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She did it translate Spanish

6,098 parallel translation
She did it for her friend.
Lo hizo por su amiga.
Why... just because you say she did it?
¿ Por qué? ¿ Solo porque tú dices que lo hizo?
And she did it well, very well,
Y lo hizo bien, muy bien.
I didn't do it, she did it!
- Sí. ¡ Yo no fui, fue ella!
U-up until the moment she did it, I didn't think it would happen.
Hasta el momento en que lo hizo, no pensé que sucedería.
Without knowing she did it.
Sin que sepa que lo ha hecho.
Look, as far as they're concerned, she did it.
Mira, en lo que a ellos respecta, ella lo hizo.
As far as they're concerned, she did it.
En lo que a ellos respecta, ella lo hizo.
Tell me how she did it.
Cuéntame cómo lo hacía ella.
You're the reason she did it...
Tu eres la razón por la que lo hizo...
She did it, right?
Lo hizo, verdad?
No, she did it on her own.
No, lo hizo todo por sí misma.
She did it, Tom. I know, right?
Lo hizo, Tom. ¿ lo comprendes?
She did it, Tom.
Lo hizo, Tom.
She did it to herself.
- Quizás se lo provocó ella misma.
- You don't think she did it.
- Crees que no lo hizo.
I doubt she did it alone.
Dudo que lo haya hecho ella sola.
Yes. That's why she did it.
Sí, por eso lo hizo.
Did you see how she did it?
¿ Viste cómo lo hizo?
They need to know what she used and how she did it.
Tienen que saber qué usó y cómo lo hizo.
She was to die anyway. What did it matter?
Iba a morir de todas formas. ¿ Qué importaba?
- No, she did give it.
- No, me lo ha dado.
She knew if she did this that it'd hurt you...'cause you're a good man, Kevin.
Sabía que haciendo esto te haría daño... porque eres un buen hombre, Kevin.
If she wanted to deliver a message by cutting her own throat, I'm pretty sure she'd be confident you received it before she did.
Si quería dar un mensaje rebanándose la garganta, estoy seguro de que ella confiaba en que lo recibieses antes de que lo hiciese.
So I guess my question is, did she do it?
Así que supongo que mi pregunta es, ¿ lo hizo?
Did she do it?
Esa chica no es broma.
Did you hear what she just said? Let me play it back for you.
Déjame ponerlo de nuevo.
She made a point of letting me know that it did, so did it? Uh... Well, um...
Me dio a entender que sí, ¿ es cierto? Bueno,
She made a point of letting me know that it did, so did it?
Me dio a entender que sí, ¿ es cierto?
The room and Nicole cool off slower, making it seem like she died later than she actually did.
La habitación y Nicole se enfrían mucho más despacio, haciendo que parezca que murió más tarde de cuando en realidad pasó.
And then she was shot in Times Square, and no one saw who did it.
Y a ella le dispararon en Times Square y nadie vio quién lo hizo.
Why did she do it?
¿ Por qué lo hizo?
But she'll know I did it.
Pero sabrá que yo lo hice.
Juliette Barnes. Did she do it like this, hmm? - No.
Juliette Barnes. ¿ Lo hacía así? No. ¿ Sabes qué?
I knew it was gonna be a big hit, so I asked Rayna to sing it with me, and it blew up, and, uh, so did her album, as you can tell by how much tail she's kicking tonight.
Sabía que iba a ser un gran éxito, así que le pedí a Rayna que la cantara conmigo, y explotó, como hizo su disco, como podéis ver por la que está liando esta noche.
When it came down to it, she did everything she could to protect you.
hizo todo lo que pudo por protegerte.
She took it. Did you bring your car?
Lo cogió. ¿ Trajiste tu coche?
Of course it's terrible, but what did she think he was doing?
Claro que es terrible, pero que pensaba que estaba haciendo él?
She said she liked it rough and then when it did get rough she freaked out.
Dijo que le gustaba a lo bruto y cuando se puso así se asustó.
And the more I read it, the more I realize that what we went through is exactly what she did. Mm-hmm. So?
Y cuánto más lo leo, más me doy cuenta que por lo que hemos pasado es exactamente lo que le pasó a ella. ¿ Y?
The only question to be asked is whether the accused believed, on reasonable grounds, whether it was necessary in self-defence to do what he or she did.
La única pregunta es si el acusado creía tener motivos razonables, si era necesario como defensa hacer lo que hizo.
Did she say what it was?
¿ Te dijo qué era?
A lot of folks had it a whole lot worse than she did.
Mucha gente lo tuvo mucho peor que ella.
She thinks we did it.
Piensa que lo hicimos nosotras.
She did something a long time ago that changed her. _ - What is it?
Hace mucho tiempo hizo algo que la cambió. - ¿ Qué es eso?
I don't know, but I'm glad she did, cos with you not there, it gives me someone to talk to.
No lo sé, pero me alegro, porque sin ti, al menos tengo alguien con quien hablar.
She's claming that Bunny's late husband, Lance, did it.
Ella está diciendo que el difunto marido de Bunny, Lance, lo hizo.
Whatever she did to you, you have to fight it.
lo que sea que te haya hecho, tienes que pelearlo.
Gave it to me for good luck, she did.
Me lo dio para la buena suerte.
And she lost the battle as she often did with your father, but... she took peace in knowing that it was your middle name.
Y ella perdió la batalla como a menudo pasaba con tu padre, pero... le pareció bien al saber que ese era tu segundo nombre.
And when I wear it, it makes me want to help people like she did.
Y cuando la llevo puesta, hace que quiera ayudar a la gente como hacía ella.

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