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[normal voice] Anyway, I didn't do any of that myself.
En fin, no hice nada de eso.
It's just there was all this going on outside of that, and I just had to be part of it.
Es sólo que todo esto pasaba afuera, Y yo sólo tenía que ser parte de ella.
In his process of picking what film he was gonna do, most of that came from who was directing it.
En su proceso de elegir qué película iba a hacer, La mayor parte de eso provenía de quién lo estaba dirigiendo.
'Cause here's what the story of Achilles teaches me, is that, if you're a parent, it's never enough what you do for these motherfuckers.
Porque esto me enseña la historia de Aquiles : si eres padre, nunca alcanza lo que haces por estos hijos de puta.
The people that always get applause based on the math of their lives.
La gente que siempre recibe aplausos en base al cálculo de sus vidas.
That covers 100 % of human beings.
Eso cubre el 100 por ciento de los seres humanos.
That's part of it.
Es parte de ello.
But then there's one part of the movie that I like.
Pero hay una parte de la película que me gusta.
I have a favorite part... of Magic Mike, so, I always stick around for that part.
Tengo una parte favorita de Magic Mike, en la que siempre me quedo.
Here's how much I like it. I don't do impressions, and I kind of nail that one because I think about it all the time.
Y me gusta tanto que, yo no hago imitaciones, pero esta me sale bien porque la pienso todo el tiempo.
I'm pretty sure that the end of Magic Mike is that I'm gay.
Estoy bastante seguro de que el final de Magic Mike es que soy gay.
This is not the version of me that's gonna have an awesome time as the new gay guy.
Esa no es la versión de mí que la pasará sensacional como el nuevo tipo gay.
I think there's something that is universally out of alignment... with what happened.
Creo que hubo algo que estuvo universalmente fuera de alineación... Con lo que pasó.
You may as well make a friend of them and support them as best you can and love them, and let's hope that everything turns out.
Pero puedes hacerte amigo de ellos Y apoyarlos lo mejor que puedas y amarlos, Y esperar a que todo resulte.
Lisa took him to the Venice Carnevale... and they shot 8-millimeter film... and would wear the costumes... and, to me, that was a part of what created him as an actor.
Lisa lo llevó a la Venecia Carnevale... Y rodaron una película de 8 milímetros... Y tenian esos trajes...
So one of the things that happens is when you're good at something in a movie, everyone offers you that same thing.
Así que una de las cosas que pasa Cuando eres bueno en una película, Todo el mundo te ofrece lo mismo.
So he did a great job being in a teen romantic comedy, basically, and so anything that, you know, sort of resembled 10 Things I Hate About You came his way, and, of course, that's exactly what he didn't want to do next.
Así que hizo un gran trabajo Estando en una comedia romántica adolescente, Y así cualquier cosa, ya sabes,
That was one of his idols, and he loved, you know, Mad Max and...
Ese fue uno de sus ídolos, Y él amaba, ya sabes, Mad Max y...
It's kind of a rule of thumb for me to self-doubt, always think that I shouldn't be doing it, and I don't know how to do it, and I'm going to fail, and that I fooled them,
Es una especie de regla general para mí, dudar de mí mismo, Siempre pienso que no debo hacerlo, Si no sé hacerlo, si voy a fallar, si los engañé,
He knew the speed of the film that was in his camera and what he could set it at without using a light meter.
Él sabía la velocidad de la película que estaba en su cámara Y la que podría poner sin usar un medidor de luz.
That's the only way I think of him, with the camera in the hand.
Es la única manera como lo recuerdo, Con la cámara en la mano.
He had, like, 15 years of friendship with kids that we went to kindergarten with that we'd graduated high school with.
Teniamos 15 años de amistad, desde que fuimos al jardín de niños hasta graduarnos en la escuela secundaria.
"And are you one of the Aussies that lives at Heath's place?"
¿ Usted es uno de los australianos que vive en la casa de Heath?
Then I often fancy that he was doing a bit of research on a functioning entourage,'cause Heath wasn't there, so, you know, "Vinnie," as it were, would've been away making a film.
A menudo me gustaba. Estaba haciendo un poco de investigación con un grupo de acompañantes, Porque Heath no estaba allí, estaba en "Vinnie", por así decirlo, haciendo una película.
Heath really gave an incredible amount of dignity to his characters, even in a film that's as sort of whimsical and light, in its way, as A Knight's Tale.
Heath realmente dio una increíble cantidad de dignidad A sus personajes, Incluso en una película que es tan caprichosa a su manera,
I think I almost closed the script on that line because I was thinking, oh, it's one of those movies that's trying to, you know, mix the two, but as I read further into it, it explained itself.
