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It seems to me translate Spanish

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I know that's what you believe, but if this escalates, it seems to me the only one who will get hurt is Henry.
Eso es lo que crees, pero si el problema se agrava, el único damnificado será Henry.
It seems to me she's pushing us to find him.
Me parece que nos está empujando para que lo encontremos.
It seems to me you do a lot of running away and nervous giggling. Mm.
Me parece que eres muy de escapar y de reir nerviosamente.
It seems to me that you are the one who's asking all of the questions.
Me parece que es el único que está haciendo las preguntas.
It seems to me that things haven't been done properly here.
Me parece que las cosas no se han hecho bien aquí.
It seems to me that Alicia was not thrilled wedding. You thought it would be easy?
Sin embargo, no veo a Alicia muy ilusionada con la boda.
It seems to me that this is one of the new waiter. Served table and photographer snapped him.
Si no me equivoco, es uno de los nuevos camareros.
It seems to me that I have nothing to do in this personal conversation.
- Me parece que no pinto nada en esta conversación personal.
It seems to me that whoever it is, has got to be wondering why they didn't get their last message, right?
Me parece que cualquiera que sea, ¿ tiene que estar preguntándonos por qué no recibieron su ùltimo mensaje, de acuerdo?
- It seems to me a good choice.
Me parece muy buena elección.
It seems to me you're just someone who wants to play God.
A mí sólo me pareces alguien que quiere jugar a ser Dios.
You can not go wrong at the hotel coffers. But it seems to me that he did not understand anything, that's you.
Ya no puedes meter tus manos en las arcas del hotel, pero quien no ha comprendido nada eres tú.
It seems to me there's a bad vibe developing.
Se está produciendo una mala "vibra".
The intentions pure selfishness, it seems to me.
A mí me parece que la intención es puro egoísmo.
It seems to me that I must raise the issue of this month's unsatisfactory management.
Quiero tomar esta oportunidad para decirle las cosas que no me han gustado... mientras he trabajado con usted.
Now, looking at Silva's computer, it seems to me he's done a number of slightly unusual things.
Observando el ordenador de Silva, ha hecho una serie de cosas extrañas.
But it seems to me, after much research, that rap is, when a guy is stabbed in the back, instead of bleeding, he talks - albeit rhythmically, even with feeling.
Pero me parece que, después de mucha investigación, el rap es, cuando un hombre es apuñalado en la espalda, y en lugar de la hemorragia, habla... aunque rítmicamente, incluso con sentimiento.
And it seems to me, you probably need this more than I.
Y me parece a mí, que probable que tenga esto más que yo
It seems to me, you party with the devil, God ain't ever gonna help you.
A mí me parece, que hizo parte con el diablo, Dios, nunca nos iba a ayudar.
It seems to me we may have met
Me parece a mí haberlo conocido
It seems to me the police force should be keeping the people safe.
Me parece que el objetivo de la policía es mantener al pueblo seguro.
¶ I thought you loved me, but it seems you don't care ¶ ¶ I care enough to know I can never love you ¶
* pense que me amabas pero parece que no te importa * * me preocupa demasiado saber que nunca podré amarte *
It seems it's the only song our janitor knows how to play, and I'm bleeding from the ears.
Parece ser la única canción que nuestro conserje conoce, y me sangran las orejas.
'Cause to me it just seems like he'd rather cut off a piece of my hair and wear it in a locket around his neck.
Porque a mí me parece que preferiría cortarme un trozo de pelo y llevarlo en un relicario alrededor de su cuello.
It means that I actually liked talking to you, and I opened up to you, but it seems like all you're doing is trying to find a way to take down Terrence King for your headlines.
Quiero decir que me ha encantado hablar contigo, y abrirme a ti, pero parece que todo lo que estás haciendo es encontrar una manera de quitar a Terrence King de los titulares.
I have of late,... but wherefore I know not,... lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises ; and, indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory ; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire,... why it appears no other thing than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.
De poco tiempo a esta parte,... sin saber la causa... he perdido toda mi alegría, olvidando mis ordinarias ocupaciones... y este accidente ha sido tan funesto a mi salud... que la tierra, esa divina máquina... me parece un promontorio estéril... ese dosel magnifico de los cielos... ese hermoso firmamento que veis sobre nosotros, esa techumbre majestuosa... sembrada de doradas luces,... no otra cosa me parece que una desagradable y... pestífera multitud de vapores.
