It seems to be translate Spanish
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It seems to be a Venezuelan?
Es venezolano ¿ cierto?
- Yes, it seems to be alive.
- Sí, parece estar vivo.
Although it seems to be better than bankruptcy.
Aunque será mejor hacerlo parecer que se rompió.
Well, whatever it is, you're covered in it and it seems to be piquing the interest of a rather hostile alien species.
Bueno, sea lo que sea, estamos involucrados en esto. y parece que despiertas el interés de esas especies exóticas.
But there's one thing suspicious... we found a posthumous letter in his room, it seems to be left by his wife
Pero una cosa es sospechosa... encontramos una carta en su habitación, parece que la dejó su esposa
It seems to be operating in half pressure.
Creo que está operando a mitad de presión.
Yes, and it seems to be functional.
Si, y parece que se encuentra funcional.
So it seems to be.
Así parece.
It seems to be the only time we have.
Parece ser que es la única hora de la que disponemos.
Now it seems to be musclebound morons running around in T-shirts.
Ahora parecen ser idiotas musculosos corriendo en camisetas.
It's true, it's only been a couple of months, but, so far, it seems to be the only explanation.
Es verdad, solo han pasado un par de meses, pero, hasta ahora, parece ser la única explicación.
Maybe. But it seems to be important to a lot of people.
Quizá, pero parece ser importante para muchos.
This suit, it seems to be repairing itself.
Este traje, parece estar reparándose solo.
It seems to be.
Eso parece.
It's a real game-changer. It seems to be scanning us.
Eso es realmente innovador.
It seems to be an authentic, analog print from an analog source.
Parece ser una auténtica impresión analógica desde una fuente analógica.
It seems like David Norris and Elise Sellas were meant to be together because they were meant to be together.
David y Elise Sellas están destinados a estar juntos porque su destino era estar juntos.
Parece que puede tener éxito, me refiero a que parece una buena elección.
It's funny. Whoever's writing these bullshit letters... seems to be interested in everyone, except the actual fucking killers.
Es gracioso el que esté escribiendo estas cartas está interesado en todos menos en los verdaderos asesinos.
Everything everywhere seems to get worse and worse, and you can't help but be depressed by it all.
En todos lados, todo parece empeorar, y no puedo evitar deprimirme por todo.
Someone seems to be enjoying it. Look, look over here.
- Parece que alguien la está pasando bien.
It seems to me a measure of the true perversity of the human race, that one of its very few reliably pleasurable activities should be the subject of so much hysteria and repression.
Me parece una medida de la verdadera perversidad de la raza humana, que una de sus pocas actividades placenteras fiables deba estar sujeta a tanta histeria y represión.
Guys, it looks like we're facing what seems to be a horde of camel spiders.
Amigos, parece que nos enfrentamos a una horda de arañas camello.
I'm sorry, you know, it's just that... something seems too good to be true...
Lo siento, sabes, es solo que... Parece demasiado bueno para ser verdad.
It's really difficult for me to be happy and then for other people, it just seems so simple -
Me cuesta mucho trabajo ser feliz. Sin embargo, para otra gente, parece muy sencillo.
It's just seems to be sort of wasted.
A mí me parece que es un desperdicio.
It seems Maryann may be too short to hold the gun comfortably.
Parece que Maryann tal vez sea muy chica para sostener la pistola cómodamente
Seems like the governing board has assigned a theme to this year's Regionals, and part of our score will be based upon how well we interpret it.
parece que el consejo de administración ha asignado el tema de este año en las regionales y parte de nuestra calificación estará basado en cómo se interprete.
Yeah, he seems to be using it pretty well to me.
Si, a mi me parece que la usa muy bien.
It's seems like she's finally willing to accept that her son is never, ever going to be a lawyer.
Parece como si estuviera finalmente dispuesta a aceptar que su hijo nunca llegará a ser un abogado.
Yeah, well, there are nipples in it, so it just seems like we ought to be safe and destroy it.
Sí, pero hay pezones en la pintura así que para estar seguros la destruiremos.
It all seems to be in order.
Parece estar todo en orden.
- I couldn't help but overhear some of the conversation you were having with my dad. And it seems if Ron were to find out about his wife, then your little golf game would be called off.
No pude evitar escuchar que hablabas con mi papá y parece que si Ron se enterara entonces tu jueguito de golf se suspendería.
It's beautiful, it just seems to be making you tense to add the extra thing and you don't need it.
Es preciosa. Pero parece que te pones muy tensa al añadir ese extra y no te hace falta.
What seems like a slam-dunk case to the cops, though, still needs to be heard by 16 grand jurors before it can go to trial.
Parece un gran éxito de los polis, aunque, aún tiene que verse delante de dieciséis personas en el Gran Jurado antes de poder llevarlo a juicio.
Now it seems to me, in this economy we should be doing everything we can do to help those people stay in their jobs.
A mi modo de ver, en esta economía, deberíamos de estar haciendo todo lo posible para ayudar a que esa gente conserve sus empleos.
Uh, it just seems to me like nature'd be a whole lot smarter if she tried kicking'man's ass instead of ours.
Uh, sólo me parece que la naturaleza sería un mucho más inteligente si tratara de patear traseros humanos en lugar de los nuestros.
Well, there doesn't seem to be anyone in, it all seems OK.
Bueno, parece que no hay nadie, todo parece estar bien.
It seems we're to be graced with her company a little longer.
Parece que seremos agraciados con su compañía un poco más.
It's your way that seems to be the problem.
Es tu manera la que parece ser el problema.
It seems to, uh, the observer, uh, of the scene that, uh, that Cuba has to be the point of the crisis.
Parece para el observador de la escena, que Cuba tiene que ser el punto de crisis.
I contacted 52 division and it seems MacCoy wasn't scheduled to be on that transport detail.
Llamé a la División 52 y parece ser que no estaba planificado que MacCoy estuviera en ese transporte.
It's been a few days since my heart seems to be bewitched.
Han pasado unos días desde mi corazón parece estar embrujado.
It's a Henry Barton, our elevator seems to be stuck...
Es Henry Barton. Nuestro ascensor parece estar atascado en el piso 49.
Well, it seems like there should be a little more to it than that, though.
Bueno, parece que hubiera un poco mas que eso, sin embargo,
I think I'm going to purchase this bedpan. It seems like it might be useful.
Voy a comprar este orinal, podria servirme.
He does not seem to be armed, but it seems almost super-human speed.
No parece estar armado, mas parece que fuera un super-humano por su velocidad.
It's strange that there always seems to be a firearms mishap at this particular awards ceremony, don't you think, Shea?
Es extraño que siempre parece haber percances con armas en esos premios en particular, ¿ no crees, Shea?
- Seems like it'd be easier to just kidnap someone in Moscow.
Parece mas fácil raptarlo en Rusia.
It's all right to be thrifty, but for him, every dollar he spends seems to cause him pain.
Está bien ser ahorrativo, pero a él, cada dólar que gasta parece causarle dolor.
It seems to me that the first person should be a woman.
A mi me parece que la primera persona debería ser una mujer.
it seems like 43
it seems today that all you see 46
it seems to me 101
it seems 505
it seems so 68
it seems that way 37
it seems that 22
it seems impossible 22
it seems like it 16
it seems not 17
it seems today that all you see 46
it seems to me 101
it seems 505
it seems so 68
it seems that way 37
it seems that 22
it seems impossible 22
it seems like it 16
it seems not 17
seems to be 24
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be with you 30
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
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to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be with you 30
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
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to begin with 126
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to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
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to be 126
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
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to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be sure 151
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to be 126
to be safe 60
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to be exact 289