - You had to ignore the Christian stuff.
Era majo con todas las que se acostaran con él y no se burlaran.
Just ignore him, honey.
No lo hagas caso, cariño.

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