She got out translate Spanish
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And then Tuesday morning, she said she thought she saw him when she got out of yoga.
Y luego, el martes por la mañana creyó verlo cuando salía de Yoga.
And I thought it would be nice for her to visit when she got out.
Y pensaba que estaría bien que ella me visitara cuando saliera.
- Do you think she got out? - She can't get out.
- ¿ Crees que salió?
She got out of their car!
- ¡ Ella se bajó del auto, Marek!
And to prove we were right, the judge let her go. She got out of prison.
Y para probar que estabamos en lo correcto, el juez la liberó.
She got out of the car...
Salió del coche...
Let's find out where she got it.
Averigüemos de dónde los sacó.
Looks like she just got out of bed.
Parece como si se acabara de levantar de la cama.
Got choked until she passed out. By some real cop with a real billyclub.
Fue estrangulada... hasta matarla, por un policía de verdad, con una cachiporra de verdad.
She really took to Jake, so we got to know her, really went out of our way, even brought her home for dinner.
Ella nos llevó a Jake Así que teníamos que conocerla. realmente nos quitaron del medio, hasta la invitamos a cenar a casa.
Must've got out. Where is she? Kelly, don't do this.
Debe haber salido. - ¿ Dónde está ella?
Bet you if you checked her out, you'd find out she's got a big old retrograde uterus in there.
Y hombros de punta. Y si la examinas encontrarás que tiene un útero viejo y retraido.
We got her hormones straightened out, and she was right back on the happy track in no time.
Tuvimos que normalizar sus hormonas, y volvió a la normalidad rápidamente.
Yeah, they check out, but across three accounts, she's got $ 209.
Sí, comprobados, pero sumando tres cuentas, ella tiene 209 $.
She just got out of hospital, for fuck's sake.
Ella ya está fuera del Hospital, por el amor de la ostia.
Ex-girlfriend, she left it here a few months back, and I just never got around to throwing it out.
Una ex novia, se lo dejó aquí hace unos meses, y nunca lo he tirado.
I got home and she was out of her mind, desperate, aggressive, shouting, " Where were you?
Cuando llegué, estaba como loca, desesperada. Me preguntó : "¿ Dónde estabas?"
Since you didn't sleep with her, and Virginia didn't knock her out with the TV, she never got caught, and was free to find other prey.
Dado que no te acostaste con ella y Virginia no la golpeó con el televisor, nunca la atraparon y quedó libre para atrapar otra presa.
I'm sure she's got a perfectly good reason to be sneaking out of Terra Nova through a drainage ditch covered in brushthorn.
Estoy seguro de que tiene una buena razón para salir a escondidas de Terra Nova a través de una tubería de desagüe cubierta de maleza de espinos.
Once Mira finds out about the convoy, she'll be on it with everything she's got.
Una vez que Mira sepa sobre el convoy, se lanzará sobre él con todo lo que tenga.
When we got to Egypt, she gave out after dinner.
Cuando llegamos a Egipto, quedó agotada después de la cena.
I did such a good job of convincing my ex What a great life I was living that she got a lawyer to come out for me ♪
Hice un trabajo genial convenciendo a mi ex la genial vida que estaba viviendo que se consiguió un abogado que vino a mí pidiendo más pensión.
When she said she wanted to take out old beehive, I said, "Now, there's something we've got in common."
Cuando dijo que quería eliminar a la vieja colmena dije : "Tenemos algo en común".
She's got no bail-out!
¡ No tiene tanque auxiliar!
Allright look, we got into an argument then she run out.
Tuvimos una pelea, y se fue.
She's got you out of this mess.
Te sacó de este desastre.
When she finally got back to the office, she kicked off her shoes, opened the windows and shouted out,
Cuando ella finalmente regresó a la oficina, se quitó los zapatos, abrió las ventanas y gritó :
You've got better thing to do than waiting for Lulu rolled out her ass until she get discharged.
Usted tiene una mejor cosa que hacer que esperar a que Lulu lanzó su culo hasta que se descargan.
As soon a she said the dark one's name, she was up and she got the hell out of there.
Tan pronto mencionó el nombre del siniestro... se marchó de inmediato.
I had just gotten out of the Army, and, you know, when we first got married, she went and got pregnant and never even asked me.
Yo acababa de salir del Ejército y apenas nos casamos, se embarazó sin preguntarme nada.
I got that half-a-crook trying to win a bet, this twisted fuck Mike, and that prison retirement woman who's so whacked out she won't show up so I can give her a check.
Tengo a este petizo ladrón tratando de ganar una apuesta, al loco de mierda de Mike, y a la mujer del pensionado de caballos para convictos, que está tan chiflada que ni siquiera aparece para que pueda darle el cheque.
Well, maybe she got the flat tire from running over her phone with a toothache and the dentist's anesthetic knocked her out.
Bueno, quizás tuvo un pinchazo porque le pasó por encima a su teléfono con una molestia en la muela y la anestesia del dentista la desvaneció.
Any idea how to find out what kind of shot she got?
¿ Alguna idea de cómo averiguar que tipo de inyección recibió?
I-I only went over there to tell her that she couldn't have you, and it just got out of control.
Sólo fui allí para decirle que no podría tenerte, y todo se salió de control.
... kill you. She got possessed out in these woods.
Fue poseída en el bosque.
She's got away but how do we get her to come out?
Ella se escapó pero ¿ cómo hacemos para que salga?
She'll wonder why I've got the case out at all.
Se preguntará por que tengo la caja fuera.
She got the knife out for me?
¿ Me tiene en la mira?
She's got it all figured out.
Fijo a todos.
Got out before she shut down.
Se salió antes de que la cerraran.
Lily hates it, and she'd throw it out if she got her hands on it.
Lily la odia, y la tiraría a la basura si cayera en sus manos.
She said she was just burning all my first editions, but it got a little out of control.
Dijo que solo quería quemar mis primeras ediciones pero se le fue de control.
She just got out of surgery!
¡ Acaba de salir de quirófano!
Tammy figured out where she got it.
Tammy ha descubierto de dónde lo sacó.
Tammy figured out where she got it.
Tammy descubrió de dónde la obtuvo.
One of the good things about my mom finding out that she only had a little time left... Was that we got to say goodbye to each other.
Una de las cosas buenas sobre mi madre que aprendí en el poco tiempo que a ella le quedaba fue que nosotras teníamos que decirnos adiós la una a la otra.
It's good you trust her, because the other thing that came out of the conversation is, she's still got it bad for you.
Es bueno que confías en ella, porque la otra cosa que salió de la conversación, que todavía tiene que malo para usted.
I always check out this little telephone desk she's got.
Siempre reviso esta mesita de teléfono que tiene.
She just got here. I'm not talking about kicking her out of town.
No estoy hablando de echarla de la ciudad.
She said she'd got rid of it, she'd got it all out.
Ella me dijo que se deshizo de él, que lo había quitado todo.
She figured out what she got herself into the moment she saw my gun.
Se dio cuenta de en qué se había metido ni bien vio mi arma.
she got 31
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got pregnant 32
she got it 33
she got away 43
got out 28
outside 883
outer 19
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got pregnant 32
she got it 33
she got away 43
got out 28
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of my sight 38
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of my sight 38
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
outta here 19
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
outta here 19