Sleep with him translate Spanish
1,149 parallel translation
- Did you sleep with him?
- ¿ Te acostaste con él?
- Did you sleep with him?
¿ Te acostaste con él?
I hardly ever sleep with him. Really?
Acostándome con él lo menos posible.
No, no he dormido con el.
Well, you can't arrest a man because his wife won't sleep with him.
No puedes arrestar a un hombre porque su esposa no quiere dormir con él.
If she was going to kill him..... why would she sleep with him first?
Si iba a matarlo ¿ por qué dormiría con él primero?
and have him fall madly in love with me and drive him crazy... by refusing to sleep with him until he tells me how to make a hydrogen bomb.
... y hacer que se enamore locamente de mí y enloquecerlo negándome a tener sexo hasta que me diga cómo hacer una bomba de hidrógeno.
"I do sleep with him, quite normally"
Sí me acuesto con él, es una relación bastante normal.
I was the only girl who wouldn't go to sleep with him.
Fui la única que no quiso acostarse con él.
I will not sleep with him, I just want him dizzy.
No voy a acostarme con él, sólo quiero marearle.
But I didn't want any problems, so I decided not to sleep with him.
Pero no quería ningún problema, así que decidí no dormir con el.
- Enough to sleep with him?
¿ Lo suficiente como para acostarte con él?
Sleep with him!
¡ Acuéstate con él!
If you sleep with him, I'll kill him.
Si te acuestas con él, te mato.
- You're asking rne to sleep with him?
- ¿ Me pide que me acueste con él?
I do not want to sleep with him. Wait a second.
Karla, ¿ me ayudarías a ir por sillas al cuarto de mis padres?
First, you and Dad tell me not to sleep with him, then you tuck him in the next bedroom?
Primero me dicen que no duerma con él y ahora lo pones en el cuarto de al lado.
I wouldn't sleep with him so he found somebody that would.
Yo no quería tener sexo con él, así que buscó alguien que sí lo hiciera.
Well, you sleep with him, you might as well eat like him.
Si duermes con él, ya puedes comer como él.
Will you sleep with him?
Entonces, ¿ dormirás con él?
One day he made me sleep with him.
Un día él me hizo dormir con él.
I won't sleep with him, no matter who he is.
¡ No me pienso acostar con él!
Jane Fonda won't sleep with him, he runs to a typewriter :
Jane Fonda no quiere dormir con él, entonces corre a una máquina de escribir :
She should sleep with him.
Ella debería de acostarse con él.
- Sleep with him?
- ¿ Acostarse con él?
- You're not gonna sleep with him, are you?
- Tu no te estás acostando con el verdad?
You didn't sleep with him ever, did you?
No te acostaste con él, ¿ verdad?
Hell, he's a great-looking guy. For a million bucks, I'd sleep with him.
Por un millón, yo me acostaría con éI.
My son says... you often refuse... to sleep with him.
Mi hijo me dice que a menudo te niegas a dormir con él.
- You sleep with him?
- ¿ Te acuestas con él?
Did you sleep with him just to humiliate me?
¿ Dormiste con él para humillarme?
I told him I wasn't gonna sleep with him.
Le dije que no me quería acostar con él.
Don't sleep with him on the first date.
No duermas con el en la primera cita.
Please, promise me you won't sleep with him on the first date.
Por favor, prométeme que no dormirás con él en la primera cita.
Excuse me. Never sleep with that man, never loan him money, never believe a word he tells you.
Disculpe, nunca se acueste con él, no le preste dinero... y nunca crea una sola palabra de lo que le diga.
A fine warhorse would sleep in a Bedouin's tent, carry him in battle, feed his children with her milk.
Un buen caballo guerrero duerme con su amo, va con él a la batalla, la leche de su yegua alimenta a sus hijos.
Zap him with 250 mils of happy juice until he crashes out. Just get him to sleep.
Dale 250 mililitros... de morfina hasta que se duerma.
Regarding sleep, I have spoken with him, seemed to be alive, would you call?
Respecto al sueño, he hablado antes con él, parecía estar vivo, ¿ le llamo?
the turtle is a member of the reptile family and it's got this hard, protective shell... ( he raps on it )... which keeps predators away and provides him with his own house for when he sleep. And he's got these teeny tiny little legs, which makes him move real slow.
la tortuga es un miembro de la familia de los reptiles y posee este duro caparazón como protección, que mantiene a raya a los depredadores y le proporciona su propia casa cuando duerme.
l slept with him, yeah, and I'll sleep with anybody that comes up with $ 5.
Sí, me acosté con él, y lo haré con cualquiera que traiga $ 5.
'tis a custom with him I'th'afternoon to sleep ;
Tiene por costumbre dormir la siesta.
Which leads me to believe Allen freed Milgrim and did the bank job with him, both times using the sleep gimmick.
Por ello, creo que soltó a Milgrim e hizo lo del banco con él, usando ambas veces el truco del sueño.
- your literature professor oh yes i know you shouldnt get mixed up with him people will think you sleep with him to get a better grade people are disapointing let me intruduce you to Mark i dont want to get involved with anyone right now
¿ A quién? A tu profesor de literatura. Ah, sí...
It would be in your interest to sleep with him.
Te podrías acostar por interés.
Anyway, I didn't even sleep with him.
- Todavía.
Not enough to sleep with him.
- No tanto como para acostarme con él.
Sleep with me tonight, and I'll show you where to find him.
Duerme conmigo esta noche y te mostraré dónde encontrarlo. ¿ Sí?
You asked me to sleep with you to drive him crazy
Cuando me pedistes... dormir contigo para volverlo loco
I told him his wife came on to me at the Christmas party, but no amount of liquor would make me sleep with that porker!
Le dije de la vez que su esposa se me insinuó en la fiesta de navidad, pero que no hay tanto licor como para que duerma con ella.
You mean, did she sleep with him?
¿ Pregunta si dormían juntos?
Well, let him sleep with yours. That ought to be the end of him.
Bueno, deja que duerma con la tuya, eso lo terminara.
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sleep on it 52
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sleepy 100
sleepover 18
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