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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / It would appear so

It would appear so translate Spanish

198 parallel translation
Well, from all indications it would appear so.
Todo parece indicar que sí.
- It would appear so.
- Eso parece.
It would appear so, captain.
Eso parece, capitán.
It would appear so, sir.
Parece que sí, señor.
Yes, it would appear so.
Sí, así parece.
It would appear so.
-... que le procurara mujeres? - Eso parecería.
- It would appear so.
Eso parece.
It would appear so, wouldn't it?
¿ Eso parecería, no?
It would appear so lt seems the bomb that fell inside the warship exploded under the breech of a cannon automatically causing it to fire
Parece ser que sí. Por lo visto, la bomba, precipitándose dentro del buque... explotó debajo de la cureña de un cañón... provocando el fuego automáticamente.
It would appear so, sir. And...
Eso parece, señor, y...
It would appear so.
Eso parece, Sr.
It would appear so.
Eso parece.
It would appear so, sir.
Eso parece, señor.
It would appear so.
Eso parece, ¿ no?
It would appear so, sir.
Así parece, señor.
- Yeah, it would appear so.
- Sí, eso parece.
Eso parecería.
Yes. It would appear so.
debería de aparecer también
Yup, it would appear so.
Sí, eso parece.
- It would appear so.
Es un arma.
Yes, it would appear so, Mister Chairman.
Hasta ahora sí, Sr Presidente.
After it happened, Perry and I arranged everything... so that it would appear that he died naturally.
Después que sucedió, Perry y yo arreglamos todo para que pareciera una muerte natural.
So it would appear.
Así parece.
It would appear that we are working to the same ends. I sincerely hope so. Oh, do forgive me.
Algo se está tramando, Steed, muy extraño y peligroso para mi país.
So it would appear, sir.
Eso parece, señor.
So it would appear.
Eso parece.
It would appear that this guy "So long" has got kind of a harem...
Parece como si este tipo "Hasta luego" tuviera una especie de harem...
So, it would appear that she was the victim of a deliberate attack.
Todo parece indicar que fue victima... de un ataque planeado.
- So it would appear, Mr Sulu.
- Eso parece, Sr. Sulu.
- So it would appear. - Then this must be your pipe cleaner.
Este debe ser entonces su limpiapipas.
- Right. And it would mean so much to so many people if you could appear at our benefit...
Significaría mucho si pudiera venir a nuestra función...
We found the same story, "Escape to Death" on the computer screen, so, it would appear that this story, is the story that Mr. Clarke was working on.
Hallamos la misma historia, "Escape a la muerte", en la pantalla del ordenador. Por lo tanto, parece que esta historia, es la historia en la que el señor Clarke estaba trabajando.
So it would appear that I owe a big apology to a certain mystery man whom I suggested might be the real culprit in this crime.
Parece que le debo una disculpa a cierto hombre misterioso de quien insinué que sería el verdadero culpable del crimen.
So it would appear.
- Sí, así parece.
So it would appear.
Al menos eso parece.
This year, it would help if the winter is mild, so that there are no spikes, and that Christmas spikes appear between December 24 and January 6 and not in November, like last year.
Este año, haría falta, que el invierno fuera más bien dulce, Qué no hubiera crecidas, Qué las crecidas de Navidad se produzcan entre el de 24 diciembre y el 6 de Enero y no como el año anterior en noviembre, lo que fue anormal.
Or so it would appear.
Al menos, eso parece.
So it would appear that the police have made a major mistake?
¿ Entonces, al parecer, la policía cometió un gran error?
And so, it would appear that the death of this man ocorred before the death of M. Paul Renauld.
En ese caso, parece que la muerte de este hombre tuvo lugar antes de la muerte de monsieur Paul Renauld.
So it would appear.
Por lo que parece.
So it would appear, but we have to confirm it.
Eso parece, pero tenemos que confirmarlo.
- So it would appear.
Eso es lo que parece.
- It certainly would appear so.
- Ciertamente parecería así.
So it would now appear.
Es lo que parece, sí.
So it would appear.
eso parece.
So it would appear.
- Así parece.
It would appear so.
- Parece que sí.
So, would he appear in a corona of light if it were in vain?
Su nombre es Garavel. - ¿ Garavel? - Todo esto es inútil.
- So it would appear.
No lo dudo.
It would appear so. Mia Duncan.
Eso parece.
So it would appear
Así que parece

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