It just seems to me that perhaps it's time to think about retirement.
Quizás sea hora de pensar en jubilarte.
It all seems a bit amateur, to me.
Todo me parece algo amateur.
I mean, it just seems more personal than a business transaction to me...
Quiero decir, eso me parece más personal que una transacción de negocios...
But when it comes to friend, you can never have too many, and edna, she's the only one who helped me on the first day, so maybe i'm just a big fool but she seems like a genuinely nice person.
Pero cuando se trata de amigos, nunca tienes demasiados. Y Edna es la única persona que me ayudó en el primer día. Así que, tal vez soy un gran tonto, pero ella parece genuinamente una persona agradable.
Well, the way you're trying to micromanage me, it seems like you still think it's yours.
Bien, la forma en que estás tratando de microgestionarme, para que todavía piensas que es tuya.
It just seems to me like you're bottling a lot of stuff up on this one.
Pero me parece que reprimiste mucha cosas en este caso.
Personally, and now digitally, and you know what, it seems obvious to me that the rotten apple hasn't fallen too far from the tree. Ah, ah, ah, ah... It's the library.
Personalmente, y ahora, digitalmente, y sabes qué, me parece obvio que la manzana podrida no ha caido muy lejos del árbol.
Want to lose the costume? Huh? You mind telling me why everybody seems to think that it's Christmas Eve?
¿ Quiere perder el disfraz? ¿ Te importa contarme por qué todo el mundo parece pensar que es Nochebuena?
Just consider yourself fortunate that Mr. Trippe seems to hold you in such high regard, because if it was up to me, you would be out of here.
Considérate afortunada de que el Sr. Trippe parezca tenerte en tan buena estima, porque si fuera por mi, estarías fuera de aquí.
I mean, it seems like a shame to waste the... and...
Me refiero, parece una lastima gastar el-
brandon just caught this Giant, really scary looking fish That have these kind of Intimidatinglooking fang teeth And I'm in charge of holding it But it seems to have some life In it so I'm nervous it will Resurrect and attack me.
Brandon acaba de coger este pez gigante horripilante con dientes colmillescos intimidantes... y estoy encargado de sujetarlo, pero parece que le queda algo de vida y estoy nervioso por si resucita y me ataca.
It would be despicable to do that to anyone but to do that to someone who ought to have been treated as a national hero seems to me especially despicable.
Sería despreciable hacerle eso a cualquiera pero hacerle eso a alguien que debería ser tratado como un héroe nacional me parece especialmente despreciable.
It's because you don't want it that it all seems troublesome, annoying, and you want to avoid it. Have you still not ended it?
Pero Mamá, no creas que me estoy sacrificando por su bien.
But I still don't think it's necessarily all that useful to categorize every president as universally corrupt, because that just seems really general to me.
Pero tampoco creo que sea útil categorizar a todos los presidentes como corruptos porque me parece que es muy general.
It seems pretty self-evident to me.
Me parece que es obvio.
but this whole court case seems to be suddenly dominating everything and I can't get Lisa to tell me anything about it.
Y no quiero ser impertinente pero este caso del tribunal parece ser el centro de atención y no logro que Lisa me cuente nada.
It's just, 10 sandwiches a day. To me, that seems too much, almost like a job.
Es que 10 sándwiches al día es demasiado.
It seems your father lied to me. I'm guessing'cause it's some way to cover himself.
Tu padre no dijo la verdad.
Everything seems to be all great, and it's like I can't control all this internal shit that's goin'on!
Todo parecía estar tan bien, y es como que no puedo controlar toda esta mierda interior que me está pasando.
It just seems so ridiculous to me that I shut everyone out for five years.
Me parece ridículo que saqué a todos de mi vida durante 5 años.
It just seems like the right thing to do, to be there for Gwen.
Me parece que es lo que debo hacer, darle mi apoyo a Gwen.
Seems disrespectful to look at it for any less than 10 minutes, I guess.
Me parece una falta de respeto a verlo por ningún menos de 10 minutos, creo.
No, it seems pretty tame to me.
No, a mí me parece bastante domesticado.
It seems that this image means something important to me, as if it's only a sign for something else.
Eso es para mí pues, lo qué algunas cosas importante significan. En su forma actual sólo como un indicio de otra cosa.
So, spinal surgery, it just seems to me to be at the top of the surgery chain.
Cirugía de columna, suena como un tipo de cirugía muy importante.

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