Light him up translate Spanish
145 parallel translation
To redeem our ruin we must prevent Mick's, light him up, bring him back to life.
Para reconstruir nuestra ruina hay que impedir la de Mick, iluminándole, devolviéndole la vida. - ¿ La vida?
And I'm gonna light him up.
Y voy a incinerarlo.
Goes in that room, they light him up, and that's the end of it... there's no eternal life for his soul, and the cruelty of the world?
¿ Que si va allí, ellos lo iluminan, es el final... y que no hay vida eterna para su alma ni para la crueldad?
You light him up in his eyes,
Ud. Le ilumina los ojos.
Light him up a quarter mile away and we'll be waiting.
Enciendan las luces a unos 400mts y lo estaremos esperando.
I'm gonna light him up.
Voy a encender las luces.
Light him up.
So, you light him up.
Así qué, lo incendiaste
I quote, "Light him up." Poor choice of words. We followed the proper procedure for escalation of force.
que todo en el Universo, la Tierra, estos edificios, incluso fuerzas como la gravedad y la electricidad, están hechos de unos increiblemente pequeños y vibrantes hilos de energía llamados "supercuerdas".
I can try and go and light him up. It's been four and a half hours.
Puedo intentar enojarlo.
Why don't you just light him up a doobie?
Es como si le dieras a él un cigarrillo de mariguana.
We can light him up.
Le podemos echar fuego.
Do you have to light him up?
¿ Tenías que darle cuerda?
When we get back to town, I'm gonna find that guy in the camping store and light him up.
Cuando volvamos al pueblo voy a buscar a ese tipo de la tienda de camping y lo prenderé fuego a él.
- Light him up.
- Encendámoslo.
- Light him up.
- Enciéndelo.
- You want me to light him up?
- ¿ Quieres que lo encienda?
That's when you said to your officer, I quote, "light him up."
Aquí es cuando dijiste a tu agente, cito : "Enciéndelo"
Somebody flashes a light in his face and tells him to get his hands up.
Alguien le puso una linterna en la cara y le dijo que levantara las manos.
Won't be any left for him or men like him to break up into lube and fuel and gasoline so that people can get their stuff moved around in trucks and so that you can light furnaces and homes and schoolhouses.
No quedaría nada para que hombres como él crearan lubricante y combustible para que la gente se mueva en vehículos o para encender hornillos en hogares y escuelas.
Well, you know, I went up and asked him for a light.
- Bueno, ya sabes, sólo le he pedido fuego.
When Fantomas turns up, you'll press the button, the lamp will light up and we have him!
Cuando Fantomas aparezca, apretarás el botón, la lámpara se iluminará y lo tendremos!
Soon, one of them will strike such sparks in him, that he'll light up like dry wood.
Lo conozco bien. Pronto, una de ellas sacará chispas de él, y él la encenderá como madera seca.
There was a rumor on the ship- - one of the crewmen spoke of it- - that some prospector broke both his legs up in the Martian hills and would've died there except that something like spheres of light came at him.
Había un rumor en la nave... uno de los tripulantes habló de... que un explorador se rompió ambas piernas en las colinas marcianas y habría muerto de no ser porque unas esferas de luz se acercaron a él.
And, just as he was about ready to jump, skies open up, and there's this ray of light hit him like a spotlight.
Mira el cielo, y justo en el momento de saltar... el cielo se aclara... y entra un rayo de luz. Lo ciega, como un foco.
This light goes up so it hits both the mummy and him.
Esta luz se tiene que reflejar sobre él y también sobre la momia.
And I turned on the light and I woke him up, and I asked him to hold me.
Se despertó cuando prendí la luz. Le pedí que me abrazara.
Well, live and let live, I say, but when I pull up next to him at the light, your wife leans over and gives him the finger.
Peg, déjame decirte esto tan claro como pueda. Preferiría arrancarme la nariz con un abrelatas. Preferiría sacar manzanas con mi boca desde la alcantarilla.
If he is, we're gonna run enough electricity through him to light up Birmingham.
Si lo es, le vamos a dar corriente eléctrica como para iluminar toda Birmingham.
Do you hold so light the thanks he owes you for bringing him his Irish bride, that he would not blame me if I slew the wooer who so faithfully delivers the pledge of peace to his hand? Put up your sword!
