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It's like that translate Spanish

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It looks like the fox in the Nine Inch Nails video That's being eaten by ants.
Se parece al zorro del video de Nine Inch Nails, al que se están comiendo las hormigas.
I mean, it's not supposed to work like that.
O sea, se supone que no funciona así.
That's it. Little kicks, little kicks. Like a little pair of scissors.
Eso es, pataditas, pataditas, como tijeritas.
It's going to be an adventure, just like that.
Va a ser una aventura así, como esa.
I don't think he'd have seen it like that and that's not quite the case with what it is, but you can make a comparison or an analogy between the two.
No creo que él lo hubiera visto así, y no es exactamente el caso. Pero usted puede hacer una analogía entre los dos.
- That's why I like it.
- Por eso me gusta.
- It's issues like that.
- Y temas de ese estilo.
It's about the same speed as a Golf diesel, something like that.
Es más o menos la misma velocidad que un Golf diésel, algo así.
And, like, that's gonna fix it?
¿ Y eso va a arreglarlo?
You want me to pay you $ 200 to take it to the dump, which you're not, I mean, what do you have, like, a warehouse where you take people's shit that they want to give away?
¿ Quiere que le pague 200 dólares para llevarla al vertedero, lo que no hará, o sea, lo que tiene es una especie de almacén donde lleva las cosas de las que se quieren deshacer la gente?
It's crazy how the past flip things on you like that, right?
Es una locura cómo el pasado da la vuelta a las cosas, ¿ verdad?
Oh, it's like that, huh?
Es así, ¿ eh?
It's like that.
Es lo que hay.
Once you let someone like that into your life, it's hard to get rid of her.
Luego de dejar entrar a tu vida a alguien así, es duro deshacerte de ella.
- It's like zero point energy. - I don't know what that is.
- Es como la energía punto cero.
- What's that? - It sounds like a PA system.
En el estacionamiento hay un Prius azul...
We know what it feels like to have him watching over us, protecting us because that's who he was.
Sabemos lo que se siente de tenerlo velando por nosotros, protegiéndonos porque eso es lo que era.
I'd like to think there's a place that can actually innovate, but... I can't quite believe it.
Me gusta pensar que hay un lugar que puede realmente innovar, pero... no puedo terminar de creerlo.
But you guys don't know what it's like looking like me and carrying around that extra seven pounds in your midsection.
Pero no sabéis lo que es tener mi aspecto y cargar con tres kilos extra en el abdomen.
Think about this, I'm like, you know, it's actually not the writer's fault that this show is so awful.
Piensen en ello, esto como, sabes, no es culpa del escritor en realidad que este programa sea pésimo.
I like to think that maybe one day you'll be an old man like me talking a younger man's ear off, explaining to him how you... took the sourest lemon that life has to offer... and turned it into something resembling lemonade.
Me gusta pensar que quizás un día serás un hombre mayor como yo... hablándole a un hombre joven hasta marearlo, explicándole cómo tú... tomaste el limón más amargo que la vida te ofrecía... y se convirtió en algo parecido a una limonada.
It's her mom. Well, not every family is like that.
Bueno, no todas las familias son así.
It's minds like theirs... um... you know, these minds that...
Son mentes como las suyas, ya sabéis, esas mentes.
I know what it's like to so desperately want to correct an injustice that you are driven to violence.
Sé lo que es ansiar el corregir una injusticia tanto que te conduce la violencia.
That's what it's like to be a parent.
Eso es lo que se siente al ser padre.
It's doctors like him that are the problem.
Son los médicos como él quienes son el problema.
It's not like you're paying me that much anyway.
De todas formas, tampoco es que me pagues tanto.
Well, when you put it like that, it's pretty bad, but we've got a case to solve.
Bueno, dicho así, suena muy mal, pero tenemos un caso que resolver.
Like... if we don't remember it, then it didn't happen, so it's possible, or probable, that we... that we... If we were to...
