Leave that translate Spanish
19,809 parallel translation
Leave that door open.
Deja la puerta abierta.
No. Leave that to the Reykjavík squad
Dejémoslo para la Brigada de Reykjavik.
No, I thought I'd leave that to the Machine.
No, pensé en dejarle eso a la máquina.
I'm gonna leave that for you. Party favor.
les dejo eso, un regalito.
You can't leave that behind.
No puedes olvidarte de eso.
Leave that, we haven't finished.
Deja eso, no hemos terminado.
Family that owned it, the Greens, they love it so much, they refuse to leave.
Familia que lo poseyó, los Verdes, que les gusta tanto, se niegan a irse.
Just gonna leave me out here like that?
¿ Me vas a dejar parado aquí afuera?
Tried to tell me that it was all her fault, to leave you and your merry band of misfit hoods out of this.
Quiso convencerme de que fue su culpa para que los dejara fuera de esto a ti y a tu banda de inadaptados.
And after that, we must get them to leave us alone.
tenemos que hacer que nos dejen a nosotros en paz.
This form advises that although you are voluntarily admitting yourself for treatment you are not necessarily free to leave psychiatric care.
Este formulario avisa de que, aunque ingresa voluntariamente, no es libre de dejar el tratamiento psiquiátrico.
Well, we would, but that would leave Kimmy all alone.
Pues nos encantaría, pero entonces Kimmy se quedaría sola.
And we just leave it at that.
Y dejamos las cosas así.
" I didn't leave with that.
" No salí de ahí con eso.
I said, "If you was that scared, " then why didn't you leave already? "
Dije : "¿ Si estabas tan asustado, por qué no te fuiste ya?".
- Leave that down.
- Déjala ahí.
The court does suspend said sentence for the period of 25 years, upon the provision that both the accused leave Caroline County and the State of Virginia at once. And do not return together at the same time to said county and state for a period of 25 years.
El tribunal suspende dicha sentencia durante un período de 25 años, con la condición de que ambos salgan de Caroline y de Virginia y no vuelvan juntos ni estén a la vez en dicho condado y estado durante un período de 25 años.
They were arrested for living together in Virginia, and the judge suspended their sentence under order that they leave the state for 25 years.
Los arrestaron en Virginia y el juez suspendió la sentencia con la condición de que salieran del estado durante 25 años.
She said that surgery would leave a scar.
Decía que la operación le dejaría cicatriz.
Don't leave me... Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink... ( hisses ) What is that?
No me abandones... ¿ Qué es eso?
I doubt that he meant to leave a trail.
Dudo que quisiera dejar una pista.
I guess he's afraid that I won't leave him alone
Él debe estar molesto de que soy tan invasiva.
♪ What happens here, we gon'leave it here ♪ ♪ So don't mention that tomorrow ♪
# Lo que pase aquí, se queda aquí # # Así que no lo menciones mañana #
Don't know, don't care, but I can't let you leave with that hard drive.
No sé y no me importa, pero no te puedo dejar ir con ese disco duro.
An officer told me that I had to leave the interrogation room.
Un agente me dijo que tenía que salir de la sala de interrogatorio.
Screen, still down, you leave it like that overnight it'll warp.
Si la dejas así toda la noche, se quedará funcionando.
I told them that I needed to leave, so they let me go.
Les dije que debía irme, así que me dejaron ir.
And everybody needs to leave their front door open. That's important.
Es importante que todos dejen sus puertas abiertas.
- That only leave us when one left.
Solo nos quedará una.
They leave these movies open for sequels all the time, and that's the problem.
Siempre dejan los finales abiertos para hacer secuelas. Ese es el problema.
From the moment your kids are born, you dread the fact that one day they'll leave you.
Desde el momento en sus hijos nacen, Le da miedo el hecho de que un día se te van a dejar.
Let's leave it at that, shall we?
Vamos a dejarlo así, ¿ vale?
You know I didn't tell them yet and you know I will, so let's just leave it at that.
Sabes que no se los dije y que lo haré así que dejémoslo ahí.
Why can't they just eat grass and be horses and leave it at that, eh?
¿ Por qué no pueden comer pasto, ser caballos y nada más, eh?
You're going to leave this briefcase in that phone booth.
Vas a dejar este maletín en esa cabina telefónica.
Well, we're doing this so that she can leave tomorrow.
Bueno, estamos haciendo esto para que se pueda marchar mañana.
You come out of that building, your dog craps, and you just leave it where it falls.
Sale de ese edificio, su perro se caga y lo deja donde lo hace.
But you don't want me to leave, so that's reason enough for me to stay.
Pero usted no quiere que me vaya, así que eso es razón suficiente para que me quede.
- But I just think that in this case, you should leave this alone.
- Pero pienso que en este caso, deberías dejarlo.
Are you saying that I can not leave my own house?
¿ Estás diciendo que no puedo irme de mi propia casa?
Dirty the dishes and leave your underwears around? - What's that?
¿ Ensuciar los platos y dejar los calzones tirados?
There's not, like, a place that you guys leave little, ah... little... l-l-l...
¿ No hay ningún lugar donde se dejen notitas?
Just pretend to hang up but leave me on the phone so that I can hear you, and then the first chance you get, tell him you have to pee and then run.
Y cuando puedas, dile que tienes que orinar y huye.
And that's why I'm granting you a leave of absence.
Y es por eso que estoy concesión que un permiso de ausencia.
I know that you should leave it alone.
Sé que deberías olvidarte de él.
If you need to leave, I get that, but you'll always fit in with me.
Si necesitas irte, lo entiendo, pero siempre encajarás conmigo.
Even if we could get our hands on half a million dollars do you think that they're gonna leave us alone?
Aunque pudiéramos echarle el guante a medio millón de dólares, ¿ crees que nos van a dejar en paz?
So what does that leave?
¿ Y qué no deja eso?
If you leave me up in here with that bitch,
Si me dejas aquà con esa perra, me voy.
But the problem is that Candy... Candy has grown so attached to this place there's no way she would leave.
Pero el problema es que Candy está tan adaptada aquí, que no quiere irse.
Did he leave anything behind that could be useful?
¿ Dejó algo que podría ser útil?
leave that to me 73
leave that alone 40
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
leave that alone 40
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19