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It's worth a lot translate Spanish

237 parallel translation
It's very old and worth a lot of money.
Es muy viejo y vale mucho dinero
It's worth a whole lot more than $ 7.00.
Vale mucho más de $ 7.00.
If he's willing to Let us have $ 100 on it, It's worth a lot More than that.
Si está dispuesto a darnos 100 dólares por él, es porque vale mucho más.
It's worth a lot more.
Vale mucho más.
- It's worth a lot more.
- Vale mucho más.
That's a lot of money, but it's worth it to ruin my wife's uncle's Christmas.
Es mucho dinero, pero vale la pena si le arruino la Navidad al tío de mi mujer.
If that's what I think it is, it's gonna be worth a lot of lettuce one of these days.
Si eso es lo que creo... va a valer mucho dinero uno de estos días.
Que vale mucho dinero.
Well, for what it's worth, your resigning knocks the props out of a lot of things for me.
Sí, pero no han servido de nada. Con tu renuncia he perdido muchos apoyos.
It's worth a lot of money.
Vale una fortuna.
I know somebody who needs a place exactly like that. He'll pay what some people might think is a lot more than it's worth.
Conozco a una persona que compraría una casa como ésa y pagará más de lo que vale.
It's the object I had to sell. It's worth a lot.
Era el objeto que debía vender, es muy valioso.
Of course, there's a lot of work to be done yet, but it'll be worth it.
Claro que todavía le falta mucho trabajo. Pero valdrá la pena.
Monsignore, we could take the ingot, but of course it's worth a lot more.
Monseñor, podríamos llevarnos un lingote. Pero vale mucho más.
- It's worth a whole lot more than that.
- Vale mucho más que eso.
It's worth a lot. - Curly... - Give you 18 for it, Curly.
- Te doy 18 por ella, Curly.
It's worth a lot more money.
Vale mucho más dinero.
For what it's worth to you you made yourself a lot of friends, too.
Si puede servirte de consuelo también has ganado muchos amigos.
You're worth a lot more and you know it, and that's why you're comin'along with me.
Vales mucho mäs, y lo sabes, por eso me has seguido.
It's worth a lot of money to me!
¡ Vale mucho dinero para mí!
It's ancient and worth a lot of dough.
Es antigua y vale mucho dinero.
Now, I know it's worth a lot of money and I like it less.
Ahora sé que vale mucho dinero y lo amo un poco menos.
I know there's a lot of things to say... but it really isn't worth saying... so please just get out.
Sé que hay mucho por decir... pero no vale la pena decirlo.... así que simplemente sal.
That's a long, rough road, Mac, and a lot more tourists than it's worth.
Mac, eso parece muy complicado. Son demasiadas complicaciones.
- It's worth a lot.
Algo que vale mucho.
It's worth a lot, huh?
Es muy valioso, ¿ no?
It's a bargaining chip. It's worth a lot to a lot of people... including you.
Es una ficha para negociar vale mucho para mucha gente.
You said it's worth a lot of money.
Eso vale mucho dinero.
It's costing us a lot of money to get together like this... because now my time is worth as much as yours.
Reunirnos nos cuesta una fortuna, porque mi tiempo es tan valioso como el suyo.
Look, I know it's gonna be a lot of work, but... oh, it'd be worth it to hear a baby's laugh around the house.
- Sé que será mucho trabajo. Pero será estupendo oir las risas de un niño en casa.
So, if you think about it, it's worth quite a lot.
Así que, si lo piensas, esto vale bastante.
It's platinum, it's worth a lot of money.
Es Platino, vale mucho dinero.
It's worth a lot of money.
Vale mucho dinero.
It's certainly worth a lot more than your word.
Sin duda vale mucho más que tu palabra.
It's really worth a whole lot.
En realidad, vale muchísimo.
- Yeah, but it's worth it, I get to spend a lot of private time with the baby.
- Sí, pero vale la pena. Puedo pasar mucho tiempo sola con el bebé.
That's going to take a lot of work, but it'll be worth it.
Eso tomará mucho trabajo. Pero valdrá la pena.
It's worth a hell of a lot more than that cheap chardonnay.
Costó mucho más que ese corriente chardonnay.
It's worth a lot of money.
¡ No, no es asi! Pues vale mucho dinero.
It's worth a lot more when it ain't all shot to... shit.
Tiene más valor si no está hecho... mierda.
Sounds like it's a lot more trouble than it's worth.
No parece que merezca la pena.
Uh, burn. It's a lot of work for a joke, but well worth it.
Ya es malo que Albright nos haya estudiado 4 años.
"It's worth a lot of money already."
"Valen mucho dinero ya..."
That land's worth a lot more to me with nothing on it.
Esa tierra vale más sin nada en ella
It's worth a lot you make very good coffee.
Vendré a menudo, haces un café muy bueno.
Well, this picture is worth such a lot of money because... it's a picture... of Whistler's Mother.
Bueno, esta pintura vale tanto dinero... porque... es un retrato... de la madre de Whistler.
It's a lot of work, but it's gonna be worth it, Gus.
- Es difícil, pero valdrá la pena.
I know it's a lot of hard work, but anything of value is worth that hard work.
Sé que es un montón de trabajo duro, pero cualquier cosa de valor vale todo ese trabajo duro.
For whatever it's worth, Annie, took a lot of guts for you to come here.
Como sea en mi opinión, Annie, se necesitó valor para venir acá.
I'm not sure if this paper is what you wanted- - if I hit the social significance... or whatever you're looking for... but for what it's worth, thanks a lot.
No sé si esto es lo que Ud. Quería. Si acerté con el significado social o lo que sea que Ud. Quería. Pero, de todos modos, muchas gracias.
It was worth a lot. So let's get rid of that one month of labour.
Mereces una reducción de la condena.

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