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She didn't come translate Spanish

1,356 parallel translation
She didn't come home after work.
No volvió del trabajo.
She didn't come?
¿ Ella no vino?
Why didn't she ever come during the trial? Tell her I love her. I'll take her far away, we'll be happy.
¿ Por qué no ha venido? que nos iremos lejos y seremos felices.
She didn't come as a student.
¿ No se presentó como eso?
You come with your love like Santa, she didn't ask for anything.
Le traes amor... La que da regalos, normalmente, es ella.
She didn't come down yet...
Ella no bajó todavía...
How come she's got my photo when she didn't go to that barbeque?
¿ Cómo consiguió estas fotos? Ni siquiera fue a esa parrillada.
- Maybe she didn't come at all.
- Tal vez pensó venir después a casa.
Don't know why she didn't come. Say goodbye, shed a few tears...
No sé por qué no ha venido a despedirse, a echar una lagrimita...
How come she's got the bullets in her body if you didn't fire the gun?
¿ Cómo es posible que esté llena de balas si no disparasteis su arma?
How come she didn't teach us how to play baseball?
¿ Como hizo para escondernos que jugaba Baseball?
No me dijo que fuera a venir aquí.
Why didn't she just come herself?
¿ Por qué no vino ella?
I hung around hoping she'd come back, but she didn't
Esperé para ver si regresaba, pero no lo hizo.
She didn't come, Fronsac.
Ella no vino, Fronsac.
She didn't come with you?
Why didn't she come back for me?
¿ Por qué no fue a buscarme?
Didn't she want to come?
¿ No quería?
- Why should she be? You didn't ask her to come back, and she didn't ask you if she could.
No le pides que vuelva y ella no te pregunta si puede volver.
Didn't she come home last night?
No volvio a casa ayer a la noche?
If I'm right, she's quite young. And money didn't come into it.
En cambio, yo pienso que es muy joven y que no tiene dinero.
I didn't think she'd come.
Pero creí que no me iba a hacer caso.
And I think she didn't come because she didn't think she'd be pretty enough.
Pero creo que no vino porque pensaba que no estaría lo bastante guapa.
She was upstairs with her coach and she wouldn't come down if she didn't feel she was ready for the scene.
Se quedaba arriba con su profesora, negandose a bajar si no se sentía preparada para la escena.
We waited for you but since you didn't come, mum got annoyed and Marta said she wanted the room to herself.
Te hemos esperado para ir a verla, pero como no has venido, mamá se ha enfadado y Marta me ha echado, dice que le toca un cuarto para ella sola.
She didn't come.
Ella no llegó.
Didn`t I come to your camp? She was here.
Eres un estúpido, Falwick.
She didn't want me to come over at all.
No quiso reunirse conmigo nunca más.
No, she didn't come home from school.
Aún no ha vuelto.
- Come on. You know she didn't kill him.
Por favor, sabes que ella no lo mató.
She didn't want to come.
No quería venir.
She didn't care enough to come to the thing.
Ni siquiera se molestó en venir.
She went under that chair and didn't come out.
Se fue debajo de esa silla y nunca mas salio.
When he didn't come home in the morning, she cabbed it down here.
Bernard estaba trabajando hasta tarde.
That's why I got worried when she didn't come home last night.
Por eso me preocupé anoche cuando no volvió a casa.
She went to the library to do a project for school, but when she didn't come home by 10 : 00, I just started calling her friends, but nobody saw her, so...
Había ido a la biblioteca por un proyecto escolar y cuando no regresó a las 10 : 00, empecé a llamar a sus amigos pero nadie la había visto, así que...
She didn't come to my trial.
No vino a mi juicio.
¿ Y cómo es que no nos ha dicho nada a nosotros?
She didn't even want a funeral, Janice, but can't you come sit with your family during this stressful time?
Ella no quería un funeral, pero ¿ no puedes acompañar a tu familia?
She didn't think anybody would come.
Pensaba que nadie asistiría.
They were suffering terrible anxieties and aggression, but Anna Freud was convinced she could free them from this by changing the world around them. She thought that she could come in and enter their environment essentially, because they were children you see and didn't have independent lives of their own, she could go talk to the parents or the mother, she could go to the schools, she could influence their real world,
Estaban sufriendo tremendas ansiedades y agresion pero Ana Freud estaba convencida que podia librarlos de ello cambiando el mundo a su alrededor ella creyo que podria llegar y uuhhmm... entrar en su ambiente esencialmente porque eran niños, no tenian vidas independientes,
Why didn't she come out?
¿ Porqué no salió?
- Why didn't she come in?
Ésta no ha salido bien ni para ti, ni para mí.
I knew this girl in high school smart enough but she didn't really come from anything.
Conocí a una chica en la secundaria muy lista pero en realidad no era de una buena familia.
I didn't come close to understanding the depth to which she resented me.
Aún no logro acercarme..... ni un poco a la profundidad de mi resentimiento.
Mimi said that she didn't think you'd come with us on the trip.
Mimi dijo que no hibas a acompañarnos en este viaje.
Why didn't you come forward when she died?
¿ Por qué no viniste con esa información cuando ella murió?
She didn't come home last night.
No vino a casa anoche.
When he didn't come back, she decided that every year... she'd enter those roses in a flower show.
Cuando no regresó, ella decidió que todos los años... inscribiría esas rosas en la exhibición floral.
We didn't pull the truck out,'cause we want you to come and be with her as long as she's awake.
No hemos movido la camioneta para que puedas estar con ella mientras siga despierta.
Why didn't she come to see us?
¿ Y por qué no ha venido?

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