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And to add insult to injury, it says there that you're supposed to be dead.
Y como si fuera poco, ahí dice que se supone que estás muerto.
It says here that the Renaissance was a tremendously important period in European culture that produced the beginnings of modern thought.
La cocina es transformación, y, en ese sentido, es un milagro, es alquimia.
And this period, it says here, was marked by the revival of the spirit of Greece and Rome, and by an increasing preoccupation with secular life.
Pero de todas las transformaciones que se dan al cocinar, la fermentación es la más milagrosa y la más misteriosa.
And wonderful work, no arguments there, but, you know, very few bits of it, very few indeed, are actually trying to do what it says in the books.
Como la salsa de tomate, la salsa picante, el sake, la kombucha, la cerveza, el salami, el prosciutto.
It says here that "you're not supposed to get emotionally involved with characters because it could compromise the drama."
Aquí pone que : "No debes implicarte sentimentalmente con personajes porque podría poner en peligro a la serie".
It says exactly who you are.
Dice exactamente quiénes sois.
It says people are not engaging with your brands.
Eso dice que la gente no conecta con lo que vendéis.
The news report - - it says they think this is the man
Las noticias, dicen que creen que este es el hombre
It says, "continental breakfast," but it's, like, cereal and toast.
Dice "desayuno continental", pero es como cereal y tostadas.
MITCH : That's what it says.
Eso es lo que dice.
It says on their Web site, as long as we work there, they have a controlling ownership of anything we come up with.
En su página web dice que mientras trabajemos ahí, todo lo que inventemos es propiedad de ellos.
It says that he's settling in and that he's getting along well with his roommate... And that he thinks he's gonna be okay.
y dice que está instalándose en y que él se va muy bien con su compañero... y que él piensa que va a estar bien.
It says here Dwight is estranged from his mother, wildred Darnell, also her maiden name.
Dice que Dwight está distanciado de su madre, Wildred Darnell, igual nombre de soltera.
Now, Daria, it says here that you were diagnosed with Moebius Syndrome in 2013.
Ahora, Daria, aquí dice que fuiste diagnosticada con síndrome de Moebius en 2013.
It says here the code's for a 6-year-old kid, not an infant.
Dicen que el código es por un niño de seis años de edad, - no un bebé.
It says visitation has been suspended for two weeks because of an altercation he had this morning.
Dice que las visitas han sido suspendidas por dos semanas debido a un altercado que tuvo esta mañana.
It says here a Harvey Specter is his lawyer.
Aquí dice que Harvey Specter es su abogado.
I don't care what it says.
No me importa lo que diga.
It says here that it's a front for the White Lotus Chinese Triad.
- Aquí dice... que es un negocio de la Triada china Loto Blanco.
It says we have to deliver lunch.
Pone que les entreguemos el almuerzo.
It says "well-regulated militia."
Dice "milicia bien regulada".
It says, "Danger, barranca ahead."
Ponía : "Peligro, barranca adelante".
It says that we're all committed so finding a solution and getting the players back playing.
Dice que todos estamos comprometidos a encontrar una solución y traer de vuelta a los músicos a tocar.
The FDA says it's the real thing, but historically, no, it's not. It's a real novelty.
La FDA dice que sí, pero la historia dice que no.
Uh, today, someone got 50 grand to fund a hammer that says, "Nailed it"
Uh, hoy en día, alguien consiguió 50 de los grandes Para financiar un martillo que dice : "dado en el clavo"
If Sister Nina says it happened, it happened.
Si la hermana Nina dice que pasó, pasó.
He says it's to give hope.
Me dijo que es para dar esperanza.
Now, he says he, um, didn't make it to Columbia not to earn money.
Dice que no llegó a la Universidad de Columbia para no hacer dinero.
If she says it to you again, you either gotta say it back or walk off.
Si vuelve a decírtelo, se lo dices o te alejas de ella.
Whatever she says, I wouldn't give it one scrap of attention.
A lo que ella diga no le daría la más mínima importancia.
OK, now it says find the vendor.
Tengo que encontrar al vendedor.
Helicopters aren't coming out in the storm and the ambulance says it will be several hours.
Los helicópteros no pueden despegar por la tormenta y dicen que la ambulancia tardará varias horas.
Tucker's there without his partner, says he knows about us and the girls and that it can go one of two ways :
Tucker de allí sin su pareja, Dice que sabe de nosotros y las chicas y que puede ir de dos maneras :
No, but the brass says this is over, and so is SVU if we keep looking into it.
No, pero el bronce dice que esto ha terminado, y así es SVU si seguimos mirando en ella.
Smart money says it's lame.
El dinero inteligente dice que es cojo.
She says all this in court before we arrest Brady on these charges so she can't take it back, and I give her one count of Murder Two, and one count ‭ of Conspiracy to Commit Murder.
Si dice todo esto en el tribunal antes de que arrestemos a Brady por estos cargos para que no pueda retirar la declaración, y le concedo un cargo de asesinato en primer grado y otro por conspiración para cometer asesinato.
Yeah, but one of my professors says that it's just because the tape is dirty and that you guys have a process that you use to clean it all up.
Sí, pero uno de mis profesores dice que es sólo porque la cinta está sucio y que ustedes tienen un proceso que se utiliza para limpiar todo.
The Sun-Times says it's a witch hunt.
El "Sun-Times" dice que es una caza de brujas.
Jon says he thinks it could go another five...
Jon dice que podría ir otro cinco...
My therapist says it's because he's a pathological narcissist, so...
Mi terapeuta dice que es porque él es un narcisista patológico, así que...
The ad just says it's "sunsoaked and beige-y."
El anuncio simplemente dice que es "sunsoaked y beige-y."
The doctor says it's good for my equilibrium.
Según el médico es bueno para el equilibrio.
But the pediatrician says we got it under control for now.
El pediatra dice que por ahora está controlada.
Date says it's, like, six years old, though.
Aunque la fecha dice que es, como de seis años de edad.
He says it's about basketball.
Dice que se trata de baloncesto.
Except he says it's not cheating.
Excepto que me dice que no me engañó.
Says if it were a guy, then he'd be cheating.
Me dijo que si fuera con un chico, eso sería infidelidad.
- That says "killer" on it.
- En el que pone "asesina".
Well, he says it's going to take at least ten men.
Bueno, él dice que va a tomar por lo menos diez hombres.
The call was traced to your cell phone, and voice recognition says it's you.
La llamada fue rastreada hasta su teléfono celular... y el reconocimiento de voz dice que es usted.
- I'm always been, like, putting in my little comedic chime in there, but you're shutting it down, so I'm probably gonna do it anyway regardless of what Chi Chi says.
Soy comediante y me estás limitando, pero lo haré igual, no importa lo que Chi Chi diga.

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