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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ S ] / She did not

She did not translate Spanish

2,943 parallel translation
- She did not at all.
- Ella no lo hizo.
I swear, she did not give me a hand job.
Te juro que ella no me hizo una paja.
- She did not go awol.
- Ella no se ausentó sin permiso.
Oh, she did not sleep here last night.
Ella no durmió aquí anoche.
She did not make it clear.
No lo tenía claro.
She did not have two faces for the world.
No tenía dos caras para el mundo.
I'd always told her she should take a lover any time she felt me inadequate, just so long as she did not think of leaving Mark and Jo or me.
Yo siempre le había dicho que tomar un amante toda vez que me sintiera inadecuado siempre y cuando no pensara en dejar a Mark y a Jo o a mí.
No, she did not.
But she did not forgive me.
Pero no me perdonó.
No, she did not break up with me.
No, no rompió conmigo.
She did not have the decency to break up with me.
No tuvo la decencia de romper conmigo.
No, she did not use the metronome.
No, ella no utilizará el metrónomo.
If Helene swears she did not slaughter Bird Raymond, though we found him stiff and crooked in her pocket, then I must take her word for it and I ask we never speak of it again...
Si Helene jura que no asesinó al pájaro Raymond, aunque lo encontramos tieso y retorcido en su bolsillo, entonces debemos aceptar su palabra y pido que no hablemos nunca de ello.
She did not want to come to America.
Ella no quería venir a Estados Unidos.
She did not want to come to America. "
No quería venir a Estados Unidos ".
She did not say that.
No dijo eso.
- She did not.
- No ha llamado.
All I know is, she did not want to leave without me.
Lo único que sé es que ella no quería irse sin mí.
No,'cause, believe me, she did not see Vanessa this morning.
No, porque, créeme, no vió a Vanessa esta mañana.
She'll be deposed and she'll tell the truth as she remembers it, and she remembers she did not cheat.
La harán declarar y dirá la verdad tal como la recuerda, y lo que ella recuerda es que no lo engañó.
She did not, however, love to be monogamous.
Sin embargo, no le gustaba la monogamia.
She did not notice anything.
Ella no se dio cuenta de nada.
She did not burp me.
No lo hizo.
She did not rent a car, so someone either picked her up, or she took a cab.
No alquiló un auto. Asi es que alguien la recogió o tomó un taxi.
She did not even mention us.
Ni nos ha mencionado.
I'm not sure if she did.
No estoy seguro.
She's not Asian... Did you get that from the Taiwan "Touch Your Heart"?
No es asíatica,....... [Linea incompleta no pude adivinar que dice]
And if she did come back, it was to swim in my pool, not to mess with me.
Y si ella volvió, fue para nadar en mi piscina, no para verme a mí.
You know, whether she knew it or not, maybe Helen Garrett did give Dylan something.
Ya sabes, lo supiera ella o no, tal vez Helen Garrett dio algo a Dylan.
Did she not know how things are done?
Ya veo. ¿ Ella no sabía cómo debían ser las cosas?
At the'72 Olympics, Olga Korbut not only took home the gold, she did more to ease Cold War tensions than all the politicians and diplomats put together.
En las Olimpiadas del 72, Olga Korbut no solo llevo el oro a casa, hizo más para calmar las tensiones de la Guerra Fría que todos los políticos y los diplomáticos juntos
I had congress with Angela, and the child that she bore did not issue from my loins.
Practiqué el coito con Angela, y el niño que llevaba no salió de mis entrañas.
She came in with a balloon, which the jailers did not want to allow me to have, but I fought for that balloon because I love Nina Simone.
Vino con un globo, que lo guardias no querían autorizarme a tener, pero luche para ese globo porque amaba a Nina Simone.
Well, I'm not so sure she did, Arthur.
Bueno, no estoy segura de que sí, Arthur.
Did I not say she had one foot in, one foot out?
¿ Les dije o no que bateaba para los dos lados?
Um, did she not tell you?
¿ No te lo ha dicho?
Well, maybe she wanted our relationship to be more than I did, but that was on her end, not mine.
Bueno, quizá ella quería que nuestra relación fuera más de lo que yo quería, pero ese era su objetivo, no el mío.
Not that she did.
No que ella lo haya hecho.
Look, I'm not saying we're gonna be best friends anytime soon but... She did make me feel very good at dinner tonight.
Mira, no digo que vayamos a ser mejores amigos de momento, pero... me hizo sentir muy bien en la cena esta noche.
Now, if Lemon did not try to kill Zoe because she had an affair with George Tucker, then why, why did George and Lemon break up?
Ahora, si Lemon no intenta matar a Zoe porque tuvo una aventura con George Tucker, entonces ¿ por qué, por qué George y Lemon rompieron?
I did not feel scared of her, because I just thought she was one of my mom's friends, and, like, she was comforting.
No tenía miedo porque pensaba que ella era una amiga de mi mamá y me reconfortaba.
I'm not sure. Did she come to your house on Thursday night?
- No estoy seguro. - ¿ Ella fue a su casa el jueves a la noche?
But I did not give her the love that she... deserved.
Pero yo no le di el amor que... merecía.
They don't believe that she was ever in the car, the dogs did not react okay let's go back to Copenhagen if you can get anything out of that notebook, I'm sure that would lead him to Copenhagen
No creen que ella haya estado en el coche, los perros no reaccionaron. Vale, regresemos a Copenhague. Si puedes conseguir alguna cosa aparte de ese cuaderno, estoy segura de que le llevaría a Copenhague.
She hoped that you would go when you are done with her. But you did not.
Ella confiaba en que la dejarías cuando acabaras con ella, pero no lo hiciste.
- But I did not think she was alone.
- No tendría que haberlo pasado sola.
Now we may have a suspect, although I'm not so sure she did it all on her own.
Podemos tener una sospechosa, aunque no estoy seguro de que lo hiciera todo sola.
She did go back to work for the IRS, just not as an auditor.
Volvió al trabajo en Hacienda, pero no como auditor.
Right. I did not trust her enough because she voted for me twice.
Claro, no confié demasiado en ella porque me votó 2 veces.
I'm not gonna die like she did.
Yo no voy a morir como ella.
- No not at all, what did she say?
No, en absoluto, ¿ qué dijo?

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