¿ Te parece, así, tan poco lo que él te agradece el traerle a la irlandesa como novia, es que él no me reprendería si yo abatiera al casamentero, que la prenda de la abjuración tan fielmente le entrega en mano?
His suffering fades to a halo of light. Love grows inside him, but it is just death creeping up. "
Su dolor se desvanece en un halo de luz y siente subir el amor.
I tell him you're coming around and his eyes light up. And then when you don't- -
Le digo que vienes y se le iluminan los ojos.
We used a Pro-Mist and tried to open up the aperture to give him a rim light.
Usamos un filtro Pro Mist... y abrimos la apertura para darle una aureola de luz.
To see little Davey's eyes light up as McGWIRE handed him 4 seats on the first base line, well, it's something that I will never forget.
Haber visto los ojos de Davey al recibir las entradas de McGuire es algo que jamás olvidaré.
See, there's this guy. And when I met him, it was like.... Like a shade going up in a dark room, light suddenly pouring in.
Conocí a un tipo que fue como una luz en la oscuridad.
He persuaded a group of rich debutants to hide cigarettes under their clothes. Then, they should join the parade and at a given signal from him they were to light up the cigarettes dramatically.
Persuadió a un grupo de mujeres de alta sociedad a llevar escondidos unos cigarrillos, y ante una señal suya, encenderlos de manera ostentosa
He walked up to my window and shined a light in my eyes, so I couldn't see him.
Caminó hasta mi ventanilla y me encandiló con la linterna, no pude verlo.
- No. I'll stick a light bulb up his ass. Turn him into a beer sign.
Le voy a meter una lampara en el culo, y convertirlo en un cartel de cerveza.
Light him up.
Este Universo-Manhattan encaja con una visión antigua, clásica, del espacio, básicamente una malla plana estática e inmutable.
So you get him a nice, new, steam locomotive- - something that makes his face really light up.
Entonces le compran una nueva locomotora a vapor bonita algo que hace que se le ilumine la cara de verdad.
He's holding the £ 50 note you gave him up to the light.
Está mirando el billete de 50 £ que le has dado al trasluz.
Kill them all They got to spread their little wings and fly up into the light. Perhaps their pain would help him remember
Lo que pediste... está por aquí, cowboy.
- You want me to light him up?
Quiéres iluminarlo? [br] Hazlo tú.
Sometimes I fill up Billy with horse crap and light him on fire... put him on a neighbor's porch, ring the doorbell, and they stomp him out.
A veces lleno a Billy con caca de caballo y lo prendo fuego... Io dejo en el zaguán de un vecino, toco el timbre, lo pisan y revienta.
It would look just like him. No, that's not... We could have his eyes light up.
Podría tener ojos que brillaran, brazos que se movieran.
I thought I'd heard of Light Yagami somewhere, so I looked him up.
Creia haber escuchado antes algo sobre Yagami light, por lo que invesigue algo.
{ \ alphaHFF } but if evidence incriminating him as Kira turns up in Amane's room... then... but if evidence incriminating him as Kira turns up in Amane's room... { \ alphaHFF } then... but if evidence incriminating him as Kira turns up in Amane's room... then...
Asegurarse que Kira no sea Light debería ser nuestra prioridad pero si Amane escondiera indicios ligados a Kira, en ese caso deberemos...
And we used to dress somebody up as Freddy and just flash a light, and now I'm here, now I'm there, and of course, one of them was him.
Y disfrazábamos a alguien de Freddy y con flashes de luz hacíamos... ahora estoy aquí, ahora estoy allá, y por supuesto uno de ellos no era él.
I keep telling him he's gotta stay focused, keep working. He's really gonna light them up this year.
Realmente los entusiasmará este año.
Kostyan, remember this, that there I sat there and let him light up yet?
Kostyan? - Sí. Recuerdas cuando se sentó con nosotros, y pidió fumar?
I'm feeling generous, so I offer him one of my girls, and you should have seen his eyes light up and said he needed girls.
Si me paga el precio, me pongo generoso... ... y le ofrezco una de mis chicas. Debiste ver cómo se le iluminaron los ojos.
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up top 130
up yours 130
up against the wall 84
up to you 126
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up to you 126
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87