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It shouldn't have happened translate Spanish

107 parallel translation
That shouldn't have happened. But I guess it had to.
Eso no debió haber ocurrido... pero supongo que tuvo que ocurrir.
It shouldn't have happened to a dog. But, well...
Es algo que no debería pasarle a un perro, pero bueno...
- It shouldn't have happened.
- Qué infortunio. No debería haber ocurrido.
It shouldn't have happened, you're ashamed.
No debió haber sucedido, estás avergonzado.
- It shouldn't have happened.
- No debería haber pasado.
Stupid! The way they're living with each other... it's something that shouldn't have happened in the first place
La forma en la que están viviendo juntos... es algo que no debería haber sucedido desde un principio.
All those smartarses saying it wouldn't work, then when it did, saying it shouldn't have happened.
eh? Todos los listillos diciendo que no iba a funcionar... y cuando ocurrio diciendo que no tendria que haber ocurrido.
It shouldn't have happened in the first place, son.
Esto no debió haber pasado nunca, hijo.
It shouldn't have happened.
No tenía que pasar.
It just shouldn't have happened.
No debió de haber pasado.
It shouldn't have happened. I did everything right.
Eso... eso no debería haber pasado, hice todo correcto.
I think what happened was a mistake and that it shouldn't have happened.
Creo que lo que ha pasado ha sido un error y no debería haber pasado
It shouldn't have happened.
Las cosas no debieron ser así.
Um, listen, I just... I want to apologize for yesterday and last night. It just shouldn't have happened.
Oye, quisiera... disculparme por ayer, y lo de anoche, no debería haber sucedido.
It's my fault, and it shouldn't have happened.
Es mi culpa, y no debió haber pasado.
* It shouldn't have happened. * But it's true
"No debe haber ocurrido, Pero es verdadero"
And it shouldn't have happened.
Y no debería haber sucedido
There's a lot of bad feeling about the Irish here, but it shouldn't have happened.
Hay malas sensaciones con los irlandeses aquí.
It shouldn't have happened.
No debió haber pasado.
That I was uncomfortable, that I was uncomfortable because of what happened to me, and it invaded or stuck its fucking hand in one more part of my life, a part of my life that it shouldn't have had to.
Estaba incómodo, estaba incómodo por Io que me había pasado a mí, y me sentí invadido, como si esa maldita mano se metiera en otra parte de mi vida, una parte de mi vida en Ia que no debería meterse.
It definitely shouldn't have happened.
Sin duda no tendría que haber pasado.
- It shouldn't have happened?
- ¿ Y ahora me vienes con esas?
It shouldn't have happened, but Dan was secretly duckin'his medicine.
Dan había dejado de tomar sus pastillas.
It shouldn't have happened in the first place!
No debería haber sucedido, para empezar.
The gun exploded. It shouldn't have happened but it did.
El arma explotó No debió haber pasado pero ocurrió
He was such a good kid. It shouldn't have happen to him, it should have happened to me.
Era un chico tan bueno... no debería haberle pasado a él, debería haberme pasado a mí
In terms of physics, it shouldn't have happened.
En términos físicos, no debería haber ocurrido.
It was in a car. - That shouldn't have happened.
Gustarle a la gente en el instituto ya es lo suficientemente difícil
It shouldn't have happened this way.
No tenía que haber ocurrido esto.
- It shouldn't have happened like this.
¡ No tenía que haber acabado así!
Basically what I'm saying is it shouldn't have happened.
Básicamente lo que digo es que no debería haber ocurrido.
But it shouldn't have happened.
Pero no debió haber pasado.
- It was a senseless accident. - It shouldn't have happened.
- No debería haber pasado.
It shouldn't have happened.
No debería de haber pasado
It shouldn't have happened and it definitely won't happen again.
No debería haber ocurrido... y definitivamente no va a pasar otra vez.
It shouldn't ever have happened.
Nunca debería haber pasado.
It shouldn't have happened.
No debió suceder.
Well, of course it was... a mistake, a mess, it shouldn't have happened.
Por supuesto... fue un error, un lío, No tendría que haber pasado.
I know it shouldn't have happened.
No debería haber ocurrido.
It shouldn't have happened.
No debió haber ocurrido.
it shouldn't have happened.
Un suceso desafortunado, que no debería haber ocurrido.
- It shouldn't have happened.
No debió haber pasado.
It shouldn't have happened.
Se suponía que no debía ocurrir
No, it was unprofessional and it shouldn't have happened.
No, fue poco profesional y no debió haber ocurrido.
Well, it shouldn't have happened here.
Bueno, no debería haber ocurrido así.
No, it shouldn't have happened.
No, no debería haber sido así.
Shouldn't have happened, and it won't happen again.
Nunca debía haber ocurrido y no ocurrirá de nuevo.
This whole day, it shouldn't have happened.
Este día entero, no debío haber pasado.
It shouldn't have happened, but it did.
No debió haber pasado, pero pasó.
It--it just shouldn't have happened.
Esto- - esto no debería haber sucedido.
And it shouldn't have happened.
Y desearía que no hubiese pasado.

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