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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ S ] / She didn't tell me

She didn't tell me translate Spanish

1,104 parallel translation
But she didn't want to tell me.
Pero no quiso decirme a mí.
She didn't tell me the door opened.
Ella no me dijo que la puerta se abrió.
She didn't tell me either.
A mi tampoco me dijo.
She didn't have to tell me.
- No hacía falta.
She didn't tell me.
Ella no me lo dijo.
She didn't tell me anything.
Ella no me dijo nada.
Well, why didn't she tell me?
¿ Y por qué no me lo dijo ella?
Didn't she tell me herself?
¿ No me lo dijo ella misma?
I'm 25 years older : I figured she didn't need that : Let me tell you something else :
Le llevo 25 años, supuse que no sería bueno para ella.
She didn't tell me some guy was gonna wait with her.
- Siéntate, muchacho. - ¿ Que me siente?
She didn't tell me about the clutch.
No me has dicho nada del embrague.
She also didn't tell me it was Mrs. Danvers.
Tampoco me dijo que se llamaba Sra. Danvers.
She didn't care. If that's the worst story you can tell about your wife, you must be a very happy man.
Esa es la peor historia que me has contado sobre tu esposa debes ser un hombre muy feliz.
You know our little friend in Saigon told me you were nuts, but she didn't tell me the half of it.
Nuestra amiguita de Saigón me dijo que estabas loco. No me lo dijo todo.
- She didn't tell me till after it was done.
- No me lo dijo hasta que estaba hecho.
.I wonder why she didn't tell me, though.
Me pregunto por qué no me lo dijo.
- You didn't tell me she was here.
- No me has dicho que estaba aquí.
No, no, she didn't tell me anything about it.
No me dijo nada.
She didn't tell me nothing.
Nunca me dijo nada.
I didn't have to tell you about her. She means nothing to me
Esa chica me da igual.
Francis, you didn't tell me about her. She's not mine, she belongs to him.
- Francis, ¡ qué callado lo tenías!
What you didn't tell me was how pretty she is.
Dijiste que era tan bonita.
You mean she didn't tell you about me and her, huh?
¿ Quieres decir que no te habló de lo nuestro?
She didn't tell me Laszlo would be joining us.
Ella no me había dicho que Laszlo también vendría.
Mom called--Why didn't she tell me?
Mamá llamó, ¿ por qué no me lo contó?
No, she didn't tell me.
No, ella no me lo dijo.
She didn't tell me. Some tea?
No me dijo. ¿ Quiere té?
She didn't tell me!
¡ Y no me lo ha contado!
Why the hell didn't she tell me?
- ¿ Por qué no me lo dijo?
Why didn't she tell me?
- ¿ Por qué no me lo dijo?
Mother wrote that you were engaged... but she didn't tell me who the lucky girl was.
Mamá me ha dicho que estás prometido... ... pero no ha querido decir quién es la afortunada.
Didn't you once tell me she used to work for you?
¿ No me dijo una vez que ella trabajaba para usted?
Oh, she - she paid me all right, but... what she didn't tell me was that she'd recorded our conversations.
Ella me pagaba. Pero no dijo que... grababa las conversaciones.
Tell me and you can leave I didn't give artificial respiration to Ju Ju... but she insisted that I did What?
dímelo y podrás irte no le di respiración artificial a Ju Ju... pero ella insistió que lo hiciera que?
She didn't tell me why.
No dijo a qué.
Gary, why didn't you tell me she read the personals?
Gary, ¿ por qué no me dijiste que leía la sección personal?
But didn't you tell me she died down there, more than ten years ago?
¿ No me habíais dicho que llevaba muerta allí abajo, más de diez años?
She told me I was being ridiculous and that they were having such a good time... she didn't want to spoil it, but that if I didn't tell Willy as soon as they got back, it would be all over between us.
Dijo que era absurdo. Se lo pasaban tan bien que no quería echarlo a perder. Pero si no se lo decía a Whili, al volver se habría acabado.
No. She didn't tell me anything, but thanks for the tip.
Ella no me ha dicho nada.
It was because she didn't tell me.
Fue porque no me lo dijo.
- She didn't tell me.
- ¿ Huyó con quién?
She didn't tell me where the police thought you were.
No me dijo dónde la policía cree que estás.
And she didn't tell me all my Iife.
Esperó hasta momentos antes de morir para contarme la historia.
And she didn't tell me anything either.
Y ella tampoco me dijo nada.
Oh, Michael, she's in terrible shape. Why didn't you tell me?
Mike, ella esta muy mal, ¿ Por qué no me lo dijiste?
She didn't come out and say it, but I can tell.
No me lo ha dicho, pero lo sé.
She didn't expect me to tell her she was just a liar.
No se esperaba que al final la tratara de mentirosa.
But why didn't you tell me she was coming by today?
Pero ¿ por qué tú no me has dicho que venía esa hoy?
You didn't tell me she was this beautiful. She's a woman, huh?
No dijiste que era tan linda.
She didn't even tell me.
Ni siquiera me lo dijo. - Mi propia hermana.
She didn't tell me she'd lost him.
No me dijo que lo había perdido.

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