Second question translate Spanish
281 parallel translation
The second question was... "Do I really have to ask you two more times?"
La segunda pregunta fue "¿ Tengo que preguntar dos veces más"?
Answer the second question first.
Responda primero a lo segundo.
Now, second question.
La segunda pregunta :
Second question :
Segunda cuestión :
On the second question.
A la segunda cuestión...
Second question :
Segunda pregunta :
To answer the second question : There was no plate of lentils.
Respuesta a la segunda pregunta :
Then, the second question you ask is...
Y después te preguntas :
Therefore, the second question arose.
Por ende, surge la segunda pregunta.
And now your second question for the blow on the head is : What is the main food that penguins eat?
Segunda pregunta, ¿ cuál es el principal alimento de los pingüinos?
Second question, please.
Segunda pregunta por favor.
Second question, second answer.
Segunda pregunta. Segunda respuesta.
Now, for my second question.
Ahora, mi segunda pregunta.
Second question :
Segunda pregunta.
What is your second question, say?
¿ Cuál es tu segunda pregunta, enano?
But now comes the second question.
En segundo lugar dime, enano :
Second question : Belfast, what was he doing there?
Segunda pregunta, ¿ qué hacía en Belfast?
OK, second question.
OK, segunda pregunta.
And the second question is, Do you like music hall?
Y la segunda pregunta es "¿ Le gusta el music hall?"
Oh, very well, Here's my second question...
Bueno, muy bien. Mi segunda pregunta es...
Answering your second question the girl, the dead girl, her family is still in the village.
Contestandole a su segunda pregunta la chica, la chica muerta su familia todavía se encuentra en el pueblo.
You haven't seen the second question.
No has visto la segunda pregunta.
Okay, the second question.
La segunda pregunta.
Gareth, answer the SECOND question on your mid-term, not the third.
Gareth, responde la segunda pregunta en "término medio", no a la tercera.
That's the second time I've been asked that question tonight.
Es la segunda vez que me preguntan eso hoy.
The order in question, being erroneous, is hereby revoked and as of today, revert to second lieutenant.
La orden en cuestión fue debida a un error y se revoca por la presente, y vuelve a segundo teniente.
Second, what are you doing over here? Question one :
Y en segundo lugar, ¿ qué hace aquí?
Yes to the first question, no to the second, can't to the third and no to the last.
Sí a la primera pregunta, no a la segunda, a la tercera, no puedo, y a la última, no.
- The second question?
¿ La segunda pregunta?
Our second tale provides one roguish answer to that question in the story of a man who hated a cat :
Nuestro segundo cuento brinda una respuesta traviesa a esa pregunta... con la historia de un hombre que odiaba a un gato...
Question is, where's our second act?
La pregunta es, ¿ dónde está nuestro segundo acto?
With such a huge financial base, there is no question that Von Frank could become a second Adolf Hitler. Fanatically dedicated to the overthrow of democracy wherever it exists.
Con una base financiera así, no hay duda de que Von Frank podría volverse en un segundo Adolf Hitler con el mismo fanatismo por derrocar la democracia dondequiera exista.
Second meeting with... question mark.
Segundo encuentro con... interrogación.
This leads me to the second question :
el filme termina, como os decía, con la transformación de las Furias en Euménides, y ésta es una síntesis.
- Go on, the second question. - What friend?
Haga la segunda pregunta.
"Yes" to the first question and "not anymore" to the second one.
"Si" a la primera pregunta y "ya no" a la segunda.
There's one more important question I'd like to ask you about Campion. I'll just be a second.
Quiero preguntarle algo importante sobre Campion.
Wait a second, let me rephrase the question...
Esperen un segundo, debo cambiar la pregunta...
'The second by the question :
La segunda, por la pregunta :
- Wait a second, answer the question.
- Un momento, responde.
So, question is if this is the legendary second skull, where is it'?
La pregunta es : Es este el de la leyenda? Y donde está él?
And so, with a carrier threat to his flank, a second strike against Midway is suddenly out of the question.
Y así, con un portaaviones amenazando su flanco, un segundo ataque contra Midway inesperadamente queda fuera de pregunta.
Oh, my... my wife wears the trousers. No question, no question. But we're hoping to get a second pair sometime later, you see.
Oh, mi... mi esposa lleva los pantalones.
No, I'm not. You're the second person tonight to ask me that question.
Es la segunda persona que me lo pregunta esta noche.
Just one last question, if all the autographs hounds can stay back for a second...
Sólo una última pregunta, Si todos los perros de caza autógrafos pudieran quedarse atrás por un segundo...
This is the second part of the question,
Es la segunda parte de la cuestión,
He wants the second part of the bargain quickly, so he is less likely to question its authenticity.
Quiere la segunda parte del trato pronto. Así que es menos probable que cuestione su autenticidad.
I'm getting angry asking the same question a second time.
Estoy cansado voy a hacer la misma pregunta otra vez.
I know that, Mr. Second-in-Command, who wasn't asked the question.
Ya sé eso, Sr. Segundo al Mando, a quien no se le hizo una pregunta.
I don't question your integrity for a second, Harm.
No estoy cuestionando su integridad, Harm.
But the big question is this second alphanumeric string - 15 digits.
Pero la cuestión es esta segunda columna alfanumérica. Lo verifiqué.
question 535
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question is 362
question number one 20
question for you 31
question two 29
question one 39
second 1107
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question is 362
question number one 20
question for you 31
question two 29
question one 39
second 1107
seconds 3944
second chance 27
seconds later 55
seconds ago 103
seconds out 51
seconds to go 31
second grade 17
second thoughts 29
second round 19
second rule 43
second chance 27
seconds later 55
seconds ago 103
seconds out 51
seconds to go 31
second grade 17
second thoughts 29
second round 19
second rule 43
second floor 165
seconds away 16
second time 38
second row 18
second of all 241
secondly 391
seconds left 62
second date 16
seconded 22
second base 16
seconds away 16
second time 38
second row 18
second of all 241
secondly 391
seconds left 62
second date 16
seconded 22
second base 16