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It's like they say translate Spanish

311 parallel translation
They say it's just like home to them.
Dicen que se sienten como en casa.
They say it's like a long cloud in the distance.
Dicen que es como una nube en la distancia.
They say the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world... but, believe me, it's songs like this that fill it.
Dicen que la mano que mece la cuna, domina el mundo. Pero son estas canciones las que lo llenan.
It's just like in the fairytales, all the princes and lords when they meet a modest girl like me, they say just to test them, that they're really very poor and unhappy.
Es igual que en los cuentos de hadas, todos los príncipes y señores... cuando encuentran a una chica modesta como yo... dicen, sólo para probarla, que son realmente muy pobres e infelices.
# They say that only the sea is remained # And it's the same like before, the blue sea.
Dicen que sólo nos queda el mar, que es el mismo de antes, aquel mar azul.
They say it's just like going to sleep.
Dicen que es como cuando uno se duerme.
Well, it's what they say here, darling you know, like,
Es una expresión de aquí. Como...
But it's like they say about streetcars - there'll be another one along any minute.
Pero es igual que con los tranvías : Ya pasará otro.
If it's like you say, they'll send him to an institution.
Si es como usted dice lo enviarán a una institución.
It's like killin'a cop on duty, they say.
Dicen que es como matar a un poli de servicio.
Soon I'm off to the Finnish front. It's not the way there like they say.
Pronto partiré hacia la frontera con Finlandia y la situación no es tal como dicen.
They say it's like pomegranates...
Dicen que como las granadas.
Like they say, it's all one world.
Como dicen, es todo un mismo mundo.
Let's say that we're going to follow this trail just like well, just like they did it, huh?
Supongamos que seguimos este camino al igual que bien, igual que ellos lo hicieron.
when people like primary colors and find it grey to hunt for the nuances between... black and white, but I must confess, it's the fanatics, the dogmatists... who are the boring ones, one always knows in advance what they will say,
Pero, en mi opinión... son los fanáticos, los dogmáticos que son aburridos. Además se sabe siempre, por adelantado, lo que van a decir.
They say it's under control, but I like to be prepared for the worst.
Dicen que está controlado, pero me gusta prepararme para lo peor.
Oh yes, it's just like what they say.
Sí, es justo como dicen.
They say when you have your second wall-screen... - it's like having your family grow around you.
Dicen que cuando tienes una segunda pantalla... es como si tu familia creciera a tu alrededor.
It's all very well for you to say that I can get them back undetected but, well, if something goes wrong, I don't think that they would understand that you merely like to wear them for a couple of hours.
Siempre dices que no pasa nada, que nadie se va a dar cuenta pero si algún día se enteran, no creo que les parezca un atenuante el hecho de que sólo las lleves unas pocas horas antes de devolverlas.
Like they say, it's always the trombone player.
Como suelen decir : siempre se escoge el peor.
- Well, it's like you say, they...
- Bueno, es como usted dice...
Yes, they say it's like this every day.
Si, dicen que se lo ve todos los días.
It's like you say, if they're willin'to talk, well...
Es lo que tú dices, si quieren hablar, pues eso...
Well, it's like they say, Read all about it in your daily newspaper.
Bueno, es como dicen lea todo sobre el caso en su periódico.
- It's almost like there's a pattern... to the way they're not talking. The way they say "no" all the time.
La manera en la cual dicen siempre "no".
Like they say in the sticks, if it's good enough for the hicks, it ain't for the slicks.
"Lo que es bueno para los cultos no lo es para los ignorantes."
If they say "I like you", it's not so bad.
Si ellos dicen "me gustas", no puede ser tan malo.
Yeah maybe it's like you say. But they seem scared of us.
Tal vez sea como dice, pero ellos parecen asustados con nosotros.
They say we were dishonest and didn't fill their order, but it's not very honest to make an order like that.
Dicen que hemos sido deshonestos, que no hemos cumplido el encargo, pero no es demasiado honesto hacer un encargo semejante.
It's like, They give you a name, and they say,
Te dan un nombre y te dicen
If something bad happens, they say it's because a merchant family can't mix with a working-class man like me.
Si pasa algo malo, dirán que es porque... una familia de comerciantes no puede emparentar con un empleado como yo.
... they accuse him for crimes he didn't commit. some of it is true and I admit it but back than, I thought he's pure like Virgin Mary I was a young fool, I'd take a gun and fight, thinking that I fight for justice I needed sobbering up to stop and think about and to say to myself "The one who put you in jail wanted good for you"...
Le acusan de crímenes que no cometió. Algo habrá de cierto. Pero en esa época, pensaba que era puro como la virgen.
It's just like they say.
Como dice el refrán.
No, it's like they say'.
No, es como ellos dicen
It's like when you're sitting somewhere, and they come over and they say to you,
Es cuando tu estás sentado en algún lugar y ellas se acercan y te dicen :
Actually, it's more like they're not what they say they are.
No, pero es como si no fueran quienes dicen que son.
"He wasn't there, that's all" They say it's usually like that with drunks
Dicen que ocurre con frecuencia con los borrachos.
It's every bit as tough as they say unless you're a genius like Meeks.
Cada pizca es difícil a no ser que seas un genio como Meeks.
I mean, you know, it's like they say - "The clothes make the man."
Como dicen, la ropa hace al hombre.
It's like they say - "The clothes make the man."
Como dicen, la ropa hace al hombre.
They say Satan's got a suite of rooms in there, and brimstone comes out of the chimneys at night, and it smells like roasted entrails.
Y sale humo por las chimeneas en las noches, y huele a ganado rostizado.
* she got such good lovin', they can't say good-bye * * not too skinny, she's not too fat * * she's a real humdinger, and I like it like that * * devil with the blue dress, blue dress on *
Ella anda llena de estilo, salta a la vista de toda la gente Ella es tan amorosa que ellos no le consiguen decir adiós No es muy flaca, no es muy fuerte Ella es una verdadera preciosidad y yo gusto mucho de eso Ella es el Diablo con un vestido azul, vestido azul, vestido azul.
They say it's like falling... No, falling's easy...
No, no es así.
They'd look up in the sky and see the person in the moon. Guys would say come back here and fight like a person, and we'd all sing, For It's a Jolly Good Person.
¡ Miraríamos al cielo para ver "la persona en la luna!" Los tíos dirían "¡ Ven aquí y pelea como una persona!" y todos cantaríamos "¡ Porque es una persona excelente!"
I bet they say, "What the bloody hell's this? !" God, it's like living with Lena Zavaroni!
Es como vivir con un niño prodigio.
My friends, they just keep pestering me. They say, "What's it like to kiss a Jew? Does his..."
Mis amigas no paran de burlarse, y me dicen " ¿ Qué sientes al besar a un judío?
It's like they don't give a damn about what we have to say.
Es como que no les importa lo que digamos nosotros.
It's like saying, "Don't think of elephants" and the minute you say that, they come waltzing in the door.
Es como decir, "No pienses en elefantes"... y en el momento en que dices eso, vienen a bailar el vals a la puerta.
I figure it's like hiccoughs or gas what they say, this too will pass.
Imagino que es como el hipo o los gases. Hay que esperar a que se pasen.
Look, it's like they say- - if you're not a rebel by the age of 20, but if you haven't turned establishment by 30, you got no brains... because there are no storybook romances,
Como dicen. " Si no eres un rebelde antes de los 20, no tienes corazón, pero si a los 30 no has aceptado el sistema, no tienes cerebro.
It's like they say - fat builds muscle.
Es como dicen - "La grasa hace crecer los músculos"

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