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Stay with it translate Spanish

1,690 parallel translation
Stay with it.
Quédate con el.
Know more, stay with it.
Sabes que más, quedate con ella
Stay with it, baby.
Mantente, cariño.
Stay with it.
Sigue ahí.
Stay with it. See it through.
No pular fora, ir até ao fim.
You know, he wants you to stay with him, but it's not his choice.
Quiere que te quedes con él, pero la decisión no es suya.
It is filled with gay and transvestites. Look, I know that there are many problems with the churches of Negroes but is a way I can stay connected with my childhood and my education.
Sé que has tenido muchos problemas con la iglesia negra, pero es un modo de estar conectado a mi infancia y a mi educación.
You know, for someone that wants to stay close to Nathan, spending time with the guy that drove you apart is a hell of a way to show it.
Sabes, para alguien que quiere estar cerca de Nathan, pasar tiempo con el chico que te apartó de él es una manera grandiosa de demostrarlo.
I have it worked out. I'll stay with Ben and Michael until I get a place of my own.
No te preocupes, ya tengo un sitio donde estar
Well, I'm willing to give it all up and stay here with you. But if I do that, I need to know we're gonna get married.
Bueno, estoy pensando en abandonar todo y quedarme contigo pero si hago eso, necesito saber que quieres casarte.
So I'm willing to give it all up and stay here with you.
Así que estoy dispuesto a darlo todo y quedarme aquí contigo.
And she said, Glenn, that it chimed brilliantly with stay-at-home mums like her.
Y dijo, Glenn, que esa idea encajaba perfectamente con madres que trabajan en casa como ella.
- You're gonna show up at the restaurant. I'll ask you to join us. That way it'll stay casual, and I'll go home with you instead of him.
Llegas al restaurante, te pido que nos acompañes, lo mantenemos todo casual y regreso contigo y no con él.
But the memory of it will stay with me
Pero el recuerdo ligado a eso estará conmigo
It might allow some of the females to stay with the males.
Puede que algunas hembras se queden con los machos.
But if it comes up tails, both of you will stay with me. Are we clear?
Pero, si sale cruz, tendrán que acompañarme los dos. ¿ Sí?
If you want stay stingy, then do it with your men alone.
hazlo tú solo con tus hombres. ¿ Lo entiendes?
It's not possible, if I stay with you my father will cut me off, I'll get nothing.
No es posible si me quedo contigo mi padre me cortará la asignación, no tendré nada
- Is it, why does he stay with the legal part?
- ¿ Por que el es la parte legal?
why it does not stay with the sack sleeping
Por que no se queda con la bolsa de dormir?
You know, when I was a kid it seemed natural... that a grown man would stay up nights with catgut... and steel wire, pliers and scissors, and make little catapults.
Sabes, cuando era pequeño parecía natural que un hombre adulto se pasase las noches en blanco con tripas, alambre de acero, alicates y tijeras, haciendo pequeñas catapultas.
Stay with the car. Keep it running.
Quédate en el auto y no lo apagues.
i say you stay here and live with us. come on, i can talk to my mom. we can figure something out. it'll be all right.
Es decir, quédate a vivir aquí con nosotros. Vamos, puedo hablar... con mi mamá. Podemos encontrar una forma.
Can stay in it and burn with it all the way to the ground, you can jump from several thousand feet, or you can take the quick and painless way out.
Pueden quedarse dentro y quemarse hasta tocar tierra pueden saltar desde varios miles de pies o pueden optar por la salida más rápida y menos dolorosa.
You guys stay here and make sure nobody messes with it.
Quédense aquí y asegúrense de que nadie altere nada.
It will stay with me till you calm down.
La guardaré hasta que te calmes.
I'm gonna stay here with Petey... but I'll give you guys a call and see how it went.
Yo me quedaré aquí con Petey... pero llamaré para ver cómo fue.
It's a pleasure to have you here with us, Red... and I know you're gonna enjoy your stay.
Es un placer tenerlo aquí con nosotros, Redd... y sé que disfrutaran la estadía.
We'll stay with this story as it develops.
Daremos más información enseguida.
If you cooperate, we could see to it that Mr. Garcia could stay here with your family.
Si coopera, podríamos ver que el señor Garcia se quede aquí con su familia.
It's, uh, where a bunch of men and women who are afraid to ever meet face-to-face stay up all hours of the night chatting with people they don't know'cause it feels safer than actually having to talk to them in... in person.
- Es donde hombres y mujeres que temen conocerse cara a cara pasan la noche chateando con gente que no conocen. Porque... se siente más seguridad que tener que hablar con ellos en persona.
Eh? How can I stay with him if he doesn't want it?
¿ Cómo puedo estar con él si no lo quiere?
Then I'll stay and take care of it with you.
Entonces me quedaré y lo haremos juntos.
Joey with Wanda, trying to stay clean in the middle of all that craziness. It just...
Joey con Wanda, intentando estar a gusto en medio de toda esa locura...
I'd really like it if you'd come stay with me.
Realmente me gustaría si vinieras a quedarte conmigo.
It's just somebody's got to stay at home and have dinner with grandma.
Es que alguien se tiene que quedar en casa y cenar con la abuela.
Which is why you should stay here until it's over and done with.
Por eso debe quedarse aquí hasta que haya acabado.
That's it, stay awake. Stay with us, Sir John.
Quédese con nosotros, Sir John, con nosotros.
Is it okay if I stay with her?
¿ Está bien si me quedo con ella?
Well, Johnny got put on the Pac West tour and Chili said he was going to go with him so it just seemed kind of stupid to stay at Union by myself.
Bueno, Johnny se va en gira con Pac West y Chili dijo que iría con él así que me parecía algo estúpido quedarme sola en Union.
Stay it alerts with Sloan.
Mantente alerta con Sloan.
- I'll stay on it with State.
Lo arreglaré con Estado.
And if you want to stay here with us While you're dealing with whatever it is We would love to have you.
Y si quieres quedarte aquí con nosotros mientras te enfrentas a lo que sea que tengas que enfrentarte, nos encantaría que te quedaras aquí.
So it's up to you- - stickers for prizes or stay with me after school.
Entonces queda en Uds... calcomanías por premios o se quedan conmigo después de clase.
If it's too creepy, he may have to stay with Babette.
Si es demasiado horrible, tendrá que quedarse con Babette.
But you have to stay, together with your family, the way it was supposed to be.
pero tienes que quedarte con tu familia, como tiene que ser
- Stay with me. - Jack, go get it. Stay with me.
Quédate conmigo.
It was nice to see Joy so happy to beher kids, but that's because they were leaving her alone for a week- - going with Crab Man to stay at his mom's.
Fue agradable ver a Joy tan feliz al despedir a los chicos, pero eso era solo porque los chicos se iban solos por una semana completa. Se iban con Cangrejo a la casa de su madre.
That it goes deeper than blood. That it starts with friendship. And it comforts me to know that although she was taken far too soon... what she left me with will stay with me forever.
Que es más profundo que la sangre que comienza con la amistad y me conforta saber que aunque se fue demasiado pronto lo que ella me dejó se quedará conmigo para siempre.
I think it's gonna be a kick having susan and julie stay with us.
Creo que va a ser fascinante tener a Susan y a Julie con nosotros.
Stay with me, it's gonna come to me.
Esperen, ya lo recordaré.

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