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Send him away translate Spanish

431 parallel translation
If the servant annoys you during your speech, I'll send him away.
¡ Si le molesta el criado durante su discurso, lo echo!
Joe, send him away no matter what happens.
Jo, ve con él.
Send him away, he does not appeal to us, he's too old-fashioned.
Échalo, no nos gusta está muy fuera de moda
I do not like your friend, send him away!
Tu amigo no me gusta dile que se vaya!
Did you send him away?
¿ Le has echado?
This madman is the last straw. Send him away.
Enviar llevárselo.
Send him away, please.
Que se vaya, por favor.
Why doesn't she send him away?
¿ Por qué no lo echa?
Send him away!
¡ Êchenlo!
Send him away!
Envíalo lejos!
You can't send him away.
No puedes echarlo
We'll send him away to manage the contest and keep him off our toes.
Irá a manejar el concurso, y nos lo sacaremos de encima.
Send him away...
- Enviarlo...
- Send him away.
- Dile que se vaya.
Send him away.
Dígale que se vaya.
But his work is going so badly and he has been so kind I just can ´ t send him away.
Pero su trabajo va tan mal, y ha sido tan amable, que no puedo decirle que se vaya.
Yes, in that case I think it is better to send him away.
Sí, en ese caso es mejor despedirlo.
You have to send him away, Ferdinand!
¡ Tienes que hacerlo, Ferdinand!
Oh, well, they'll send him away someplace else, Timbuktu or someplace.
¡ Oh! , bueno, le enviarán a cualquier otro lugar, Tombuctú u otro sitio.
Send him away tonight.
Que se vaya esta noche.
But, Laura, I'm not going to send him away.
Pero, Laura, no le voy a echar.
Send him away and don't let anybody else in.
Líbrate de él y no dejes que entre nadie.
Darling, please send him away and let love come into the house.
Cariño, por favor, dile que se vaya y deja que el amor entre en la casa.
Do you want I should send him away?
¿ Quiere que le eche?
Send him away.
Send him away.
Que se vaya.
Cousin Hepzibah, please don't send him away.
¡ Por favor, prima, no permitas que se vaya!
I'll send him away.
Le echaré de aquí.
- Desháganse de él, por favor.
- No, send him away. - But, Emma.
- No, que se vaya.
He's received a shock that has caused psychic maladjustment. - You must send him away.
Recibió una conmoción que le causó un desajuste psíquico.
- Send him away!
- ¡ Que se vaya!
Está aquí. - Pues dile que se vaya.
No, no quería. ¿ Por qué le dijo que se fuera?
Wait till they send him away to school.
Esperen a que lo manden a la escuela.
Do you want to send him away?
Quieres echarlo?
Send him a telegram right away.
Envíele un telegrama ahora mismo.
Send him right away. Go ahead.
Que pase ahora mismo.
I know someone who has such documents to send him to jail right away!
Yo conozco a una persona que tiene unos documentos que lo mandarían directo a la cárcel.
and take him away! Send for the men in white!
¡ Mande a los hombres de blanco!
Nobody is going to send me away... I've got to see him.
Nadie me va a echar... tengo que verle.
Look, take this note to the telegraph operator in town, and tell him to send it to Major Bailey right away.
Escucha, lleva esto al servicio de telégrafos de la ciudad, y que lo envien al comandante Bailey.
Wait'll they send him away to school.
Sólo es gentuza.
Don't forget to remind me to send him a great big wreath When they lay him away. You know, something like me.
Escucha, recuérdame que les envíe una corona bien grande cuando los entierren.
Let me take the old general away with me and I'll send him back to you in the morning.
Déjame llevarme al viejo general conmigo y te lo enviaré en la mañana.
Then send him up right away!
¡ Hágalo subir enseguida!
Don't worry, Laura. I'll send him away.
No te preocupes, Laura.
Do you want I should send him away?
¿ Quién es?
The least one should do is send him to prison, and take away his license.
Lo menos que deberías hacer es mandarlo a la cárcel y quitarle el permiso.
And that fairy tale you invented to send lisa away with him.
Y el cuento sobre lisa.
Why don't they unscrew that guy... from his swivel chair and send him down here so we can get away from that dock?
¿ Por qué no destornillan al hombre... de su silla giratoria y lo envían aquí para que podamos alejarnos del muelle?

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