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Nervously translate Spanish

471 parallel translation
Then, on Monday evening, the 8th of January they heard drums, 0rellana landed and nervously went into the forest,
Entonces, el 8 de Enero por la tarde, oyeron tambores. 0rellana desembarcó y, nervioso, se internó en la jungla.
Uh - [Chuckles Nervously] Thank you.
It was a route some had already nervously taken at night, until bad luck led them into the path of an SS patrol and they retraced their steps back to reprisals at the camp.
Era un camino que nerviosamente algunos ya habían tomado de noche, hasta que la mala suerte les llevaba hasta una patrulla de las SS y entonces tenían que volver sobre sus pasos para afrontar las represalias en el campo.
( NERVOUSLY ) I've got the fifty-thousand for you, Joe.
Te he... guardado los 50.000, Joe.
Meanwhile... our jealous journalist paces nervously.
Mientras, el periodista celoso pasea nervioso.
" Sarah, nervously :
" Sarah, nerviosa :
When I see those eyes that nervously wait, white stars loved their light. Breeze scatters a better aroma and all the flowers sigh in love.
Al ver esos... ojos que inquietos esperan apagan sus luces las blancas estrellas los aires esparcen aromas mejores y todas las flores suspiran de amor
You've been sleeping very nervously.
Has tenido pesadillas.
Is he, at this moment, nervously excusing himself from the room?
¿ Está él, en este momento, disculpándose y saliendo de la habitación?
I thought about a vaudeville play glorifying cuckold, and for all my despair, I laughed nervously.
Pensé en una obra de vodevil dedicada a los cornudos, y a pesar de mi desesperanza, me reía solo.
Ned Leather nervously fingered his cap... as he faced the portly owner of Olroyd's Mill.
Ned Leather tocaba nerviosamente su sombrero... mientras enfrentaba al corpulento dueño del molino de Oldroy.
They spend the day sleeping and stirring nervously.
Se pasan el día durmiendo y removiéndose sin paz.
Then he growled, with his Grinch fingers nervously drumming :
Entonces gruñó, y con los dedos nerviosamente
People started to gather and watch as the surfers who made it out... to sit in groups and talk nervously in low tones... waiting for the first big set of waves.
La gente se reunía y observaba cómo los que Io conseguían... se sentaban en grupos y conversaban en voz baja... mientras esperaban la primera tanda de olas grandes.
Back home, I am what they nervously refer to as a "spy with a short tail."
En casa, soy lo que llaman nerviosamente... un "espía de cola corta".
( Shouts nervously ) Kill them! Before the Prime Minister's train goes by.
Mátelos antes de que pase el tren del Primer Ministro.
( chuckles nervously )
With that thought, I rolled my eyes nervously... on the barriers of iron that hemmed me in.
Pensando en ello, volví nerviosamente mis ojos hacia las barreras de hierro que me rodeaban.
Don't think I didn't see you all breathing nervously
Me fijé en vuestra respiración.
( laughing nervously )
Hola querida.
¿ Qué hay aquí?
( NERVOUSLY ) No, it can't be.
- ¡ No puede ser!
Many came to watch, to nervously observe...
El público observa impaciente...
- [Chuckles Nervously] - Miss Alexander :
Srta. Alexander.
( NERVOUSLY ) K-K-Keep your hands wh-where we can see them.
Ma-ma-mantén tus manos do-donde podamos verlas.
A prolonged silence followed while I smiled nervously.
Silencio cortante mientras sonrío con decisión.
- [Chuckles Nervously] - Get dressed.
( They titter nervously ) Pray, Sister, have you seen two burly knights pass this way?
Hermana, ¿ ha visto pasar por aquí a dos caballeros?
[Chuckles Nervously] Your gun with the yellow wooden handle.
La pistola con mango de madera amarillo.
( CHUCKLING NERVOUSLY ) Now, I'm gratified by your awakened interest...
Sin embargo, he de decirle que agradezco su naciente interés.
[computer] Hi, Wanna Play ( nervously )?
Hola, ¿ quieres jugar?
Nervously biting my fingers ( Always thinking of her )
Siempre nervioso ( Siempre pensando en ella )
This is you, nervously sweeping up the aisle on your father's arm, your black curls frosted over with the film of your delicate chiffon veil.
Ésta eres tú, nerviosamente caminando en la capilla, del brazo de tu padre, tus rizos negros escarchados bajo la fibra de tu delicado velo de chiffón.
Hola, cariño.
Fortunately, they had none. From the other side of the door, we heard a voice who asked nervously :
- Afortunadamente, porque a través de la puerta acribillada escuchamos una voz débil.
Ah. ( Chuckling nervously ) Aunt Agatha, this is a surprise.
Ah. Tía Agatha, ¡ qué sorpresa!
Soon the edge of the sea is thronged by apprehensive youngsters, nervously waiting for someone to take the plunge.
Pronto los bordes del océano se llenarán de juveniles aprensivos y apiñados esperando nerviosamente que alguno se zambulla.
( Laughs nervously ) Where exactly is the book now, Bastian?
- ¿ Donde exactamente esta el libro ahora Bastian?
Hi. [Chuckles Nervously]
( chuckles nervously ) Like pick my teeth.
Como urgar mis dientes. Hmm.
( chuckles nervously ) :
( ríe nerviosamente ) :
( chuckles nervously ) : So... so I've heard.
Bueno... me han contado.
( Chuckles nervously )
( Risa nerviosa )
[laughs nervously] 1 5 POU N DS?
¿ 15 libras?
- [Chuckling Nervously] HE'S LATE.
- Llega tarde.
( CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY ) I don't have a car.
No tengo auto.
( Giggling nervously ) I'm going to search this room, Wooster.
Voy a registrar esta habitación, Wooster.
[Chuckles Nervously] Why, you can't blame a guy for tryin'.
No pueden culparme por intentarlo.
( chuckles nervously ) Kids...
[Laughs Nervously] Not to worry.
No hay que preocuparse.
¿ Qué es esto?

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