She got pregnant translate Spanish
503 parallel translation
Then... she got pregnant, again... with my little sister, Mi-jung.
Después volvió a quedarse embarazada de mi hermana pequeña, Mi-jung.
Then it should come as no surprise that she got pregnant.
Entonces es posible que seas el padre del muchacho.
- She got pregnant at 16 years old.
- Se quedó embarazada, a los 16 años.
She got pregnant, that's what.
Ella se encontró en cinta.
She got pregnant because she had a lover.
María no pudo hacer todo ella sola.
We did it a lot after that... but then she got pregnant and had a kid.
Después lo hicimos algunas veces más. Y entonces se quedó preñada.
She got pregnant, and now she's gonna have the baby.
Ella está embarazada, y en este momento está por tener al bebé.
She got pregnant without doing it with anyone.
Quedó embarazada sin hacerlo con nadie.
He put handcuffs on her because she got pregnant... and he acts like she's some fallen woman.
El le puso esposas porque quedó embarazada... y actúa como si ella fuera una mujerzuela.
She got pregnant, and they sent her away.
Salió embarazada, y se la llevaron lejos.
I met this girl, she got pregnant and went back home to Alabama.
Conocí a una chica, se quedó embarazada y volvió a Alabama.
And she got pregnant and we never knew who the father was.
Y se embarazó y nunca supimos quien era el padre.
Then at 72, she got pregnant.
Entonces a los 72, quedó embarazada.
What if she got pregnant?
¿ Y si se queda embarazada?
- No, she got pregnant.
- No, ella quedó embarazada.
She got pregnant again and look what happened.
Se embarazó otra vez y mire lo que pasó...
She got pregnant, so this morning, she made me marry her, and this afternoon, we had seven kids.
Se quedó embarazada. Esta mañana m'he casado con ella y esta tarde he tenido siete hijos.
She got pregnant.
Se quedó embarazada.
Maybe she got pregnant by accident?
Quizá se embarazó por accidente? .
And then when she got pregnant so quickly, I didn't want to take any more risks.
Luego, quedó embarazada tan rápido, que no quise correr más riesgos.
They were, like, this great couple, then bada-boom, bada-bing, she got pregnant.
- Cállate. - ¿ Qué? Solo estoy siendo honesta.
She got pregnant on the job.
Quedó embarazada trabajando.
He wouldn't marry her though. Not even after she got pregnant.
Pero él no se quería casar, ni siquiera después de que se embarazó.
You think that's how she got pregnant? Rape?
¿ Crees que se quedó embarazada tras la violación?
Yeah, she got pregnant, we had to get married...
Sí, se quedó embarazada, y hemos tenido que casarnos.
She got pregnant.
Se embarazó.
And the very next week she got pregnant.
Y a la siguiente semana, se embarazó.
Then she got pregnant.
Ella quedó embarazada.
When he returned, out of fear that he'd find out what she was doing she got back to him and remained pregnant.
Cuando él volvió, del miedo que tuvo al recibir la noticia de lo que había hecho... se reunió con él, y se quedó embarazada.
What's camomile tea got to do with it, she says she's pregnant?
¿ Una manzanilla? ¿ Para qué?
She spent the night with the colonel's son... and got pregnant.
Fue a dormir con el hijo del coronel... y terminó preñada.
The facts are that an under housemaid, in whom you seem to taking a quite extraordinary interest, got herself pregnant around about the time she came here.
El asunto es que una criada por la que usted tiene un extraordinario interés... ha quedado embarazada estando aquí.
She came from Charente. I got her pregnant. By accident, of course!
Cometí el error de dejarla embarazada.
She said I got pregnant that first time with Emilia... because I wanted to prove to everybody... that you weren't gay.
Ha dicho que me quedé embarazada de Emilia... porque quería demostrarles a todos... que no eras homosexual.
I'd told her I was Teddy Novak... So she couldn't track me down if I got her pregnant.
Le dije que era Teddy Novak, así no podría encontrarme si la dejaba embarazada.
She's pregnant with my child, and I've got to get her back.
Ella está esperando mi hijo, y tengo que recuperarla.
When Claire got pregnant she was very young... she was 16.
Cuando Claire se embarazó, era muy joven... tenía 16 años.
she got herself pregnant?
- ¡ Papi! - ¡ ¿ Oh sí, ella se embarazó a sí misma?
She said, "You shouldn't have got pregnant in the first place."
Dijo, "No deberías haber quedado embarazada."
Billie Anne's gonna have a shit fit when she finds out I got Mrs Marlow pregnant.
Billie Anne me matará cuando sepa lo del embarazo de la Sra. Marlow.
You know, I never told you but... when your mom told me that she was pregnant and we were having you, I went out and got roaringly drunk.
Mira, nunca te lo había dicho, pero... cuando tu madre me dijo que estaba embarazada y que íbamos a tenerte, salí y me pillé una cogorza de campeonato.
My mother got pregnant with me when she was 17.
CAFETERÍA CALLE 51 VIERNES 14 DE JUNIO Mi madre quedó embarazada de mí a los 17 años.
I mean, last year she got pregnant and instead of having an abortion or putting the baby up for adoption, she's raising him at home.
Está bien. ¿ Recuerdas lo que te dije?
Well, no wonder she never told her father who got her pregnant.
Ya entiendo por qué nunca le dijo a su padre quién la embarazó.
She would've got rid of me, but she mistook being pregnant for the menopause.
Habría abortado... pero confundió el embarazo con la menopausia.
I was already pregnant when she got married, But not abandoned my parents Never would have made me surrender dispelled my saário A man who needed it.
Yo ya estaba preñada cuando me casé, pero no abandoné a mis padres, jamás les hubiera hecho la guarrada de darle mis jornales a un hombre que no los necesitaba.
I don't know, whatever, she got herself pregnant.
Bueno... Se quedó embarazada.
She never got pregnant.
No estaba embarazada.
She's got pain in her lower left side and she's not pregnant?
¿ Dolor en costado izquierdo sin embarazo?
She had this whole thing planned before she even got pregnant.
Lo tenía todo planeado incluso antes de quedar embarazada.
She was pregnant and got rid of it.
Estaba preñada y se deshizo de ello.
she got 31
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got out 26
she got it 33
she got away 43
pregnant 250
she goes 59
she gone 24
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got out 26
she got it 33
she got away 43
pregnant 250
she goes 59
she gone 24
she gave me 22
she gets 19
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17
she gets 19
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17