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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ L ] / Let's not do that

Let's not do that translate Spanish

285 parallel translation
Well, let's not talk about that now. What do you want?
No hablemos de eso ahora. ¿ Qué quieres?
Let's do anything, anything not to get us into something that'll hurt us all.
Hagamos lo que sea para no hacernos daño a todos.
Because there's one thing I'm not gonna let you do.. And that's turn him into a saddle tramp like yourself!
Por que lo que no estoy dispuesta a permitir es que se convierta en un vagabundo como usted.
Should you ever think of me in Earls Court, that's where I'll be, helping Harry's parents with the lodgers, if you do ever think of me, try not to let it be too harshly.
Si alguna vez piensas en mí, en Earl's Court, que es donde estaré trabajando con los padres de Harry... si lo haces, intenta no recordarme con dureza.
That's what I want let me know, I do not care how.
Eso es lo que quiero que me haga saber, me da igual cómo.
Though, of course, I realize that a Borstal housemaster's job - Well, I suggest that you trail around after me for a bit, just to get the hang of things, then we'll let you loose to do your worst. - is not an easy one.
Aunque sé que el de tutor no es un trabajo fácil.
I am not the kind of person to do that of course he said "let's try to forget"
Que no soy la clase de persona que hace eso. Por supuesto. Dijo : "Intentemos olvidar."
Let's admit that men capable of donating $ 2 million to the cause of a Revolution do not grow on trees, even in Africa!
Es preciso reconocer que hombres capaces de donar 2 millones de dólares para el triunfo de una revolución. no crecen en los árboles, ni siquiera en África.
If that's what you want, do not let me leave!
¡ Si eso es lo que quiere, no me deje ir!
When Reavis hit me with that first installment of $ 10,000 to keep quiet about a murder I had absolutely nothing to do with tried to implicate me in it well, let's just say I was not unhappy when he met with that most unfortunate accident.
Cuando Reavis vino a mí con ese primer pago de 10000 dólares para callar sobre un homicidio con el que yo no tenía nada que ver y trató de implicarme en él bueno, digamos que no me desagradó que él hubiera sufrido ese desafortunado accidente.
Let's see what's next on the list, You'll have to cross this canyon. Walk across that invisible thread that you do not see there.
Veamos que es lo que sigue, deberán cruzar este cañón caminando por ese hilo invisible que no pueden ver.
The reason that I think it kind of has a charm to it is, kind of, the point of it is not "Hey, let's do a five-minute riff on The Matrix".
Creo que porque tenia un especie de encanto... era como... el punto no era : "Hey, hagamos un plagio de Matrix por cinco minutos."
Let's go Instead, if you do not want that extra!
Vamos cambio, a menos que uno quiere extra!
Let's vote for slate number one. The 78's, 79's and 80's strike movement demonstrated that S. Bernardo's the workers know well how to struggle and lets not lose ground. The struggle must go on...
El movimiento de 1 978, 1 979 y 1 980 demostró la lucha de los trabajadores de São Bernardo do Campo y Diadema.
Anthony, let's not do too much more of that, okay?
Anthony, será mejor que no hagamos mucho de eso, ¿ bien?
- Let's not do that.
- No hagamos esto.
- Let him go. That's not the way to do it.
Déjelo, no es modo de hacer las cosas.
- Comrades, do not I let them do that, friend of Lenin's Trosky
- Camaradas miren a quién están deportando es Trosky.. el amigo de Lenin ¡
But why - let's just, pss, get more specific - you ladies don't do, won't, I mean won't, I mean don't and not all of you, but why won't you do that to your guy?
No entiendo porqué ustedes las mujeres, no digo todas, pero en general, ¿ porqué no querrían hacerle eso a su hombre?
- That do not stop them. Let's beat?
¿ El verano pasado?
Let's not do that anymore. Why not?
No hagamos eso nunca más.
- Let's not do that.
- No empecemos, Jane.
We're not gonna let you do it, and that's the end of it.
No dejaremos que lo hagas, y se acabó.
- Let's not do that anymore.
- Dejemos de hacer eso.
We'll just keep that between ourselves which was something you weren't able to do but let's not get into it, which you know you also had trouble with.
Lo mantendremos entre nosotros aunque es algo que nunca cosigues hacer pero no a profundicemos en eso, lo que también tienes problemas.
But let's not do that anymore.
Pero mejor no finjamos más.
You should know, Mr. Hornblower, that I do not think much of men who let other's fight their battles for them.
Ha de saber, Mr. Hornblower, que no aprecio mucho al hombre que deja que otros peleen por él
I know. I know he told you I don't have long... so let's not pretend that I do, okay?
Te dijo que no me queda mucho más tiempo... así que no hagamos como si lo tuviera, ¿ está bien?
Let's not do that again.
- No volvamos a hacer eso.
Let's not do that.
No lo hagas.
All that matters is what we do. You know, how we take care of each other. So let's not talk this to death.
Sólo importa lo que hacemos la forma como nos cuidamos así que no sigamos insistiendo en el tema.
I, uh, I let you think that there was a chance that I might let you do this culture show and, uh, there's not.
Yo, eh, te dejo que que había una posibilidad de que yo os deje hacer este show la cultura y, uh, no hay.
Let's say for the sake of argument that it is the Stargate,..... a theory to which I do not ascribe.
Supongamos que es el Stargate, una teoría que no apoyo.
Okay, let's not do that.
Okay, no hagas eso.
Let's not do that again.
No volvamos a hacer eso.
Let's do it. Actually, it's not that hard.
La verdad, es que no es tan difícil.
- That was stupid. Let's not do that.
- Sí, fue muy estúpido.
That's what i'm trying to do. let's not argue, because we're having such a nice time.
Pero no discutamos, divirtámonos.
Look, Eli, I'm sorry I didn't... you know what? Let's not do any of that...
Yo, por el contrario, necesito mas champagne.
- Yeah, I'd say. So if he's gotta go out, try to relax, have a couple of belts that's what he's gonna do, so let's not get riled up about nothing, all right?
Así que si necesita salir, relajarse, tomarse un par de tragos pues eso hará.
No, that's okay, let's not do that.
No, está bien, no lo hagamos.
It's fine, don't get me wrong, but let's not confuse it with things that men do.
No confundamos al golf con cosas de hombres.
I am not gonna say that I do not care about tomorrow's game,'cause I do. So let's finish this thing up.
Así que terminemos con esto.
If it's not that, if it is Freudian if it is basically... a matter of appealing to the same... basic unconscious feelings that business appeals to, then why not let business do it?
En el siguiente capítulo, mostraremos cómo el gobierno americano, después de la segunda guerra mundial, quedó convencido de que existen demonios escondidos dentro de todos los seres humanos.
So let's not do that, okay?
Por lo tanto no hagamos eso, ¿ de acuerdo?
No, if I know Phoebe, and I do, she's not gonna let her future turn out that way.
No, si conozco a Phoebe, y la conozco no dejará que su futuro sea así.
All right. Let's try not to do that that much.
Bueno, procuremos no hacerlo tan a menudo.
Let's not do that.
No hagamos esto.
And I assure you, I am fully capable of using any force necessary. So let's not do anything that might upset the other passengers.
Creame que tengo la fuerza suficiente así que no hagamos nada que contraríe a los demás pasajeros.
By all means, let's not do anything rash like that.
Por favor... no hagamos una locura como esa...
In the past couple months, he ´ s getting much more hyper and they said that if I don ´ t do something they might not let him come back.
Está más hiperactivo y dicen que si no hago algo, no puede volver.

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