King of the universe translate Spanish
82 parallel translation
"Who do you think you are? King of the universe?"
"¿ Quién se ha creído que es usted, el rey del universo?".
"Shield us through this night of terror, O King of the Universe."
"Protégenos en esta noche de terror, oh Dios del Universo".
King of the universe who has sanctified us by thy commandments and commanded us to kindle the Sabbath Light.
Rey del Universo Quien nos ha santificado con sus mandamientos y que nos ha ordenado encender la luz de Hanukkah
Blessed are you, O Lord, our God, king of the universe who bids us eat bitter herbs.
Benditos sean, O Señor, nuestro Dios, Rey del Universo... que nos haces comer hierbas amargas.
Blessed are you, O Lord, our God, king of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth.
Benditos seas, O Señor, nuestro Dios, Rey del Universo... que das pan de la tierra.
Blessed are you, O Lord, our God king of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine.
Benditos seas, O Señor, nuestro Dios... Rey del Universo... que creas el fruto de la vid.
Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai... ( Blessed are You, Lord, our God ) E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ha-o-lam, ( King of the universe, ) ha-mo-tzi le-chem min ha-a-retz.
Bienaventurado eres... oh Señor nuestro Dios, que nos da el pan de la tierra.
"Blessed are You, God, our Lord, King of the universe " who has commanded us to kindle the light of the Sabbath "
"Bendito sea, Dios, nuestro Señor, Rey del Universo que nos has mandado encender la luz del Sabbath"
King of the Universe and Lord of mankind!
Rey del Universo y Señor de la humanidad!
Lord God of all Israel, king of the universe, we have circumcised this child that he may enter into Abraham's covenant.
¡ Oh, Señor, Dios de Israel! ¡ Rey del universo! Hoy circuncidamos a este niño Absalón Ben David, para unirlo al pacto de Abraham.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe... who has sanctified us by thy commandments.
rey del universo.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God... King of the Universe, who hast created joy and gladness... mirth and exultation... pleasure and delight.
y llenalos de alegria y regocijo.
Will Smith is the king of the universe.
Will Smith es el rey del universo.
It's like being king of the universe.
Es como ser rey del universo.
Who elected the Washington Post king of the universe?
Quién eligió a Washington Post el rey del universo?
Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, king of the universe... who brings forth the bread from the earth.
Bendito eres, Dios nuestro Señor, rey del universo... quien nos da el pan de la tierra. Amén.
Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, king of the universe... who brings forth the bread from the earth.
Bendito eres, Dios nuestro Señor, rey del universo... quien nos da el pan de la tierra.
"Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, through whose word everything comes into being." - Amen.
"Bendito seas Tú, Señor, nuestro Dios, Rey del universo, a través de cuya palabra todo llega a ser."
Finally, the man of the hour, the master of disaster, the king of the universe -... look out, girls, he hates to dine alone - Private Duane Doberman!
Por último, el hombre del momento, el maestro del desastre, el rey del universo - cuidado, chicas, porque no le gusta comer solo - el soldado Duane Doberman.
Blessed are Thou eternal our God, king of the Universe... who has sanctified us with His commandments... and command us concerning elicit marriages.
Bendito seas Dios eterno, Señor del Universo... que nos has santificado con tus mandamientos... y nos dices cómo realizar el matrimonio.
Blessed are you Lord our God, king of the Universe... who has created all things for His glory.
Bendito seas Señor Dios nuestro, rey del Universo... que has creado todas las cosas para Tu gloria.
You're the king of the universe.
Eres el rey del universo.
King of the universe, who created the fruit of the vine.
"rey del universo, " quien creó la fruta de la vid ".
... in that day, the King of the universe....
... ese día, el Rey del universo...
" Blessed art Thou, O Lord our god, king of the universe,
.áøåê àúä ä', éåöø àãí " ,'áøåê àúä ä", àìåäéðå îìê äòåìí
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe Who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us regarding the washing of hands.
Bendito eres, Señor nuestro Dios, Rey del universo que nos santificó con Sus mandamientos y nos mandó que nos laváramos las manos.
Blessed are You, Lord our God King of the universe Who creates the fruit of the vine.
Bendito eres, Señor nuestro Dios Rey del universo Quien crea el fruto de la vid.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe Who chose us amongst nations, Who gave us a holy tongue Who sanctified us with His commandments and lovingly set forth joyous holy days such as this Succoth holiday.
