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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / It would appear

It would appear translate Spanish

916 parallel translation
Well, it would appear we are in the midst of a Mexican stand-off.
Bueno, parece estamos en medio de un mexicano enfrentamiento.
It would appear then that my crew is still a little dubious... as to the merits of His Majesty's offer.
Parece que mi tripulacion tiene algunas dudas... sobre las bondades de la oferta de Su Majestad.
Well, from all indications it would appear so.
Todo parece indicar que sí.
It would appear to be one of your sisters.
Es una de sus hermanas.
It would appear your search has ended, monsieur.
Parece que su búsqueda llega a su fin.
After it happened, Perry and I arranged everything... so that it would appear that he died naturally.
Después que sucedió, Perry y yo arreglamos todo para que pareciera una muerte natural.
And it would appear that each brick is about to fall upon me.
Y siento que cada ladrillo me caerá encima.
It would appear that painting is beneficial... perhaps even necessary... for this patient's well-being.
Al parecer, la pintura es beneficiosa... tal vez incluso necesaria... para el bienestar del paciente.
However, it would appear that when you first met the prisoner in Hamburg - you lied to him about your marital status.
Sin embargo, Frau Helm, parecería que cuando usted conoció al acusado le mintió acerca de su estado civil.
So it would appear.
Así parece.
And it would appear, for the lady of the house
Y según parece, para la patrona.
Not a complicated set of tasks, it would appear, and yet the newlywed mrs. Walker is about to discover that the old adage "you can't go home again"
Un conjunto de tareas no complicadas, podría parecer, pero el recién casado señor Walker va a descubrir que el viejo dicho "no puedes volver a casa"
From the information I was given it would appear that the opposite is true.
Por lo que yo sé, es todo lo contrario.
It's doubtful it would appear in that form.
Es dudoso que apareciera de esa forma.
It would appear not.
- Eso parece.
- It would appear so.
- Eso parece.
It would appear my that luck is running out.
- Parece que se me acaba la suerte.
As you can see, it would appear that you distort the truth.
Como puede ver, el mentiroso es usted.
Since then, it would appear, he's been lying low.
Desde entonces, mantiene un perfil bajo.
And it would appear that I shall have my wish.
Y parece que tendré mi deseo.
Well, it would appear that this li...
Bien, parece que esta pe...
It would appear that we are working to the same ends. I sincerely hope so. Oh, do forgive me.
Algo se está tramando, Steed, muy extraño y peligroso para mi país.
Gentlemen, I'm sure there's no real reason to be needlessly alarmed... but it would appear that the outcome of this whole campaign... is now in the hands of a stark, raving lunatic!
Caballeros, estoy seguro de que no hay necesidad de alarmarse pero parecería que el resultado de nuestra campaña ¡ está ahora en manos de un maldito lunático!
So it would appear, sir.
Eso parece, señor.
You sentenced him to death. It would appear you beheaded the wrong man.
Ustedes lo guillotinaron, pero se equivocaron.
It would appear that the real culprit in this case is coincidence.
Parecería que su culpabilidad en este caso es pura coincidencia.
It would appear someone is curious about us.
Parece que alguien tiene curiosidad.
It would appear so, captain.
Eso parece, capitán.
It would appear, captain, that he finds you a disappointment.
Parece que lo decepcionó, Capitán.
Although whatever civilization that might have been here was destroyed by some natural catastrophe, it would appear that one of the race took refuge in the cave.
Aunque la civilización que haya existido aquí se destruyó por alguna catástrofe natural parecería que uno de esa raza se refugió en la cueva.
It would appear, sir, that you have little control over her.
Parece, señor, que tiene poco control sobre ella.
It would appear that the entity wants us alive.
Parece que la entidad quiere que vivamos.
- It would appear that the Enterprise is the target, captain.
Parece que la nave Enterprise es el blanco, Capitán.
It would appear so, sir.
Parece que sí, señor.
It would appear to be a piece of blue paper with writing on it in pencil.
Parece ser una hoja de papel azul escrita con lápiz.
It would appear that this guy "So long" has got kind of a harem...
Parece como si este tipo "Hasta luego" tuviera una especie de harem...
So, it would appear that she was the victim of a deliberate attack.
Todo parece indicar que fue victima... de un ataque planeado.
It would appear not...
- Parecería que no.
now it would appear that all are already looking in.
Me parece que ahora ya nos están mirando todos.
It would be worth something to me not to have it appear.
Apreciaría mucho que esto no se publicara.
By the way, it would be disgraceful for an officer to appear before his commandant's daughter in such a condition.
A propósito, no se vería bien que un oficial apareciera ante la hija de su comandante en esas condiciones.
Sin duda podría haber sido muy simple para la acusada aparecer ante ustedes como una pecadora arrepentida, e insistir en que el hombre asesinado la había perseguido, y la había torturado.
I would never appear to condone it by marriage between our families.
No os apoyaré en este matrimonio.
It's said that in a time of great peril... two birds of the fairest coloring would appear... and the clouds of disaster would roll away like the mist.
Dice que en tiempos de gran peligro aparecerán dos pájaros de tonos claros. Y que las nubes del desastre desaparecerán como la niebla.
It's near the time they said Our Lady would appear.
- ¿ Tenían miedo de venir hoy?
It would appear that that you are not in agreement with the Holy Office.
Parece que están en desacuerdo con el santo oficio.
If it were me, would appear to be...
- Yo en su lugar daría la imagen de...
So it would appear.
Eso parece.
It would make us appear too weak.
Pareceríamos débiles.
I would not appear in a frontal nude scene unless it was valid.
Yo no aparecería con desnudo frontal a menos que fuera válido.
It is quite conceivable that under these conditions, He would appear to have died a little earlier.
Es bastante concebible que bajo esas condiciones aparezca como si hubiese muerto un poco antes.

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