O sea... si no lo recordamos, es que no pasó, así que es posible o probable, que nosotros... que nosotros... si estuvimos...
Your boss had something that we need, and before he died, he was gonna hand it over like a good little idiot, but now it's on you!
¡ Tu jefe tenía algo que necesitamos y antes de morir, iba a entregárnoslo como un buen y pequeño idiota, pero ahora depende de ti! Esta es tu última oportunidad.
Now, that thing you got, it's like a... how would you say?
Esa cosa que tienes es como... ¿ cómo se diría...?
I have a theory, and I don't like it at all, but it's... it's my theory right now, and right now that's all I got.
Tengo una teoría y no me gusta para nada, pero es... es mi teoría y es todo lo que tengo en este momento.
- No, it's not like that.
- No, no es nada de eso.
He's like, " No, it's this tongue thing. I can't eat well... and all that.
Me dijo : " No, es por lo de la lengua.
"I don't think that I'll like this," or, "It's so weird..."
"No creo que vaya a gustarme". "Es muy raro".
And I know that what it's doing, is just like, "I wanna learn more with him."
Y lo sé porque me hace pensar : "Quiero seguir aprendiendo con él".
That mole madre was, for me... was one dish that has always stuck with me because it was, um... really surprising to get the main course in a restaurant like this and it's just, basically, a sauce.
Ese mole madre es algo que siempre recuerdo porque fue muy sorprendente que sirvieran un plato principal así en un restaurante.
But whether they like it or not, it's a world that's coming and we're going to have to confront.
Pero les guste o no es un mundo que llegará y deberemos enfrentarlo.
Basically the couple of record in the soundtrack stuff has been really about that I just pall a bunch of stuff in there, and then just try and find something in there, like it's really about... that's
No, es... Sí, en esencia, los últimos dos álbumes... y la banda sonora se han hecho así. Meto cosas ahí dentro, y luego me pongo a buscar a ver qué encuentro.
It's almost like the songs, uh... that songs that you had written, uh... in a way... maybe there were songs you might have needed.
Ese fue el problema cuando intenté hacer canciones nuevas en el estudio. Es como si las canciones... Como si las canciones que habías compuesto... en cierto modo. fueran...
In the studio when we were doing that... it's... it's, um, the kind of state we were all in gave us, I think a confidence just to allow this thing to go out like it was.
No solo mío, sino de todos los presentes... en el estudio cuando lo grabamos. Es...
There's no, um... it... you know, I can put it in different ways with... and make it sound nice and stuff like that, what happened, and... you just kind of, tied up in language and stuff like that, but, actually... every time I try and articulate it just... just... does the whole...
No hay... Puedo decirlo de varias formas... hacer que lo que pasó suene bien... y adornarlo con el lenguaje y tal. Pero cada vez que intento articularlo... todo...
That's what it feels like to me.
Esa es la impresión que tengo.
It's like... all the rest around is okay, I can deal with that.
Lo demás, todo bien. Con lo demás sí puedo.
All of this stuff that I'm saying now it just... it feels like, it's just a lot of bullshit to me.
Todo esto que digo ahora... me parece una soberana gilipollez.
um, and there's a kind of, like a ring around that event... um, it's fenced off.
Y ese algo está rodeado por un cordón... o más bien una valla.
It's nothing like that at all.
Nada que ver.
Well, it's hard to find commitment like that.
Bueno... Es difícil encontrar alguien tan comprometido.
That's because the more we modernize, the harder it is to convince countries like China, North Korea, or Russia not to ratchet up their own nuclear programs.
Porque cuanto más modernizamos, más difícil es convencer a países como China, Corea del Norte o Rusia de no tener un programa nuclear.
But you know, it's like that, as the day drags on it starts disappearing and a few days later it's gone.
Pero viste que es así, que después pasa el día y se te va borrando y pasan unos días y desaparece.
How is it possible that there's someone just like you?
¿ Cómo puede ser que haya alguien igual a vos?

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