My mother told me translate Spanish
747 parallel translation
I forget all that my mother told me
Olvido todo lo que mi madre me ha dicho
My mother told me silk sheets weren't healthy.
Mi madre me dijo que no son sanas.
§ But my mother told me to love thy neighbor §
Porque mi madre me dijo que ame a mi prójimo
My mother told me to always be that way.
Mi madre me enseñó a ser siempre así.
The other day my mother told me about you.
El otro día mi madre habló de ti.
Crystal, my mother told me I wasn't to be rude to you.
Crystal, mi madre me dijo que no fuera grosera contigo.
My mother told me
" Mi madre me previno.
My mother told me " Better count to 10
"Mi mami me dijo : " Cuenta hasta diez.
My mother told me
" Mi mami me avisó.
My mother told me " Baby, you keep warm
"Mi mami me dijo. " Que quedara al calentito.
Perhaps I remembered an old story my mother told me.
Quizá recordé una vieja historia que me contaba mi madre.
My mother told me about your rose gardens.
Mi madre me habló de sus jardines.
My mother told me so.
Mi madre me lo decía.
Well... You're very kind, but, well, my mother told me that...
Bueno, es usted muy amable pero mi madre me ha dicho que...
That's what my mother told me The night I came out in Boston.
Eso me dijo mi madre cuando me presentaron en sociedad en Boston.
My mother told me to write her if anything happened.
Mi madre me dijo que le escribiera si ocurría algo.
Sure, my mother told me to stay home, too.
Mi madre también me dijo que me quedara en casa.
Why, my mother told me about it when I was that high.
Vaya, mi madre me lo contó cuando era así de alto.
My mother told me never to take presents from strange men.
Mi madre me dijo que nunca aceptara regalos de hombres extraños.
My mother told me.
Me lo dijo mi mamá.
Look. The stars, far out in space, there is a great comet. My mother told me of it.
Mirad... las estrellas.
Also my mother told me so, and I left.
Me lo dijo también mi madre, y la abandoné.
Eso decía mi madre del matrimonio, pero no es cierto.
Yeah, but then my mother told me I was born a boy.
Sí, pero entonces mi madre me dijo que nací varón.
My mother told me not to marry a seaman
Mi madre me dijo que no me casara con un marinero.
My mother once told me of a place With waterfalls and unicorns flying
Mi madre me contó una vez de un lugar con cascadas y unicornios voladores
Well, I told them that my mother I left me here when I was a baby.
Bueno, les he dicho que mi madre me dejó aquí cuando era un bebé.
I just said that if I ever told my mother the way he treated me she'd take me out of his old school.
Le he dicho que si le contara a mi madre la forma en que me trata ella me sacaría de esta escuela.
Your mother told my mother that last night.
Tu madre me lo dijo anoche.
My mother never told me nothin'.
Pues la mía no me dijo nada.
I would have obeyed my mother even if you had told the truth.
Hubiese obedecido a mi madre aunque me hubieseis dicho la verdad.
Well, my mother always told me to look on the bright side of things.
Bien, mi madre siempre me dijo que mirara el lado bueno de las cosas.
Didn't you understand me when I told you people are saying my mother means to marry this man?
hablan de matrimonio. - Lo sé. - Pero...
I already told you... my mother is waiting for me but the gardening shop has a telephone, we could ring your mother any time
Ya le dije... que mi madre me está esperando. Pero la tienda tiene teléfono, podemos avisar a su madre en cualquier momento.
You know, the first time I voted my mother broke down and told me all about the big, bad world.
La primera vez que voté mi madre se quebró y me contó todo sobre el gran mundo malo.
- My mother told me to give back the ring to the lady who gave it to me. - What is it?
¿ Qué quieres?
"I didn't know why he looked so hard and angry" "Until he told me that my mother had died" "Giving birth to little Nick."
No sabía por qué parecía tan enfadado hasta que supe que mi madre había muerto en el parto.
My own mother told me, and i told her to mind her own business.
Mi madre me lo dijo y le advertí que se metiera en sus asuntos.
And besides, my mother always told me to be careful of sporty druggists.
Además mi madre siempre decía que no me fiara de los vendedores.
- My God, your mother never told me!
- ¡ Tu madre no me lo había dicho!
But the doctor told my mother I might grow up to be a dangerous criminal.
EI médico Ie dijo a mi madre que me convertiría en una delincuente peligrosa.
I merely told him that my mother would certainly... take me out of this miserable school when I told her how I'd been "humilated."
Me limité a decir que mi madre me sacaría de este colegio cuando le contase que me habían "humillido".
I was born here. My mother just told me.
¿ No puedo ser un refugiado?
My mother, in the hut where I was born, looked at me with fear... until I told her why I had come.
Mi madre, que estaba en la choza donde nací, me miró con temor... hasta que le expliqué la razón de mi visita.
You know, my mother always told me if you look deep enough in anybody, you'd always find some good, but I don't know.
Mi madre me decía que en el interior de cada persona... siempre hay algo bueno, pero no sé.
My mother always told me that... that... This took me a while to figure out, but my mother said that... men are born evil, and cruel and awful.
Mi madre siempre me decía que me costaría mucho entenderlo, pero ella siempre me decía que los hombres son malignos, crueles y malvados.
My mother always told me : "Ursel, you have two left hands"... And two left legs.
Mi madre siempre me dice : "Ursel, eres una manazas... y muy torpe."
Ever since I was a kid living in a shack near the slag heaps, my mother has told me about Inisfree and White O'Mornin'.
Cuando era un niño y vivía en una choza rodeada de escombros mi madre siempre me hablaba de Innisfree y de "Blancas Mañanas".
My mother had come looking for me, but I'd told my friend to say I wasn't here.
Mi madre me había buscado aquí y yo había dicho que dijesen que no estaba,
It's just that my mother always told me... that if a girl could be at a party for 30 minutes... without getting a man to talk to her... she might just as well go on home and shoot herself.
Lo que pasa es que mi madre siempre me dijo que... si una chica pasaba 30 minutos en una fiesta sin que un hombre le hablara... lo mejor sería ir a casa y darse un tiro.
His mother told me : "My son moves to Osaka. And that's why I beg you to look after him. Keep watch so that he isn't forced to hang himself."
Su madre me dijo : " Mi hijo se marcha a Osaka.
my mother 1179
my mother always said 16
my mother is dead 40
my mother died 46
my mother's 29
my mother was right 19
my mother used to say 19
my mother's dead 38
told me 50
told me what 77
my mother always said 16
my mother is dead 40
my mother died 46
my mother's 29
my mother was right 19
my mother used to say 19
my mother's dead 38
told me 50
told me what 77
my mom 557
my mom and dad 25
my mom is dead 20
my mom is 19
my mom said 16
my money 222
my mom's here 19
my mom died 27
my mom's dead 20
my mouth 36
my mom and dad 25
my mom is dead 20
my mom is 19
my mom said 16
my money 222
my mom's here 19
my mom died 27
my mom's dead 20
my mouth 36