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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ S ] / She did that

She did that translate Spanish

6,571 parallel translation
She did that?
¿ Ella dijo eso?
She did that for you.
Lo hizo por ti.
Where did she get that dress?
Dónde ha sacado ese vestido?
No way. Did you see the way she just dissed that Abercrombie guy?
De ninguna manera. ¿ Has visto la forma en que hizo volar a aquel tipo?
Good. That's good. What did she say?
Bien, que bien ¿ y ella que dijo?
How did she know that?
¿ Cómo lo supo?
[... ] that she did.
Creo que ella sí.
Why did she say that?
¿ Por qué dice eso?
She probably set you up from the beginning so she could get our money. - Did you even think about that, May?
Probablemente te engañó desde el principio para poder obtener nuestro dinero. ¿ Ya pensaste en eso, May?
She did not clarify whether that was a drug treatment center Or not, but that's what people are speculating.
No aclaró si era un centro de rehabilitación o no.
Okay, Mackenzie, how did that make you feel when she said that?
- Jodete... - Está bien, Mackenzie, ¿ cómo? ¿ Te hizo sentir cuando ella dijo eso?
That doesn't make anything that I did right, and I know it probably won't change her mind, but she needs to know and I just need to go and tell her right now.
Y eso no arregla lo que hice. Sé que probablemente no cambie de opinión, pero tiene que saberlo. ¡ Por favor, ve y díselo ahora!
All I'm saying is that if she did,
Solo digo que si se hiciera,
She killed herself... Did you know that?
Ella se suicidó... ¿ Sabías que?
When did she write that?
¿ Cuándo escribió eso?
It would be unfortunate if she did anything to jeopardize that.
Sería desafortunado si ella hiciera algo que la pusiera en peligro.
Yeah, well shouldn't she do that herself, hmm? She did.
Sí, bueno, ¿ no debería hacerlo ella misma?
Did she ever say that she had seen anything?
¿ Alguna vez ella dijo que vio algo?
She often did that. She liked to get fresh air.
Le gustaba tomar aire fresco.
What did she mean by that?
¿ Qué quiso decir con eso?
Did you forget that she seduced me and him into that threesome?
¿ Se te olvidó que ella nos sedujo, a mí y a él, para ese trío?
- Why did she have all that camo on her face?
¿ Por qué tenía tanto camuflaje en su cara?
They did s-something to me, to us, and that nurse, s-she... she was there.
Me hicieron algo a mí, a nosotros, y esa enfermera... estaba allí.
But to do what she did. And not leave a note or anything. That's something I'll never understand.
Pero hacer lo que hizo sin dejar ni una nota es algo que jamás voy a entender.
Cheri did something awful to them, that's why she left town.
Cheri les hizo algo horrible, por eso se fue de la ciudad.
What did she tell you that I've done?
¿ Qué les dijo ella?
Did you ever stop to think that maybe she's so fucked up because you are?
¿ Alguna vez has pensado que está así de desquiciada porque tú lo estás?
I was hoping you would take my word for it, that the service she did me was truly exceptional.
Esperaba que podría tomarme la palabra de que el servicio que me hizo fue verdaderamente excepcional.
Oh, I hope she takes that stupid bear, and she's like, "Oh, my baby daddy done did me wrong with Little Booboo."
Espero que tome a ese estúpido oso, y diga como, "mi papito me hizo cosas malas con el pequeño Bubu".
- Shia, did she tell you that?
- ¿ Shia, te dijo ella eso?
She's obviously stuck on whatever that guy did to her.
Ella esta claramente atascada en lo que fuera que ese tío le hiciese.
She did not deserve that!
¡ No se merecía eso!
to remove you from that tent, and that she did it all because she secretly wants to fuck you?
porque ella secretamente quiere follarte?
Did she also tell you that she refused?
¿ También te dijo que se negó?
So he rushed out after her, desperate to get the nerves up to talk to her for the first time, and then she did the thing that just owned him.
Así que corrieron en pos de ella, con lo nervios rotos hasta hablar con ella por primera vez, Y luego hizo lo que solo le pertenece.
Knowing that she got into bed with him every night, gave him a goodnight kiss and did what married couples usually do.
Sabiendo que se iba a la cama con él cada noche, le daba un beso de buenas noches y hacía lo que las parejas casadas hacen.
She didn't ask that, did she?
No preguntó eso, ¿ no?
She did not like it, okay, and I'm sure she has a very different memory of that evening.
A ella no le gusto, bien, y estoy segura que ella tiene un recuerdo muy diferente de esa tarde.
Did you see that look she just gave you?
¿ Has visto la mirada que acaba de echarte?
I guess that's why she drank like she did and took drugs because that's all part of the whole picture.
Creo que por eso bebía y se drogaba de esa manera quería ser como ellos.
The Albert Hall in London was the last concert, and Janis knew that Bob Dylan had sold out, and she was really excited about playing the Albert Hall, and she did sell out.
El Albert Hall en London fue el último concierto, y Janis supo que Bob Dylan lo había llenado completamente, y ella estaba emocionada de tocar ahí, y ella lo lleno.
That's one of the reasons she did heroin, was so she didn't have to be involved with everybody else's life.
para no adentrarse a la vida de los demás.
He loved her for what she did. And the sparks that she threw off. He had a right proper appreciation for what Janis was and what she had to offer.
La amaba por lo que hizo. y por las chispas que ella aventaba el apreciaba a Janis por lo que era y por aquello que ofrecía
And that moment happens the second she turns 35, which I just did.
Y ese momento resulta que es cuando se cumplen los 35, que yo acabo de cumplir.
No, she did not say that right.
- No, no lo dijo bien.
How did she come to that bizarre conclusion?
¿ Cómo llegó a esa extraña conclusión?
When did you speak to Alice? I just tried to grab her for a quick chat about things, you know, but she was too pressed even for that.
Sólo traté de detenerla para una rápida charla acerca de las cosas, ya sabes, pero estaba demasiado presionada incluso para eso.
- What did she think about that?
- ¿ Qué pensaba de eso?
It's no wonder that Amy turned out the way that she did.
No me extraña que Amy se volviera de la forma que lo hizo.
Well, that's more than she did.
Bueno, eso es más de lo que hizo ella.
But she said that she did not think I was ready to become a father.
Pero ella no consideraba que yo estaba listo para ser papá.

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