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Not him translate Spanish

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It's not him.
No es él.
What if it's not him?
¿ Qué pasa si no es él?
I want you to know that... I'm not him.
Quiero que sepas que... no soy él.
It's not so I'll keep my mouth shut and not tell my son you're writing an unauthorized fucking biography about him?
¿ No es para que tenga la boca cerrada y no le diga a mi hijo que escribes una biografía suya sin su autorización?
Kevin, telling him would not be a good idea.
Kevin, contárselo no es una buena idea.
Burton was sitting at the front of the cave, not a scratch on him.
Burton estaba allí, sentado delante de la cueva, sin el más mínimo rasguño.
I'm not fucking killing him.
No lo mataré, maldición.
Good, because I'm not fucking letting him.
Qué bien, porque no te dejaré, maldito.
And you know what not to say to him.
Y ya sabes qué no decirle.
I'm not interested in holing his ship, but need him to understand that I am committed to this.
No quiero hundir su barco, pero necesito que entienda que voy en serio.
Not because we bribed him, not because Eleanor Guthrie told him so.
Ni porque lo sobornemos, ni porque Eleanor Guthrie se lo pida.
'Cause I can't see him, not yet.
Aún no puedo verlo.
I respect you as his son, but you're not a soldier like him.
Te respeto como su hijo, pero no eres un soldado como él.
We'll be able to hear everything that's going on, and we will not make any moves till we confirm that Grimes has the list with him.
Podremos escuchar todo lo que pasa y no haremos ningún movimiento hasta confirmar que Grimes tiene la lista con él.
Look, you might not need me, but you damn sure need him!
Mira, puede que no me necesites, ¡ pero a él sí!
I'm not gonna hand him over until you show me proof that Jennifer's safe.
No voy a entregarlo hasta que me des pruebas de que Jennifer está a salvo.
If you go away with him, it's not a thing anymore.
Si te vas con él, ya no es una cosa.
Not without fear, just unwilling to let it diminish him.
No sin miedo, solo reticente a permitir que le menospreciaran.
But we're not going to permit him to kill her either.
Pero tampoco vamos a permitir que la mate.
His grief and his anger... I believe, have unmoored him from sound judgment and have left us all in grave danger if he is not reined in.
Su pesar y su furia... creo que le han privado de sentido común y nos deja en grave peligro si no retoma las riendas.
The Bug does not do fanboy, but if you wanted, you could tell him, you know, nice work.
Bug no anda haciendo cosas de fans, pero si quieres, dile que... lo felicito.
You keep him around so you can run your mouth, not have to worry about getting stomped?
¿ Le tienes siempre al lado para poder vacilar y que no te partan la boca?
Better not let him in.
Mejor no lo dejes entrar.
I will thank you not to speak for him.
- Te agradeceré que no lo defiendas.
It's not for him.
No es por él.
Not for him.
No por él.
If she's not with him, I can bang her.
Si ella no está con él, Puedo golpearla.
'You may not be able to see him, but he does exist.'
'Tal vez no puedas verlo, pero sí existe.'
Yeah, we have someone, but we use him in more grave situations, not for a stolen phone.
Sí, tenemos a alguien, pero lo usamos en situaciones más graves, no por un teléfono robado.
Ask him if you can use his phone. Why me and not you?
¿ Por qué yo y no tú?
You just have not been with him long enough to witness one of his outbreaks, so good luck with that, okay? Yes, he does. Shoshanna, can we just get a cab, please?
Shoshanna, ¿ podemos coger un taxi, por favor?
And I know I'm not supposed to like him because he's a misogynist and he demeans women, but I can't help it. I fuckin'love his writing.
Y sé que no tiene que gustarme porque es un misógino y degrada a las mujeres, pero no puedo evitarlo.
- I'm not telling him.
- No se lo voy a decir.
It's my body, okay, and it's my baby, and I have made the choice that I am not going to tell him.
Es mi cuerpo, ¿ vale? , y es mi hijo y he tomado la decisión de que no voy a decírselo.
I might not even tell him.
Puede que ni se lo diga.
You did not get him.
No te lo ligaste.
Good Lord, Zelda, if you're not going to talk to this boy, release him from your spell.
Dios santo, Zelda. Si no vas a hablar con este chico libéralo del hechizo.
You better not let anything happen to him.
Será mejor que no deje que a él le pase nada.
You're not gonna give him the key, are you?
No va a darle la llave, ¿ no?
It is not safe for him to be alive.
No es prudente que siga vivo.
You might not think that looking at him, because he's a little on the heavy side, but underneath the weight, he's in very good shape.
No da esa impresión cuando lo miras porque es más bien gordo, pero debajo de todo ese peso, está en buena forma.
And in the future, would you mind not yelling out stupid things like, "Let him pass!"
De ahora en adelante, ¿ podrías dejar de gritar estupideces como "déjalo pasar"?
I'd prefer you not talk about him.
Prefiero que no hable de él.
I mean, I never knew Zack, not like you guys, but... still, I don't know, just... looking at him...
Es decir, nunca conocí a Zack, no como ustedes, pero... aún así, no lo sé... con solo verlo...
I did not kill him.
Yo no lo asesiné.
It's still not enough for him.
Pero no le alcanza.
That's not enough to make me want to kill him, believe me.
Eso no es suficiente para hacerme querer matarlo, créanme.
Okay, then, so, as his friend, then tell me, if not you, who else could have killed him?
Bueno, entonces, por lo tanto, como su amigo, ¿ entonces Dile a mí, si no que, quién más pudo haberlo matado?
Booth once told me that, um, Aldo never stopped believing in God, but that his belief no longer comforted him, not after what he'd seen, so... how could he make it his life's work?
Booth me dijo una vez, que Aldo nunca dejó de creer en Dios, pero que su fe ya no lo reconfortaba, no luego de lo que había visto, entonces...
If Aldo tried anything with him, he might not have gone easy on him like I did.
Si Aldo trató algo con él, él puede no haber sido tan indulgente como yo.
Not enough to escape, but enough to give him some range of movement.
No lo suficiente para escapar, pero lo suficiente para darle algún rango de movimiento.

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