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Send him up translate Spanish

447 parallel translation
I didn't send him up here.
No soy yo quien lo ha traído aquí.
I shall go and see him myself and I'll send him up.
Iré yo misma y lo enviaré arriba.
- Send him up.
- Que suba.
Send him up to my place. I have a few spare cells.
- Tengo unas celdas libres...
CHIEF : Now, don't you worry about that, old man, we know he's one of the men who robbed the bank and we'll send him up the river for a long stretch.
Ya, no te preocupes por eso, viejo... sabemos que es uno de los hombres que atracaron el banco... y lo mandaremos río arriba durante un largo tiempo.
All right, send him up.
Bien, hágale subir.
Just send him up.
Solo hágale subir.
- When my man appears, send him up with my luggage, will you?
Si llega mi empleado, que suba mi maleta.
Then send him up right away!
¡ Hágalo subir enseguida!
No, send him up.
No, mejor que suba.
What'll happen to him if they send him up?
¿ Qué le ocurrirá si lo condenan?
No, but thanks to Brennan, we got enough on him to send him up for life already.
No, pero gracias a Brennan, tenemos pruebas para condenarlo a perpetua.
I nick a guy on my own time and send him up to the chair.
Atrapo a alguien en mi tiempo libre y lo envío a la silla.
No... send him up to Maigret's office
No. Haga que pase al despacho de Maigret.
However, his shipmates volunteered information to the police. Enough to send him up for 1042 years.
Sin embargo, sus compañeros aportaron información para encerrarlo 1042 años.
My secretary is on the way, send him up immediately.
Mi secretario está en camino, hágalo pasar de inmediato.
- I'll send him up.
Se lo enviaré.
Shall I send him up?
¿ Lo mando para arriba?
First, I marry Ole's girl. Then I send him up for three years.
Primero me caso con la novia de Ole... y luego lo encierro tres años.
- Send him up.
- Dile que suba.
All we've got to do is catch him with a gun on him and we can send him up for life.
Si lo cogemos con un arma, está perdido.
You've got some evidence that can help me send him up but I haven't any idea what it is.
Usted tiene alguna prueba que podrían ayudarme a meterlo en la cárcel pero no tengo ni idea de qué se trata.
Hey, if you send him up, do me a favor, will ya?
Oigan, si lo encierran, háganme un favor,
Very well, then. You must find him and send him up here.
Búsquelo y que venga aquí.
- Should I send him up?
- ¿ Le digo que pase?
And send him up to bed without supper.
Je, je. Traédmelo.
I'm going to send that boy to school and I'm going to be the one... to dress him up.
Yo lo enviaré a la escuela y yo seré quien... lo vista.
If Walter calls up again, tell him to put it in writing and send it to Hildebrand Johnson,
¡ Ahora mismo, en este momento!
Oh yes. Send him right up.
Dígale que suba.
Get a policeman and send him right up the back way.
Llame a un policía. Hágale entrar por detrás.
Well, send a boy up and get him.
Mande a un chico, encuéntrelo.
Send him right up.
Que suba.
Then tell him to send a couple of harness bulls up here to bring you down because you're hot.
Dile que te mande a un par de gorilas para protegerte.
Yes, I'm expecting him. Send him up, please.
Sí, le estoy esperando.
Now, will you phone Sidney for me? Have him send up another dozen immediately.
Llama a Sidney y que envíen otra docena.
The Rangers can make arrests, but when a man is guilty, it's up to you to send him to jail.
- Sí. Un ranger puede hacer arrestos, pero enviar a un culpable a prisión, eso ya depende de ustedes.
Send Charles a telegram and tell him he's all washed up.
Envíale un telegrama y dile que se acabó.
I told you to send him right up here!
¡ Dije que quería verlo inmediatamente!
Just for old times'sake, I'll send the chairman of the bus committee up, and if you can persuade him, it's all right with me.
Solo por los viejos tiempos... le enviaré al presidente del comité de autobuses... y si usted puede persuadirle, todo estará arreglado conmigo.
And I pray to him not to send you a son... for he'll only grow up to torment you... and let you die every Sunday afternoon... just as you are dying now.
Y le ruego que no te envíe un hijo varón... porque sólo crecerá para atormentarte... y dejar que mueras cada domingo por la tarde... tal como estás muriendo ahora.
As soon as he arrives, will you send him right up?
En cuanto llegue, hágalo subir.
That's why I didn't dare send him out of the house. He's up there.
- Por eso no salió de la casa.
Of course. Send him up at once.
Por supuesto, que suba enseguida.
Release your man and send him up.
¡ Eh, guardias!
Send him right up.
Que suba inmediatamente.
Keep him or send him away it's up to you I took him for one night now it's your turn
Le he alojado una noche, ahora es tu turno.
Tell the yard to send another car to pick him up.
Por favor, llame para que los recojan.
Earl, they'll send up Bill as soon as they find him.
Earl, enviarán a Bill en cuanto lo encuentren.
Okay. Send out an all-points on him. Pick him up right away.
De acuerdo, emite una orden y arrestadle enseguida.
Can you send an ambulance over to pick him up?
¿ Quiere enviar a alguien a recogerlo?
I use him for a warm-up boy. Send him ahead on all these situations.
El me prepara el terreno lo envío por delante en estas situaciones.

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