Bendito eres, Señor nuestro Dios, Rey del universo Quien nos eligió entre las naciones, quien nos dio una lengua sagrada Quien nos santificó con Sus mandamientos y con amor estableció jubilosos días festivos...
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe Who distinguishes the sacred from the secular light from darkness, Israel from the nations the seventh day of rest from the six days of labor.
Bendito eres, Señor nuestro Dios, Rey del universo Que distingues lo sagrado de lo secular la luz de la oscuridad, Israel de las naciones el séptimo día de descanso de los seis días de trabajo.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe Who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us regarding circumcision.
Bendito eres, Señor nuestro Dios, Rey del universo que nos santificaste con tus mandamientos y nos mandaste que nos circuncidáramos.
She still thinks she's the god-king of the universe.
- Aun cree que es el dios-rey del universo.
"Blessed are You, the Lord our God, King of the universe, through Whose word everything came to be."
"Bendito eres, el Señor nuestro Dios, rey del universo... que con cuyas palabras todo llega a ser".
- "King..." - "King of the Universe who created many souls and their needs, for what He created to instill all lives in."
- Rey del universo... que creó muchas almas y sus necesidades... porque el creó para inculcarles vida ".
# Our God, King of the universe #
Oh, Dios, Rey del universo.
Blessed are You our God, King of the Universe, One Who brings out bread from the earth
Bendito seas Señor, Rey del universo, quien nos trae el pan de cada día.
Blessed are You, Lord, King of the Universe,..... who makes us holy by embracing us in living waters.
"Bendice, Señor, nuestro Dios," "buceamos en Mikvá."
Blessed are You, Lord, King of the Universe, who sanctified us with Your commandments,..... and commanded us concerning the washing of hands.
"Bendito eres tú, oh Señor, nuestro Dios, Rey del universo," "Obedecemos tus órdenes. Opera en nuestras manos."
Blessed are You, Lord, King of the Universe,..
"Bendito eres Tú, Oh Señor, nuestro Dios" "nos bendijo con su legislación contra las uniones prohibidas."
Blessed art Thou, our god King of the universe.
Bendito seas, nuestro Dios, rey del universo.
Blessed art Thou, our God King of the universe... who created, for the glory of Him.
Bendito seas, nuestro Dios, rey del universo. Quien creó todas las cosas, para su gloria.
By the blessing of the highest superagency of the whole universe... king of Siam, sovereign of all interior tributary countries... adjacent and around in every direction... uh, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Por la gracia del altísimo poder del universo entero, rey de Siam, soberano de todos los países tributarios del interior... y limítrofes en todas direcciones, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
From Phra Mana Mongut by the blessing of the highest super agency in the world of the whole universe, the king of Siam.
De Phra Mana Mongut por bendición de la super agencia más alta del mundo del universo entero, el Rey de Siam.
It is only fitting that the music of the greatest King in the universe
Es muy natural que la música del primer Rey del Universo
In attracting the concern of the future king of Bavaria, young Joseph Fraunhofer found an aperture into a different universe.
Al atraer la preocupación del futuro rey de Baviera, el joven Joseph Fraunhofer encontró una abertura hacia un universo diferente.
It is a joke, a joke on me- - joke of the universe, the king who would be man.
Es una broma. A mi. Una broma del universo.
here we are born to be king we are the princes of the universe
Aquí estamos, nacidos para ser reyes. Somos los príncipes del universo.
I am King Goldar, the ruler of the universe!
amo del universo.
A concubine's heart is of no consequence to king, consumed with matters of the whole universe.
El corazón de una concubina no es consecuencia del rey consumido por problemas del universo entero.
He was once a real estate tycoon, he was king of the cyber universe, and now he's an office boy at a trucking firm.
Una vez fue un magnate de bienes raíces, fue el rey del cyber espacio, y ahora es un mandadero en una empresa de camiones.
King of the stupid universe?
¿ El rey del estúpido universo?
More than king, the speed of light is the cornerstone... on which the universe is built.
Además, la velocidad de la luz es la piedra angular, que constituyen el universo.
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the universe 79
king richard 18
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king george 21
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king of england 23
the universe 79
king richard 18
king ragnar 17
king george 21
king lear 34
king arthur 29
king henry 20
king horik 17