Casi cerré el guión en esa línea Porque pensaba que era una de esas películas Que trataba de, mezclarlo todo,
We were sitting next to each other, and I kinda, out of the corner of my eye, could tell he was getting very uncomfortable and fidgeting, and he finally whispered to me that he needed to leave,
Estábamos sentados uno al lado del otro, Y lo veía por el rabillo del ojo, Podía decir que se estaba poniendo muy incómodo e inquieto,
If you do get too successful, it's sort of, there's something that's...
Si consigues demasiado exito, Es algo así como...
Being a salesman and going out and talking about the movie and selling the film, that was the part of the business that I think he was least comfortable with...
Ser vendedor Y salir y hablar de la película Y la venta de la película,
That's the power of Heath Ledger, even when he was young, even as a supporting actor, he will steal the movie, steal the whole show.
Ese es el poder de Heath Ledger, Incluso cuando era joven, incluso como actor secundario, Él robará la película, robará el espectáculo entero.
He was really at the start of a journey that was a lot more focused as an artist.
Estaba realmente al comienzo de un viaje Que estaba mucho más enfocada como artista.
That film was a bit of a soul-searching.
Esa película era un poco de búsqueda de alma.
He told me that when they wrapped his character, he stood in the middle of the whole set and collapsed.
Me dijo que cuando hacia su personaje, Se paró en medio de todo el set y se derrumbó.
I just felt an incredible connection very quickly, so intense that it was sort of quite shocking.
Senti una conexión increíble muy rápidamente, Tan intenso que fue algo bastante impactante.
It takes some real focus to make that shift into the world of what he felt was more artistic.
Se necesita cierto enfoque real para hacer ese cambio En el mundo de lo que él sentía era más artístico.
To work with one of my very best friends and do something creative, like, there's not much better than that.
Trabajar con uno de mis mejores amigos, haciendo algo creativo, ¿ No hay algo mejor que eso?
My first concern when I heard that he wanted to play the part was I kind of really wanted more of a character actor, in a way.
Mi primera preocupación Cuando escuché que quería interpretar el papel Era que yo quería más de un actor de carácter,
This interest in the exterior and the craft and the way that the characters would look and sound and physically look onscreen, he was sort of a painter in that way, but he also had a psychological interest in his characters.
Este interés en el exterior y el arte Y la forma en que los personajes se verían y sonarían Y mirar físicamente en la pantalla,
One thing that I don't think people realize, as fantastic as he was in Brokeback Mountain, he left Lords of Dogtown and was playing that role about seven days later.
Una cosa que no creo que la gente se dé cuenta, lo fantástico que fue en Brokeback Mountain, Él dejó Lords of Dogtown Y hizo ese papel unos siete días después.
This is one of the biggest heartthrobs on Earth taking on that character.
Éste es uno de los más grandes ídolos en la tierra Tomando este personaje.
She hugs me in this way that she kind of climbs into my entire soul and squeezes me.
Ella me abraza de esta manera, algo como que sube en mi alma entera y me aprieta.
There was a level of maturity that this was something that he could handle.
Había un nivel de madurez que era algo que podía manejarlo.
Nothing has ever been asked of me that was that precious.
Nunca se me ha pedido nada. Y eso era precioso.
He became more of a dad than an artist... and to say that for Heath...
Se volvió más papá que artista... Y para Heath...
I think a big surprise to a lot of people, actually, to the people that Heath was doing business with, people that were offering him deals at studios.
Fue una gran sorpresa para mucha gente, en realidad, A la gente con la que Heath estaba haciendo negocios, Gente que le ofrecía ofertas en los estudios.
Midnight, one in the morning... and this was land lines, you know, in the day of like, you know, when people still had land lines, so it would be that loud, like, ring!
Medianoche, una de la madrugada... Y esto eran llamadas, En el día igual,
Talked about Nick Drake, a musician that he was absolutely passionate about and wanted to tell his story, how he died and his process of creating music.
Habló de Nick Drake, Un músico que era absolutamente apasionado, Y quería contar su historia, cómo murió
That whole idea of controlling your destiny, designing your destiny... the unraveling was not part of the design, and he couldn't control it.
Esa idea de controlar su destino, Diseñando tu destino... El desenredar no era parte del diseño,
and that was a real important aspect of who Heath was.
Y eso era un aspecto realmente importante de quién era Heath.
He didn't have that kind of fear.
No tenía ese tipo de miedo.
I always felt that he was five moves in front of me.
Siempre sentí que estaba a cinco movimientos delante mio.
of that i have no doubt 18
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25